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八八书城 返回本书目录 我的书架 我的书签 TXT全本下载 进入书吧 加入书签

双城记 查尔斯·狄更斯-第章

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traveller and French citizen; in charge of an escort which the disturbed state of the country had imposed upon him; and which he had paid for。
‘Where;' repeated the same personage; without taking any heed of him whatever; ‘are the papers of this prisoner?'
The drunken patriot had them in his cap; and produced them。 Casting his eyes over Gabelle's letter; the same personage in authority showed some disorder and surprise; and looked at Darnay with a close attention。
He left escort and escorted without saying a word; however; and went into the guard…room; meanwhile; they sat upon their horses outside the gate。 Looking about him while in this state of suspense; Charles Darnay observed that the gate was held by a mixed guard of soldiers and patriots; the latter far outnumbering the former; and that while ingress into the city for peasants carts bringing in supplies; and for similar traffic and traffickers; was easy enough; egress; even for the homeliest people; was very difficult。 A numerous medley of men and women; not to mention beasts and vehicles of various sorts; was waiting to issue forth; but; the previous identification was so strict; that they filtered through the barrier very slowly。 Some of these people knew their turn for examination to be so far off; that they lay down on the ground to sleep or smoke; while others talked together; or loitered about。 The red cap and tricolour cockade were universal; both among men and women。
When he had sat in his saddle some half…hour; taking note of these things; Darnay found himself confronted by the same man in authority; who directed the guard to open the barrier。 Then he delivered to the escort; drunk and sober; a receipt for the escorted; and requested him to dismount。 He did so; and the two patriots; leading his tired horse; turned and rode away without entering the city。
He acpanied his conductor into a guard…room; smelling of mon wine and tobacco; where certain soldiers and patriots; asleep and awake; drunk and sober; and in various neutral states between sleeping and waking; drunkenness and sobriety; were standing and lying about。 The light in the guard…house; half derived from the waning oil…lamps of the night; and half from the overcast day; was in a correspondingly uncertain condition。 Some registers were lying open on a desk; and an officer of a coarse; dark aspect; presided over these。
‘Citizen Defarge;' said he to Darnay's conductor; as he took a slip of paper to write on。 ‘Is this the emigrant Evrémonde?'
‘This is the man。'
‘Your age; Evrémonde?'
‘Married; Evrémonde?'
‘Where married?'
‘In England。'
‘Without doubt。 Where is your wife; Evrémonde?'
‘In England。'
‘Without doubt。 You are consigned; Evrémonde; to the prison of La Force。'
‘Just Heaven!' exclaimed Darnay。 ‘Under what law; and for what offence?'
The officer looked up from his slip of paper for a moment。
‘We have new laws; Evrémonde; and new offences; since you were here。' He said it with a hard smile; and went on writing。
‘I entreat you to observe that I have e here voluntarily; in response to that written appeal of a fellow…countryman which lies before you。 I demand no more than the opportunity to do so without delay。 Is not that my right?'
‘Emigrants have no rights; Evrémonde;' was the stolid reply。 The officer wrote until he had finished; read over to himself what he had written; sanded it; and handed it to Defarge; with the words ‘In secret。'
Defarge motioned with the paper to the prisoner that he must acpany him。 The prisoner obeyed; and a guard of two armed patriots attended them。
‘Is it you;' said Defarge; in a low voice; as they went down the guard…house steps and turned into Paris; ‘who married the daughter of Doctor Manette; once a prisoner in the Bastille that is no more?'
‘Yes;' replied Darnay; looking at him with surprise。
‘My name is Defarge; and I keep a wine…shop in the Quarter Saint Antoine。 Possibly you have heard of me。'
‘My wife came to your house to reclaim her father? Yes!'
The word ‘wife' seemed to serve as a gloomy reminder to Defarge; to say with sudden impatience; ‘In the name of that sharp female newly…born; and called La Guillotine; why did you e to France?'
‘You heard me say why; a minute ago。 Do you not believe it is the truth?'
‘A bad truth for you;' said Defarge; speaking with knitted brows; and looking straight before him。
‘Indeed I am lost here。 All here is so unprecedented; so changed; so sudden and unfair; that I am absolutely lost。 Will you render me a little help?'
‘None。' Defarge spoke; always looking straight before him。
‘Will you answer me a single question?'
‘Perhaps。 According to its nature。 You can say what it is。'
‘In this prison that I am going to so unjustly; shall I have some free munication with the world outside?'
‘You will see。'
‘I am not to be buried there; prejudged; and without any means of presenting my case?'
‘You will see。 But; what then? Other people have been similarly buried in worse prisons; before now。
‘But never by me; Citizen Defarge。'
Defarge glanced darkly at him for answer; and walked on in a steady and set silence。 The deeper he sank into this silence; the fainter hope there was……or so Darnay thought……of his softening in any slight degree。 He; therefore; made haste to say:
‘It is of the utmost importance to me (you know; Citizen; even better than I; of how much importance); that I should be able to municate to Mr。 Lorry of Tellson's Bank; an English gentleman who is now in Paris; the simple fact; without ment; that I have been thrown into the prison of La Force。 Will you cause that to be done for me?'
‘I will do;' Defarge doggedly rejoined; ‘nothing for you。 My duty is to my country and the People。 I am the sworn servant of both; against you。 I will do nothing for you。'
Charles Darnay felt it hopeless to entreat him further; and his pride was touched besides。 As they walked on in silence; he could not but see how used the people were to the spectacle of prisoners passing along the streets。 The very children scarcely noticed him。 A few passers turned their heads; and a few shook their fingers at him as an aristocrat; otherwise; that a man in good clothes should be going to p
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