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A dazzling; searing beam of light erupted from Greyanna's hand。 It slashed across Pharaun's face; and he closed his eyes just in time to keep it from blinding him。 It was painful nonetheless; but his own defenses kept it from burning his face off。
The other priestess flailed at him with a sizzling bolt of lightning。 As it was one of his own favorite forces to mand; it hardly seemed fair。 He stiffened with the shock for a moment or two; and the magic lost its grip on him。
He feared the spasm had cost him precious time。 By the time it passed; he thought the priestesses were surely in the process of casting new spells; but when he looked at the lesser of the two she wasn't creating any magic。 She'd dropped her suddenly blank scroll on the ground and was rooting in her leather pouch; presumably for another means of magical attack。
Clasping a bit of coal and a tiny dried eyeball held in a little vial; Pharaun created an effect。 Power sighed and rippled through the air; and a mass of darkness appeared around the female's head; blinding her。
The wizard's thoughts flew apart once more; then reassembled themnotselves。 He rounded on Greyanna。 She was still clutching her scroll; evinotdently still casting from it。 He began to conjure; and she; evidently uncertain of the parchment's power to protect her; tore open the bag。
It had occurred to Pharaun that the sack might have more spores in it; but he'd assumed they would produce more skeletons。 This time; though; the glittering motes burst in midair; swelling into ugly little beasts resemnotbling a cross between a bat and a mosquito。
The stirges swirled around him; jabbing at him with their proboscises; striving to drink his blood。 They interfered with the motion of his hands and so spoiled his conjuration。 He restored his weight and fell back to the ground; where Ryld; beset by clinking skeletons on all sides; beheaded one with a sudden cut。 One of the twins edged toward him but balked when the big male pivoted in his direction。
Pharaun slammed down on the street。 Trailing chattering stirges; he sprinted toward the fallen Relonor。 A couple skeletons turned to hack at him; but most of them were too intent on killing Ryld to notice him。 Up close; the things stank。 Pharaun thought they must still have some scraps of rotting flesh about them somewhere。
Just as he reached the unconscious wizard; Greyanna's foulwing landed on the other side of the body with a ground…shaking thump。 Pharaun roared out a painfully loud magical shout; and the beast recoiled; carrying its rider with it。
Pharaun stooped; ripped the brooch off Relonor's sash; turned; and ran。 Greyanna screamed in rage。 The foulwing roared its strange double roar; and two sets of jaws clashed shut behind the fleeing male。
A stirge's proboscis jabbed him in the back; staggering him; but was unable to penetrate his piwafwi。 Another spell rattled his mind but with no permanent ill effects。 A skeleton appeared on his flank; swinging a notched; rusty axe at his head。 Splitter flashed in an arc and smashed the undead thing into tiny pieces。
Pharaun caught hold of the he