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weaponless; except if one counted their innate repulsiveness。 However; they could inflict serious damage with their claws; and just now one of the Scouts wanted to demonstrate that fact to Rand。

Rand shot the Cyclone forward at the Scout's first swipe; its claw striking the sand with a loud crunching sound。 〃Okay; but…Um going to be submitting a bill for damages!〃 he called over his shoulder as a second creature gave pursuit。

Rand's previous questions concerning the Cyclone's capabilities were soon to be answered。 The three Invid were gaining on him; and ready or not he was going to have to put the cyc through its paces。 He took a deep breath and kicked in the turbochargers。 Instantaneously the Cyclone took off like a shot; living up to its namesake while Rand struggled to retain control。 The Scouts meanwhile gave up their ground…shaking run and took to the air; thrusters carrying them overhead; pincer arms poised for the embrace that killed。

Their prey; however; had managed to overe his initial ineptitude and was now leaning the Cyclone through a series of self…imposed twists and turns along the featureless sands; a tactic that more than once brought the Scouts close to midair collisions with one another。

〃Just lemme know if you're gettin' tired!〃 Rand shouted above the roar of the mecha。 He laughed over his shoulder and threw the Scouts a maniacal grin; but when he turned again to face forward he found trouble ahead。 Something was approaching him fast; kicking up one heck of a dust storm。 Two of the Invid were moving into flanking position; and it suddenly occurred to Rand that he would soon be surrounded。

Scott Bernard felt two emotions vying for his attention when he saw the Cyclone rider and the Invid Scouts: elation that he had found one of his Mars Division rades and rage at the sight of the enemy。 He couldn't figure out why the rider wasn't reconfiguring but knew that the situation called for immediate action。 Lowering the helmet visor; he engaged the mecha's turbos。 For a moment the Cyclone was up on its rear wheel; then it went fully airborne。 At the same time; Scott's mind instinctively found the vibe that allowed it to interface with the cycle's Protoculture systems。

Helped along by the imaging Scott's mind fed the Cyclone via the helmet 〃thinking cap;〃 the mecha began to reconfigure。 The windscreen and helmet assembly flattened out; the front wheel disengaged itself from the axle and swung back and off to one side。 The rear wheel; along with most of the thruster pack; rode up; while other ponents; including the wheel…mounted missile tubes; attached themselves to Scott's hip; leg; and forearm armor。 In the final stage of mechamorphosis; he resembled some kind of airborne armored backpacker whose gear just happened to include two solid rubber tires and a jet pack。

Scott let the thruster carry him in close to the Invid Scouts before bringing his forearm weapons into play…twin launch tubes that carried small but deadly Scorpion missiles。 Right arm outstretched now; palm downward; he raised the tubes' targeting mechanism; centered one of the Scouts in the reticle; and loosed both missiles。 They streaked toward their quarry with a deadly sibilance (Scott's armor protecting him from their backlash); narrowly missed Rand; and caught the Invid ship square in the belly; scattering pieces of it across the sands。

The unarmored Cyclone rider went down into a long slide while Scott took to the ground to dispatch his remaining pursuers。 Once in their midst; he dodged two claw swipes before launching himself over the top of his would…be assailant。 Another missed swipe and a second leap landed him atop one of the pair; he leapt up again and came down for the kill; firing off a single Scorpion from the left forearm launch tubes。 While the Invid was engulfed by the ensuing explosion; Scott put down to deal with the last of them。

The thing tried to crush him with its foot; but Scott rolled away from it in time。 Likewise; he dodged a right claw and jumped up onto the Invid's head。 The Scout brought its left up now; almost in a gesture of puzzlement; but Scott was already gone。 He toyed with the Invid for a minute more; allowing it another shot at him before polishing it off with the remaining Scorpion; which the Scout took right through its red optic scanner。

The Cyclone rider was still on the ground beneath his overturned mecha when Scott approached。 〃They're not really as tough as they look; are they?〃 he said to the bewildered red…haired civilian。

〃Hombre; you're really something else in a battle;〃 the man returned; his bushy eyebrows arched。

Scott raised the faceshield of his helmet。 〃The Cyclone does the work;〃 he said humbly。

〃Yeah; it's quite a rig;〃 said Rand。 He got up; dusted himself off; and righted the cycle; marveling at it once again。 〃You are a Forager?〃 he asked Scott warily。 〃Some kinda one…man army?〃

〃You might say that;〃 Scott began。 〃Now listen…〃

〃It's the first time I ever actually rode one of these things!〃 Rand interrupted。

〃I need some information…〃

〃I'll bet I could modify this to go twice the speed!〃 Rand was on his knees now; fidgeting with this and that。 〃Look at this control setup! I can't wait to try to reconfigure it!〃

〃Just where the hell are we; outlaw?〃 Scott managed at last。 But when even that failed to elicit a response; he reached over the Cyclone and grabbed Rand by the shirtfront。 〃I'm talking to you; pal。 Where'd those Scouts e from? Is there an Invid hive around here?〃

Rand began to struggle against the mecha's hold; and Scott let him go。 He was a scrappy kid but might make a decent partner。

Rand backed off; arms akimbo。 〃What do I look like; some kind of travel agent? I don't make a habit of asking them where they hail from…you just look up and there they are。 I hate those things!〃

〃Take it easy;〃 Scott told him harshly。 He explained about the ill…fated invasion force and their abortive attempts at securing a groundside front。

〃I didn't think you were from around here;〃 Rand said; somewhat relieved。 〃Admiral Hunter; huh?〃 It was as if Scott had mentioned George Washington。

〃Ancient history; I suppose。〃

Rand shrugged。 〃I'
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