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双城记 查尔斯·狄更斯-第章

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After such imaginary discourse; the passenger in his fancy would dig; and dig; dig……now; with a spade; now with a great key; now with his hands……to dig this wretched creature out。 Got out at last; with earth hanging about his face and hair; he would suddenly fall away to dust。 The passenger would then start to himself and lower the window; to get the reality of mist and rain on his cheek。
Yet even when his eyes were opened on the mist and rain; on the moving patch of light from the lamps; and the hedge at the roadside retreating by jerks; the night shadow's outside the coach would fall into the train of the night shadows within。 The real Banking…house by Temple Bar; the real business of the past day; the real strong…rooms; the real express sent after him; and the real message returned; would all be there。 Out of the midst of them; the ghostly face would rise; and he would accost it again。
‘Buried how long?'
‘Almost eighteen years。
‘I hope you care to live?'
‘I can't say。'
Dig……dig……dig……until an impatient movement from one of the two passengers would admonish him to pull up the window; draw his arm securely through the leathern strap; and speculate upon the two slumbering forms; until his mind lost its hold of them; and they again slid away into the bank and the grave。
‘Buried how long?'
‘Almost eighteen years。'
‘You had abandoned all hope of being dug out?'
‘Long ago。'
The words were still in his hearing as just spoken……distinctly in his hearing as ever spoken words had been in his life……when the weary passenger started to the consciousness of daylight; and found that the shadows of the night were gone。
He lowered the window; and looked out at the rising sun。 There was a ridge of ploughed land; with a plough upon it where it had been left last night when the horses were unyoked; beyond; a quiet coppice…wood; in which many leaves of burning red and golden yellow still remained upon the trees。 Though the earth was cold and wet; the sky was clear; and the sun rose bright; placid; and beautiful。
‘Eighteen years!' said the passenger; looking at the sun。 ‘Gracious Creator of day! To be buried alive for eighteen years!' 
The Preparation
WHEN the mail got successfully to Dover; in the course of the forenoon; the head drawer at the Royal George Hotel opened the coach…door as his custom was。 He did it with some flourish of ceremony; for a mail journey from London in winter was an achievement to congratulate an adventurous traveller upon。
By that time; there was only one adventurous traveller left to be congratulated; for the two others had been set down at their respective roadside destinations。 The mildewy inside of the coach; with its damp and dirty straw; its disagreeable smell; and its obscurity; was rather like a larger dog…kennel。 Mr。 Lorry; the passenger; shaking himself out of it in chains of straw; a tangle of shaggy wrapper; flapping hat; and muddy legs; was rather like a larger sort of dog。
‘There will be a packet to Calais; to…morrow; drawer?'
‘Yes; sir; if the weather holds and the wind sets tolerable fair。 The tide will serve pretty nicely at about two in the afternoon; sir。 Bed; sir?'
‘I shall not go to bed till night; but I want a bedroom and a barber。'
‘And then breakfast; sir? Yes; sir。 That way; sir; if you please。 Show Concord! Gentleman's valise and hot water to Concord。 Pull off gentleman's boots in Concord。 (You will find a fine sea…coal fire; sir。) Fetch barber to Concord。 Stir about there; now; for Concord!'
The Concord bed…chamber being always assigned to passenger by the mail; and passengers by the mail being always heavily wrapped up from head to foot; the room ha' the odd interest for the establishment of the Royal George that although but one kind of man was seen to go into it; all kinds and varieties of men came out of it。 Consequently another drawer; and two porters; and several maids and the landlady; were all loitering by accident at various points of the road between the Concord and the coffee…room; when a gentle…man of sixty; formally dressed in a brown suit of clothes; pretty well worn; but very well kept; with large square cuffs and large flaps to the pockets; passed along on his way to his breakfast。
The coffee…room had no other occupant; that forenoon; than the gentleman in brown。 His breakfast…table was drawn before the fire; and as he sat; with its light shining on him; waiting for the meal; he sat so still; that he might have been sitting for his portrait。
Very orderly and methodical he looked; with a hand on each knee; and a loud watch ticking a sonorous sermon under his flapped waistcoat; as though it pitted its gravity and longevity against the levity and evanescence of the brisk fire。 He had a good leg; and was a little vain of it; for his brown stockings fitted sleek and close; and were of a fine texture; his shoes and buckles; too; though plain; were trim。 He wore an odd little sleek crisp flaxen wig; setting very close to his head: which wig; it is to be presumed; was made of hair; but which looked far more as though it were spun from filaments of silk or glass。 His linen; though not of a fineness in accordance with his stockings; was as white as the tops of the waves that broke upon the neighbouring beach; or the specks of sail that glinted in the sunlight far at sea。 A face habitually suppressed and quieted; was still lighted up under the quaint wig by a pair of moist bright eyes that it must have cost their owner; in years gone by; some pains to drill to the posed and reserved expression of Tellson's Bank。 He had a healthy colour in his cheeks; and his face; though lined; bore few traces of anxiety。 But; perhaps the confidential bachelor clerks in Tellson's Bank were principally occupied with the cares of other people; and perhaps second…hand cares; like second…hand clothes; e easily off and on。
pleting his resemblance to a man who was sitting for his portrait; Mr。 Lorry dropped off to sleep。 The arrival of his breakfast roused him; and he said to the drawer; as he moved his chair to it:
‘I wish acmodation prepared for a young lady who may e here at any time to…day。 She may ask for Mr。 Jarvis Lorry; or she may only ask for a gentleman from Tellson
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