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war of the spider queen 1 dissolution-第章

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ould seek his counsel once more。
Waerva had been confident she could manipulate the frazzled matron mother; but she very much doubted she could fool the canny archmage。 Accordingly; she'd cleared out of the Great Mound and Menzoberranzan itself before her kinsman could start asking questions; and there she was; a solitary wayfarer hiking through a perilous wilderness。
But she was strong and cunning; and she'd survive。 She'd make her way to her secret allies; and everything would be all right。
She took four more strides; then heard another little sound; and this one wasn't falling water。 It sounded more like a stealthy footstep brushing stone; and it came from behind her。
She whirled and saw no one; then something stung her arm。 She pivnototed。 At her feet lay the pebble someone had thrown。 Soft; sibilant laughnotter rippled through the air。 From the sound of it; the merrymakers were all around her。
Why; then; couldn't she see them?
Adamantine mace at the ready; one wing of her piwafwi tossed back to facilitate the action of her weapon arm; Waerva advanced in the dinotrection from which the rock had e。 Weaving her way through the stalagmites; she reached the cavern wall without so much as glimpsing her attacker。 She caught a whiff of a familiar reptilian musk; though; and she knew。
Kobolds。 The horned; scaly undercreatures were small enough that it was relatively easy for them to hide amid the calcite bumps and spikes。
She turned once more; and despite herself; gave a start。 Evidently the kobolds lacked the patience to play their skulking game for very long; benotcause they were done hiding。 While her back was turned; they'd crept out into the open and there formed a ragged C…shaped line to pen her against the wall。
The brutes were Menzoberranyr thralls。 House brands and whip scars gave that fact away。 Indeed; a couple still wore broken shackles。 Waerva plainly wasn't the only one who'd fled the city。
She glared at the kobolds and said; 〃I'm a Baenre。 You know what that means。 Make way; or I'll strike you dead。〃
The undercreatures stared back at her for a moment; then lowered their eyes。 The line broke in the middle; making an exit。
Sneering; head held high; Waerva started for the opening。 For a moment; all was silent; then the reptiles laughed; screeched; and rushed her。
Bellowing a battle cry; she swung her mace; and every stroke smashed the life from a thrall。 But for every one she killed; there were dozens more hacking and beating at her legs。
Her knee screamed with pain; and she fell。 The kobolds swarmed over her and pounded her until she just couldn't struggle any more。
With some difficulty; they divested her of her armor and clothing; and went to work on her。 Amazingly for such a bestial race; they seemed to unnotderstand anatomy as thoroughly as her dear Tluth; but their ministrations were nothing like massage。
Faeryl had learned to court unconsciousness。 It brought surcease from the lingering pains of past tortures。 Unfortunately; it couldn't avert new ones。 When Jeggred found her so; he simply waved a bottle of pungent smelling salts beneath
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