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八八书城 返回本书目录 我的书架 我的书签 TXT全本下载 进入书吧 加入书签

双城记 查尔斯·狄更斯-第章

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 children; and lovers; with such a world around them and before them; loved and hoped。
It was almost morning; when Defarge's wine…shop parted with its last knot of customers; and Monsieur Defarge said to madame his wife; in husky tones; while fastening the door:
‘At last it is e; my dear!' 
‘Eh well!' returned madame。 ‘Almost。'
Saint Antoine slept; the Defarges slept: even The Vengeance slept with her starved grocer; and the drum was at rest。 The drum's was the only voice in Saint Antoine that blood and hurry had not changed。 The Vengeance; as custodian of the drum; could have wakened him up and had the same speech out of him as before the Bastille fell; or old Foulon was seized; not so with the hoarse tones of the men and women in Saint Antoine's bosom。 
Fire Rises
THERE was a change on the village where the fountain fell; and where the mender of roads went forth daily to hammer out of the stones on the highway such morsels of bread as might serve for patches to hold his poor ignorant soul and his poor reduced body together。 The prison on the crag was not so dominant as of yore; there were soldiers to guard it; but not many; there were officers to guard the soldiers; but not one of them knew what his men would do……beyond this: that it would probably not be what he was ordered。
Far and wide lay a ruined country; yielding nothing but desolation。 Every green leaf; every blade of grass and blade of grain; was as shrivelled and poor as the miserable people。 Everything was bowed down; dejected; oppressed; and broken。 Habitations; fences; domesticated animals; men; women; children; and the soil that bore them……all worn out。
Monseigneur (often a most worthy individual gentleman) was a national blessing; gave a chivalrous tone to things; was a polite example of luxurious and shining life; and a great deal more to equal purpose; nevertheless; Monseigneur as a class had; somehow or other; brought things to this。 Strange that Creation; designed expressly for Monseigneur; should be so soon wrung dry and squeezed out! There must be something short…sighted in the eternal arrangements; surely Thus it was; however; and the last drop of blood having been extracted from the flints; and the last screw of the rack having been turned so often that its purchase crumbled; and it now turned and turned with nothing to bite; Monseigneur began to run away from a phenomenon so low and unaccountable。
But; this was not the change on the village; and on many a village like it。 For scores of years gone by; Monseigneur had squeezed it and wrung it; and had seldom graced it with his presence except for the pleasures of the chase……now; found in hunting the people; now; found in hunting the beasts; for whose preservation Monseigneur made edifying spaces of barbarous and barren wilderness。 No。 The change consisted in the appearance of strange faces of low caste; rather than in the disappearance of the high…caste; chiseled; and otherwise beatified and beatifying features of Monseigneur。
For; in these times; as the mender of roads worked; solitary; in the dust; not often troubling himself to reflect that dust he was and to dust he must return; being for the most part too much occupied in thinking how little he had for supper and how much more he would eat if he had it……in these times; as he raised his eyes from his lonely labour; and viewed the prospect; he would see some rough figure approaching on foot; the like of which was once a rarity in those parts; but was now a frequent presence。 As it advanced; the mender of roads would discern without surprise; that it was a shaggy…haired man; of almost barbarian aspect; tall; in wooden shoes that were clumsy even to the eyes of a mender of roads; grim; rough; swart; steeped in the mud and dust of many highways; dank with the marshy moisture of many low grounds; sprinkled with the thorns and leaves and moss of many byways through woods。
Such a man came upon him; like a ghost; at noon in the July weather; as he sat on his heap of stones under a bank; taking such shelter as he could get from a shower of hail。
The man looked at him; looked at the village in the hollow; at the mill; and at the prison on the crag。 When he had identified these objects in what benighted mind he had; he said; in a dialect that was just intelligible:
‘How goes it; Jacques?'
‘All well; Jacques。'
‘Touch then!'
They joined hands; and the man sat down on the heap of stones。
‘No dinner?'
‘Nothing but supper now;' said the mender of roads; with a hungry face。
‘It is the fashion;' growled the man。 ‘I meet no dinner anywhere。'
He took out a blackened pipe; filled it; lighted it with flint and steel; pulled at it until it was in a bright glow: then; suddenly held it from him and dropped something into it from between his finger and thumb; that blazed and went out in a puff of smoke。
‘Touch then。' It was the turn of the mender of roads to say it this time; after observing these operations。 They again joined hands。
‘To…night?' said the mender of roads。
‘To…night;' said the man; putting the pipe in his mouth。 
He and the mender of roads sat on the heap of stones looking silently at one another; with the hail driving in between them like a pigmy charge of bayonets; until the sky began to clear over the village。
‘Show me!' said the traveller then; moving to the brow of the hill。
‘See。' returned the mender of roads; with extended finger。 ‘You go down here; and straight through the street; and past the fountain………
‘To the Devil with all that!' interrupted the other; rolling his eye over the landscape。 ‘I go through no streets and past no fountains。 Well?'
‘Well! About two leagues beyond the summit of that hill above the village。'
‘Good。 When do you cease to work?' 
‘At sunset。'
‘Will you wake me; before departing? I have walked two nights without resting。 Let me finish my pipe; and I shall sleep like a child。 Will you wake me?'
The wayfarer smoked his pipe out; put it in his breast; slipped off his great wooden shoes; and lay down on his back on the heap of stones。 He was fast asleep directly。
As the road…mender plied his dusty labour; and the hail…clouds; rolling away; revealed brigh
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