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双城记 查尔斯·狄更斯-第章

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‘That my father;' said Lucie; hurriedly taking the paper from her breast; but with her alarmed eyes on her questioner and not on it; ‘has much influence around him。'
‘Surely it will release him!' said Madame Defarge。 ‘Let it do so。'
‘As a wife and mother;' cried Lucie; most earnestly; ‘I implore you to have pity on me and not to exercise any power that you possess; against my innocent husband; but to use it in his behalf。 O sister…woman; think of me。 As a wife and mother!'
Madame Defarge looked; coldly as ever; at the suppliant; and said; turning to her friend The Vengeance:
‘The wives and mothers we have been used to see; since we were as little as this child; and much less; have not been greatly considered? We have known their husbands and fathers laid in prison and kept from them; often enough? All our lives; we have seen our sister…women suffer; in themselves and in their children; poverty; nakedness; hunger; thirst。 sickness; misery; oppression and neglect of all kinds?'
‘We have seen nothing else;' returned The Vengeance。
‘We have borne this a long time;' said Madame Defarge; turning her eyes again upon Lucie。 ‘Judge you! Is it likely that the trouble of one wife and mother would be much to us now?'
She resumed her knitting and went out。 The Vengeance followed。 Defarge went last; and closed the door。
‘Courage; my dear Lucie;' said Mr。 Lorry; as he raised her。 ‘Courage; courage! So far all goes well with us……much; much better than it has of late gone with many poor souls。 Cheer up; and have a thankful heart。'
‘I am not thankless; I hope; but that dreadful woman seems to throw a shadow on me and on all my hopes。'
‘Tut; tut!' said Mr。 Lorry; ‘what is this despondency in the brave little breast? A shadow indeed! No substance in it; Lucie。'
But the shadow of the manner of these Defarges was dark upon himself; for all that; and in his secret mind it troubled him greatly。
Calm in Storm
DOCTOR MANETTE did not return until the morning of the fourth day of his absence。 So much of what had happened in that dreadful time as could be kept from the knowledge of Lucie was so well concealed from her; that not until long afterwards; when France and she were far apart; did she know that eleven hundred defenceless prisoners of both sexes and all ages had been killed by the populace; that four days and nights had been darkened by this deed of horror; and that the air around her had been tainted by the slain。 She only knew that there had been an attack upon the prisons; that all political prisoners had been in danger; and that some had been dragged out by the crowd and murdered。
To Mr。 Lorry; the Doctor municated under an injunction of secrecy on which he had no need to dwell; that the crowd had taken him through a scene of carnage to the prison of La Force。 That; in the prison he had found a self…appointed Tribunal sitting; before which the prisoners were brought singly; and by which they were rapidly ordered to be put forth to be massacred; or to be released; or (in a few cases) to be sent back to their cells。 That; presented by his conductors to this Tribunal; he had announced himself by name and profession as having been for eighteen years a secret and unaccused prisoner in the Bastille; that; one of the body so sitting in judgment had risen and identified him; and that this man was Defarge。
That; hereupon he had ascertained; through the registers on the table; that his son…in…law was among the living prisoners; and had pleaded hard to the Tribunal……of whom some members were asleep and some awake; some dirty with murder and some clean; some sober and some not……for his life and liberty。 That; in the first frantic greetings lavished on himself as a notable sufferer under the over…thrown system; it had been accorded to him to have Charles Darnay brought before the lawless Court; and examined。 That; he seemed on the point of being at once released; when the tide in his favour met with some unexplained check (not intelligible to the Doctor); which led to a few words of secret conference。 That; the man sitting as President had then informed Doctor Manette that the prisoner must remain in custody; but should for his sake; be held inviolate in safe custody。 That; immediately; on a signal; the prisoner was removed to the interior of the prison again; but; that lie; the Doctor; had then so strongly pleaded for permission to remain and assure himself that his son…in…law was; through no malice or mischance; delivered to the concourse whose murderous yells outside the gate had often drowned the proceedings; that lie had obtained the permission; and had remained in that Hall of Blood until the danger was over。
The sights he had seen there; with brief snatches of food and sleep by intervals; shall remain untold。 The mad job over the prisoners who were saved; had astounded him scarcely less than the mad ferocity against those who were cut to pieces。 One prisoner there was; lie said; who had been discharged into the street free; but at whom a mistaken savage had thrust a pike as lie passed out。 Being besought to go to him and dress the wound; the Doctor had passed out at the same gate; and had found him in the arms of a pany of Samaritans; who were seated on the bodies of their victims。 With an inconsistency as monstrous as anything in this awful nightmare; they had helped the healer; and tended the wounded man with the gentlest solicitude……had made a litter for him and escorted him carefully from the spot……had then caught up their weapons and plunged anew into a butchery so dreadful; that the Doctor had covered his eyes with his hands; and swooned away in the midst of it。
As Mr。 Lorry received these confidences; and as he watched the face of his friend now sixty…two years of age; a misgiving arose within him that such dread experiences would revise the old danger。 But; he had never seen his friend in hi; present aspect: he had never at all known him in his present character。 For the first time the Doctor felt; now; that his suffering was strength and power。 For the first time he left that in that sharp fire; lie had slowly forged the iron which could break the prison door of his daughter's husband; and deliver him。 ‘It all t
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