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八八书城 返回本书目录 我的书架 我的书签 TXT全本下载 进入书吧 加入书签

双城记 查尔斯·狄更斯-第章

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t straight; having a peculiar inclination towards the left cheek which imparts a sinister expression! Good day; one and all!'
‘Have the goodness to give me a little glass of old cognac; and a mouthful of cool fresh water; madame。'
Madame plied with a polite air。
‘Marvellous cognac this; madame!'
It was the first time it had ever been so plimented; and Madame Defarge knew enough of its antecedents to know better。 She said; however; that the cognac was flattered; and took up her knitting。 The visitor watched her fingers for a few moments; and took the opportunity of observing the place in general。
‘You knit with great skill; madame。'
‘I am accustomed to it。'
‘A pretty pattern too!'
‘You think so?' said madame; looking at him with a smile。 
‘Decidedly。 May one ask what it is for?'
‘Pastime;' said madame; still looking at him with a smile; while her fingers moved nimbly。
‘Not for use?'
‘That depends。 I may find a use for it one day。 If I do……well;' said madame; drawing a breath and nodding her head with a stern kind of coquetry; ‘I'll use it!'
It was remarkable: but the taste of Saint Antoine seemed to be decidedly opposed to a rose on the headdress of Madame Defarge。 Two men had entered separately; and had been about to order drink; when; catching sight of that novelty; they faltered; made a pretence of looking about as if for some friend who was not there; and went away。 Nor; of those who had been there when this visitor entered; was there one left。 They had all dropped off。 The spy had kept his eyes open; but had been able to detect no sign。 They had lounged away in a poverty…stricken; purposeless; accidental manner; quite natural and unimpeachable。
‘JOHN;' thought madame; checking off her work as her fingers knitted; and her eyes looked at the stranger。; ‘Stay long enough; and I shall knit ‘‘BARSAD'' before you go。'
‘You have a husband; madame?' 
‘I have。'
‘No children。' 
‘Business seems bad?' 
‘Business is very bad; the people are so poor。'
‘Ah; the unfortunate; miserable people! So oppressed; too……as you say。'
‘As you say;' madame retorted; correcting him; and deftly knitting an extra something into his name that boded him no good。
‘Pardon me; certainly it was I who said so; but you naturally think so。 Of course。'
‘I think?' returned madame; in a high voice。 ‘I and my husband have enough to do to keep this wine…shop open; without thinking。 All we think; here; is how to live。 That is the subject we think of; and it gives us; from morning to night; enough to think about; without embarrassing our heads concerning others。 I think for others? No; no。'
The spy; who was there to pick up any crumbs he could find or make; did not allow his baffled state to express itself in his sinister face; but; stood with an air of gossiping gallantry; leaning his elbow on Madame Defarge's little counter; and occasionally sipping his cognac。
‘A bad business this; madame; of Gaspard's execution。 Ah! the poor Gaspard!' With a sigh of great passion。
‘My faith!' returned madame; coolly and lightly; ‘if people use knives for such purposes; they have to pay for it。 He knew beforehand what the price of his luxury was; he has paid the price。'
‘I believe;' said the spy; dropping his soft voice to a tone that invited confidence; and expressing an injured revolutionary susceptibility in every muscle of his wicked face: ‘I believe there is much passion and anger in this neighbourhood; touching the poor fellow? Between ourselves。'
‘Is there?' asked madame; vacantly。 
‘Is there not?'
‘……Here is my husband!' said Madame Defarge。
As the keeper of the wine…shop entered at the door; the spy saluted him by touching his hat; and saying; with an engaging smile; ‘Good day; Jacques!' Defarge stopped short; and stared at him。
‘Good day; Jacques!' the spy repeated; with not quite so much confidence; or quite so easy a smile under the stare。
‘You deceive yourself; monsieur;' returned the keeper of the wine…shop。 ‘You mistake me for another。 That is not my name。 I am Ernest Defarge。'
‘It is all the same;' said the spy; airily; but disfited too: ‘good day!'
‘Good day!' answered Defarge; drily。
‘I was saying to madame; with whom I had the pleasure of chatting when you entered; that they tell me there is……and no wonder!……much sympathy and anger in Saint Antoine; touching the unhappy fate of poor Gaspard。'
‘No one has told me so;' said Defarge; shaking his head。 ‘I know nothing of it。'
Having said it; he passed behind the little counter; and stood with his hand on the back of his wife's chair; looking over that barrier at the person to whom they were both opposed; and whom either of them would have shot with the greatest satisfaction。
The spy; well used to his business; did not change his unconscious attitude; but drained his little glass of cognac; took a sip of fresh water; and asked for another glass of cognac。 Madame Defarge poured it out for him; took to her knitting again; and hummed a little song over it。
‘You seem to know this quarter well; that is to say; better than I do?' observed Defarge。
‘Not at all; but I hope to know it better。 I am so profoundly interested in its miserable inhabitants。'
‘Hah!' muttered Defarge。
‘The pleasure of conversing with you; Monsieur Defarge; recalls to me;' pursued the spy; ‘that I have the honour of cherishing some interesting associations with your name。'
‘Indeed!' said Defarge; with much indifference。
‘Yes; indeed。 When Dr。 Manette was released; you; his old domestic; had the charge of him; I know。 He was delivered to you。 You see I am informed of the circumstances?'
‘Such is the fact; certainly;' said Defarge。 He had had it conveyed to him; in an accidental touch of his wife's elbow as she knitted and warbled; that he would do best to answer; but always with brevity。
‘It was to you;' said the spy; ‘that his daughter came; and it was from your care that his daughter took him; acpanied by a neat brown monsieur; how is he called?……in a little wig……Lorry……of the bank of Tellson and pany……over to England。'
‘Such is the fact;' repeated Defarge。
‘Very interesting remembrances' said the spy。 ‘I have known Dr。 Manette and his daughter; in England。'
‘Yes?' said Defarge。
‘You don'
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