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八八书城 返回本书目录 我的书架 我的书签 TXT全本下载 进入书吧 加入书签

双城记 查尔斯·狄更斯-第章

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 building; but the true…hearted old gentleman never calculated about that。 All such circumstances were indifferent to him; so that he did his duty。 On the opposite side of the court…yard; under a colonnade; was extensive standing for carriages……where; indeed; some carriages of Monseigneur yet stood。 Against two of the pillars were fastened two great flaring flambeaux; and in the light of these; standing out in the open air; was a large grindstone: a roughly mounted thing which appeared to have hurriedly been brought there from some neighbouring smithy; or other workshop。 Rising and looking out of window at these harmless objects; Mr。 Lorry shivered; and retired to his seat by the fire。 He had opened; not only the glass window; but the lattice blind outside it; and he had closed both again; and he shivered through his frame。
From the streets beyond the high wall and the strong gate; there came the usual night hum of the city; with now and then an indescribable ring in it; weird and unearthly; as if some unwonted sounds of a terrible nature were going up to Heaven。
‘Thank God;' said Mr。 Lorry; clasping his hands; ‘that no one near and dear to me is in this dreadful town to…night。 May He have mercy on all who are in danger!'
Soon afterwards; the bell at the great gate sounded; and he thought; ‘They have e back!' and sat listening。 But; there was no loud irruption into the court…yard; as he had expected; and he heard the gate clash again; and all was quiet。
The nervousness and dread that were upon him inspired that vague uneasiness respecting the Bank; which a great change would naturally awaken; with such feelings roused。 It was well guarded; and he got up to go among the trusty people who were watching it; then his door suddenly opened; and two figures rushed in; at sight of which he fell back in amazement。
Lucie and her father! Lucie with her arms stretched out to him; and with that old look of earnestness so concentrated and intensified; that it seemed as though it had been stamped upon her face expressly to give force and power to it in this one passage of her life。
‘What is this?' cried Mr。 Lorry; breathless and confused。 ‘What is the matter? Lucie! Manette! What has happened? What has brought you here? What is it?'
With the look fixed upon him; in her paleness and wildness; she panted out in his arms; imploringly; ‘O my dear friend! My husband!'
‘Your husband; Lucie?'
‘What of Charles?'
‘Here; in Paris?'
‘Has been here some days……three or four……I don't know how many……I can't collect my thoughts。 An errand of generosity brought him here unknown to us; he was stopped at the barrier; and sent to prison。'
The old man uttered an irrepressible cry。 Almost at the same moment; the bell of the great gate rang again; and a loud noise of feet and voices came pouring into the court…yard。
‘What is that noise?' said the Doctor; turning towards the window。
‘Don't look!' cried Mr。 Lorry。 ‘Don't look out! Manette; for your life; don't touch the blind!'
The Doctor turned; with his hand upon the fastening of the window; and said; with a cool bold smile:
‘My dear friend; I have a charmed life in this city。 I have been a Bastille prisoner。 There is no patriot in Paris……in Paris? In France……who; knowing me to have been a prisoner in the Bastille; would touch me; except to overwhelm me with embraces; or carry me in triumph。 My old pain has given me a power that has brought us through the barrier; and gained us news of Charles there; and brought us here。 I knew it would be so; I knew I could help Charles out of all danger; I told Lucie so。……What is that noise?' His hand was again upon the window。
‘Don't look!' cried Mr。 Lorry; absolutely desperate。 ‘No; Lucie; my dear; nor you!' He got his arm round her; and held her。 ‘Don't be so terrified; my love。 I solemnly swear to you that I know of no harm having happened to Charles; that I had no suspicion even of his being in this fatal place。 What prison is he in?'
‘La Force!'
‘La Force! Lucie; my child; if ever you were brave and serviceable in your life……and you were always both……you will pose yourself now; to do exactly as I bid you; for more depends upon it than you can think; or I can say。 There is no help for you in any action on your part to…night; you cannot possibly stir out。 I say this; because what I must bid you to do for Charles's sake; is the hardest thing to do of all。 You must instantly be obedient; still; and quiet。 You must let me put you in a room at the back here。 You must leave your father and me alone for two minutes; and as there are Life and Death in the world you must not delay。'
‘I will be submissive to you。 I see in your face that you know I can do nothing else than this。 I know you are true。'
The old man kissed her; and hurried her into his room; and turned the key; then; came hurrying back to the Doctor; and opened the window and partly opened the blind; and put his hand upon the Doctor's arm; and looked out with him into the court…yard。
Looked out upon a throng of men and women: not enough in number; or near enough; to fill the court…yard: not more than forty or fifty in all。 The people in possession of the house had let them in at the gate; and they had rushed in to work at the grindstone; it had evidently been set up there for their purpose; as in a convenient and retired spot。
But; such awful workers; and such awful work!
The grindstone had a double handle; and; turning at it madly were two men; whose faces; as their long hair flapped back when the whirlings of the grindstone brought their faces up; were more horrible and cruel than the visages of the wildest savages in their most barbarous disguise。 False eye…brows and false moustaches were stuck upon them; and their hideous countenances were all bloody and sweaty; and all awry with howling; and all staring and glaring with beastly excitement and want of sleep。 As these ruffians turned and turned; their matted locks now flung forward over their eyes; now flung backward over their necks; some women held wine to their mouths that they might drink; and what with dropping blood; and what with dropping wine; and what with the stream of sparks struck out of the stone; all their wick
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