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tion in pretending to a peasant like ignorance。
〃Well; I rejoice that you remain so close to your roots;〃 Pharaun said。 〃I'm counting on your familiarity with the slums to see me safely through my encounters with the lower orders。〃
〃I've been wondering when that's going to happen。 Shouldn't we have gone to Eastmyr or the Braeryn straightaway?〃
〃No point going there blind if we can acquire some intelligence first。〃
Pharaun supposed that in fact; they'd better collect it quickly; but it was a pity。 He could have used some idle time drifting through emporia like; for instance; Daelein Shimmerdark's Decanter with its astonishing collecnottion of wines; liquors; and; for those who knew how to ask; potions and poisons from all over the world。 Perhaps it would clear his head。
Or maybe it would only give him another enigma to ponder; for though there was still plenty to buy; it seemed to him the Bazaar as a whole was offering fewer goods than usual。 Why was that? Could it possibly have anything to do with the runaway males?
And what about the demon spider that had materialized above him and Ryld on the plateau and proceeded to break into Arach…Tinilith? Did that tie in; or was it simply a gambit in one of Menzoberranzan's innumerable secret feuds that had nothing at all to do with his concerns?
He had to grin。 He knew so little; and what little he had gleaned was scarcely a source of reassurance。
〃There it is;〃 said Ryld。
Carved from a long; relatively low protrusion of stone; the Jewel Box sat just inches beyond what custom decreed to be the limits of the Bazaar; where all traders were required to shift their stalls to a different spot every sixty…six days。 Despite its lack of a signboard or other external advertisenotment; the establishment had always attracted a steady trickle of shoppers and merchants; and when the two masters descended the stair that ran from street level to the limestone door; Pharaun could hear considerably more sounds of revelry that usual。 There was laughter; animated conversation; and a longhorn; yarting; and hand…drum trio playing a lively tune。 The third string of the yarting was a little flat。
Ryld knocked with the brass knocker; whereupon a little panel slid open in the center of the door。 A pair of eyes peered out; then disappeared。 The portal swung open。
Pharaun grinned。 In all his visits there; he had never seen anyone turned away; and he suspected the business with the peephole was just an agreenotable bit of nonsense intended to make a visit to the Jewel Box seem even more piquantly criminal。 Perhaps the doorman actually would attempt to dissuade a female if one had sought admittance。
The low…ceilinged room beyond the threshold smelled of a sweet and mildly intoxicating incense。 The three musicians had crowded themselves onto a tiny platform against the west wall。 A few of the patrons were atnottending to the performance; but most had elected to focus on other pleasnotures。 At one table; half a dozen disheveled fellows tossed back their liquor simultaneously in what appeared to be a drinking contest。 Other males thr