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八八书城 返回本书目录 我的书架 我的书签 TXT全本下载 进入书吧 加入书签

双城记 查尔斯·狄更斯-第章

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‘Tell me how and why am I again a prisoner?'
‘It is enough that you return straight to the Conciergerie; and will know to…morrow。 You are summoned for to…morrow。'
Dr。 Manette; whom this visitation had so turned into stone; that he stood with the lamp in his hand; as if he were a statue made to hold it; moved after these words were spoken; put the lamp down; and confronting the speaker; and taking him; not ungently; by the loose front of his red woollen shirt; said:
‘You know him; you have said。 Do you know me?'
‘Yes; I know you; Citizen Doctor。'
‘We all know you; Citizen Doctor;' said the other three。
He looked abstractedly from one to another; and said; in a lower voice; after a pause:
‘Will you answer his question to me then? How does this happen?'
‘Citizen Doctor;' said the first; reluctantly; ‘he has been denounced to the Section of Saint Antoine。 This citizen;' pointing out the second who had entered; ‘is from Saint Antoine。'
The citizen here indicated nodded his head; and added: ‘He is accused by Saint Antoine。'
‘Of what?' asked the Doctor。
‘Citizen Doctor;' said the first; with his former reluctance; ‘ask no more。 If the Republic demands sacrifices from you; without doubt you as a good patriot will be happy to make them。 The Republic goes before all。 The People is supreme。 Evrémonde; we are pressed。'
‘One word;' the Doctor entreated。 ‘Will you tell me who denounced him?'
‘It is against rule;' answered the first; ‘but you can ask Him of Saint Antoine here。'
The Doctor turned his eyes upon that man。 Who moved uneasily on his feet; rubbed his beard a little; and at length said:
‘Well! Truly it is against rule。 But he is denounced…and gravely…by the Citizen and Citizeness Defarge。 And by one other。
‘What other?'
‘Do you ask; Citizen Doctor?'
‘Then;' said he of Saint Antoine; with a strange look; ‘you will be answered to…morrow。 Now; I am dumb!' 
A Hand at Cards
HAPPILY unconscious of the new calamity at home; Miss Pross threaded her way along the narrow streets and crossed the river by the bridge of the Pont…Neuf reckoning in her mind the number of indispensable purchases she had to make。 Mr。 Cruncher; with the basket; walked at her side。 They both looked to the right and to the left into most of the shops they passed; had a wary eye for all gregarious assemblages of people; and turned out of their road to avoid any very excited group of talkers。 It was a raw evening; and the misty river; blurred to the eye with blazing lights and to the ear with harsh noises; showed where the barges were stationed in which the smiths worked; making guns for the Army of the Republic。 Woe to the man who played tricks with that Army; or got undeserved promotion in it! Better for him that his beard had never grown; for the National Razor shaved him close。
Having purchased a few small articles of grocery; and a measure of oil for the lamp; Miss Pross bethought herself of the wine they wanted。 After peeping into several wine…shops; she stopped at the sign of The Good Republican Brutus of Antiquity; not far from the National Palace; once (and twice) the Tuileries; where the aspect of things rather took her fancy。 It had a quieter look than any other place of the same description they had passed; and; though red with patriotic caps; was not so red as the rest。 Sounding Mr。 Cruncher; and finding him of her opinion; Miss Pross resorted to The Good Republican Brutus of Antiquity; attended by her cavalier。
Slightly observant of the smoky lights; of the people; pipe in mouth; playing with limp cards and yellow dominoes; of the one bare…breasted; bare…armed; soot…begrimed workman reading a journal aloud; and of the others listening to him; of the weapons worn; or laid aside to be resumed; of the two or three customers fallen forward asleep; who in the popular high… shouldered shaggy black spencer looked; in that attitude; like slumbering bears or dogs; the two outlandish customers approached the counter; and showed what they wanted。
As their wine was measuring out; a man parted from another man in a er; and rose to depart。 In going; he had to face Miss Pross。 No sooner did he face her; than Miss Pross uttered a scream; and clapped her hands。
In a moment; the whole pany were on their feet。 That somebody was assassinated by somebody vindicating a difference of opinion was the likeliest occurrence。 Everybody looked to see somebody fall; but only saw a man and a woman standing staring at each other; the man with all the outward aspect of a Frenchman and a thorough Republicans the woman; evidently English。
What was said in this disappointing anti…climax; by the disciples of the Good Republican Brutus of Antiquity; except that it was something very voluble and loud; would have been as so much Hebrew or Chaldean to Miss Pross and her protector; though they had been all ears。 But; they had no ears for anything in their surprise。 For; it must be recorded; that not only was Miss Pross lost in amazement and agitation; but; Mr。 Cruncher……though it seemed on his own separate and individual account……was in a state of the greatest wonder。
‘What is the matter?' said the man who had caused Miss Pross to scream; speaking in a vexed; abrupt voice (though in a low tone); and in English。
‘Oh; Solomon; dear Solomon!' cried Miss Pross; clapping her hands again。 ‘Alter not setting eyes upon you or hearing of you for so long a time; do I find you here!'
Don't call me Solomon。 Do you want to be the death of me?' asked the man; in a furtive; frightened way。
‘Brother; brother!' cried Miss Pross; bursting into tears。 ‘Have I ever been so hard with you that you ask me such a cruel question?'
Then hold your meddlesome tongue;' said Solomon; ‘and e out; if you want to speak to me。 Pay for your wine; and e out。 Who's this man?'
Miss Pross; shaking her loving and dejected had at her by no means affectionate brother; said through her tears; ‘Mr。 Cruncher。'
‘Let him e out too;' said Solomon。 ‘Does he think me a ghost?'
Apparently; Mr。 Cruncher did; to judge from his looks。 He said not a word; however; and Miss Pross; exploring the depths of her reticule through her tears with great difficulty; paid for her wine。 As she did so; Solomo
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