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八八书城 返回本书目录 我的书架 我的书签 TXT全本下载 进入书吧 加入书签

双城记 查尔斯·狄更斯-第章

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as a figure to fill a doorway that would bear considerable knocking on the head; and returned to his own occupations。 A disturbed and doleful mind he brought to bear upon them; and slowly and heavily the day lagged on with him。
It wore itself out; and wore him out with it; until the Bank closed。 He was again alone in his room of the previous night; considering what to do next; when he heard a foot upon the stair。 In a few moments; a man stood in his presence; who; with a keenly observant look at him; addressed him by his name。
‘Your servant;' said Mr。 Lorry。 ‘Do you know me?'
He was a strongly made man with dark curling hair; from forty…five to fifty years of a e。 For answer he repeated; without any change of emphasis; the words:
‘Do you know me?'
‘I have seen you somewhere。'
‘Perhaps at my wine…shop?'
Much interested and agitated; Mr。 Lorry said: ‘You e from Doctor Manette?'
‘Yes。 I e from Doctor Manette。'
‘And what says he? What does he send me?'
Defarge gave into his anxious hand; an open scrap of paper。 It bore the words in the Doctor's writing:
‘Charles is safe; but I cannot safely leave this place yet。 I have obtained the favour that the bearer has a short note from Charles to his wife。 Let the bearer see his wife。' 
It was dated from La Force; within an hour。
‘Will you acpany me;' said Mr。 Lorry; joyfully relieved after reading this note aloud; ‘to where his wife resides?'
‘Yes;' returned Defarge。
Scarcely noticing as yet; in what a curiously reserved and mechanical way Defarge spoke; Mr。 Lorry put on his hat and they went down into the court…yard。 There; they found two women; one; knitting。
‘Madame Defarge; surely!' said Mr。 Lorry; who had left her in exactly the same attitude some seventeen years ago。
‘It is she;' observed her husband。
‘Does madame go with us?' inquired Mr。 Lorry; seeing that she moved as they moved。
‘Yes。 That she may be able to recognise the faces and know the persons。 It is for their safety。'
Beginning to be struck by Defarge's manner; Mr。 Lorry looked dubiously at him; and led the way。 Both the women followed; the second woman being The Vengeance。
They passed through the intervening streets as quickly as they might; ascended the staircase of the new domicile; were admitted by Jerry; and found Lucie weeping; alone。 She was thrown into a transport by the tidings Mr。 Lorry gave her of her husband; and clasped the hand that delivered his note………little thinking what it had been doing near him in the night; and might; but for a chance; have done to him。
‘DEAREST;……Take courage。 I am well; and your father has influence around me。 You cannot answer this。 Kiss our child for me。' 
That was all the writing。 It was so much; however; to her who received it; that she turned from Defarge to his wife; and kissed one of the hands that knitted。 It was a passionate; loving; thankful; womanly action; but the hand made no response……dropped cold and heavy; and took to its knitting again。
There was something in its touch that gave Lucie a check。 She stopped in the act of putting the note in her bosom; and; with her hands yet at her neck; looked terrified at Madame Defarge。 Madame Defarge met the lifted eyebrows and forehead with a cold; impassive stare。
‘My dear;' said Mr。 Lorry; striking in to explain; ‘there are frequent risings in the streets; and; although it is not likely they will ever trouble you; Madame Defarge wishes to see those whom she has the power to protect at such times; to the end that she may know them……that she may identify them。 I believe;' said Mr。 Lorry; rather halting in his reassuring words; as the stony manner of all the three impressed itself upon him more and more; ‘I state the case; Citizen Defarge?'
Defarge looked gloomily at his wife; and gave no other answer than a gruff sound of acquiescence。
‘You had better; Lucie;' said Mr。 Lorry; doing all he could to propitiate; by tone and manner; ‘have the dear child here; and our good Pross。 Our good Pross; Defarge; is an English lady; and knows no French。'
The lady in question; whose rooted conviction that she was more than a match for any foreigner; was not to be shaken by distress and danger; appeared wish folded arms; and observed in English to The Vengeance; whom her eyes first encountered; ‘Well; I am sure; Boldface! I hope you are pretty well!' She also bestowed a British cough on Madame Defarge; but; neither of the two took much heed of her。
‘Is that his child?' said Madame Defarge; stopping in her work for the first time; and pointing her knitting…needle at little Lucie as if it were the finger of Fate。
‘Yes; madame;' answered Mr。 Lorry; ‘this is our poor prisoner's darling daughter; and only child。'
The shadow attendant on Madame Defarge and her party seemed to fall so threatening and dark on the child; that her mother instinctively kneeled on the ground beside her; and held her to her breast。 The shadow attendant on Madame Defarge and her party seemed then to fall; threatening and dark; on both the mother and the child。
‘It is enough; my husband;' said Madame Defarge。 ‘I have seen them。 We may go。
But; the suppressed manner had enough of menace in it……not visible and presented; but indistinct and withheld……to alarm Lucie into saying; as she laid her appealing hand on Madame Defarge's dress:
‘You will be good to my poor husband。 You will do him no harm。 You will help me to see him if you can?'
‘Your husband is not my business here;' returned Madame Defarge; looking down at her with perfect posure。 ‘It is the daughter of your father who is my business here。'
‘For my sake; then; be merciful to my husband。 For my child's sake! She will put her hands together and pray you to be merciful。 We are more afraid of you than of these others。'
Madame Defarge received it as a pliment; and looked at her husband。 Defarge; who had been uneasily biting his thumb…nail and looking at her; collected his face into a sterner expression。
‘What is it that your husband says in that little letter?' asked Madame Defarge; with a lowering smile。 ‘Influence; he says something touching influence?'
‘That my father;' said Lucie; hurriedly taking the paper from her breast; but with her alarmed eyes on her questioner and not on it; ‘h
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