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双城记 查尔斯·狄更斯-第章

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tous Jacques in his time。 Then; there were gardens; courtyards; terraces; fountains; green banks; more King and Queen; more Bull's Eye; more lords and ladies; more Long live they all! until he absolutely wept with sentiment。 During the whole of this scene; which lasted some three hours; he had plenty of shouting and weeping and sentimental pany; and I throughout Defarge held him by the collar; as if to restrain him from flying at the objects of his brief devotion and tearing them pieces。
‘Bravo' said Defarge; clapping him on the back when it was Over; like a patron; ‘you are a good boy!'
The mender of roads was now ing to himself; and was mistrustful of having made a mistake in his late demonstrations; but no。
‘You are the fellow we want;' said Defarge; in his ear; ‘you make these fools believe that it will last for ever。 Then; they are the more insolent; and it is the nearer ended。'
‘Hey!' cried the mender of roads; reflectively; ‘that's true。' ‘These fools know nothing。 While they despise your breath; and would stop it for ever and ever; in you or in a hundred like you rather than in one of their own horses or dogs; they only know what your breath tells them。 Let it deceive them; then; a little longer; it cannot deceive them too much。'
Madame Defarge looked superciliously at the client; and nodded in confirmation。
‘As to you;' said she; ‘you would shout and shed tears for anything; if it made a show and a noise。 Say! Would you not?'
‘Truly; madame; I think so。 For the moment。'
‘If you were shown a great heap of dolls; and were set upon them to pluck them to pieces and despoil them for your own advantage; you would pick out the richest and gayest。 Say! Would you not?'
‘Truly yes; madame。'
‘Yes。 And if you were shown a flock of birds; unable to fly; and were set upon them to strip them of their feathers for your own advantage; you would set upon the birds of the finest feathers; would you not?'
‘It is true; madame。'
‘You have seen both dolls and birds today;' said Madame Defarge; with a wave of her hand towards the place where they had last been apparent; ‘now; go home!' 
Still knitting
MADAME DEFARGE and monsieur her husband returned amicably to the bosom of Saint Antoine; while a speck in a blue cap toiled through the darkness; and through the dust; and down the weary miles of avenue by the wayside; slowly tending towards that point of the pass where the chateau of Monsieur the Marquis; now in his grave; listened to the whispering trees。 Such ample leisure had the stone faces; now; for listening to the trees and to the fountain; that the few village scarecrows who; in their quest for herbs to eat and fragments of dead stick to burn; strayed within sight of the great stone courtyard and terrace staircase; had it borne in upon their starved fancy that the expression of the faces was altered。 A rumour just lived in the village……had a faint and bare existence there; as its people had that when the knife struck home; the faces changed; from faces of pride to faces of anger and pain also; that when that dangling figure was hauled up forty fee above the fountain; they changed again; and bore a cruel look of being avenged; which they would henceforth bear for ever。 In the stone face over the great window of the bed…chamber where the murder was done; two fine dints were pointed out in the sculptured nose; which everybody recognised; and which nobody had seen of old; and on the scarce occasions when two or three ragged peasants emerged from the crowd to take a hurried peep at Monsieur the Marquis petrified; a skinny finger would not have pointed to it for a minute; before they all started away among the moss and leaves; like the more fortunate hares who could find a living there。
Chateau and hut; stone face and dangling figure; the red stain on the stone floor; and the pure water in the village well……thousands of acres of land……a whole province of France……all France itself……lay under the night sky; concentrated into a faint hairbreadth line。 So does a whole world; with all its greatnesses and littlenesses; lie in a twinkling star。 And as mere human knowledge can split a ray of light and analyse the manner of its position; so; sublimer intelligences may read in the feeble shining of this earth of ours; every thought and act; every vice and virtue; of every responsible creature on it。
The Defarges; husband and wife; came lumbering under the starlight; in their public vehicle; to that gate of Paris whereunto their journey naturally tended。 There was the usual stoppage at the barrier guardhouse; and the usual lanterns came glancing forth for the usual examination and inquiry。 Monsieur Defarge alighted; knowing one or two of the soldiery there; and one of the police。 The latter he was intimate with; and affectionately embraced。
When Saint Antoine had again enfolded the Defarges in his dusky wings; and they; having finally alighted near the Saint's boundaries; were picking their way on foot through the black mud and offal of his streets; Madame Defarge spoke to her husband:
‘Say then; my friend; what did Jacques of the police tell thee?' 
‘Very little tonight; but all he knows。 There is another spy missioned for our quarter。 There may be many more; for all that he can say; but he knows of one。'
‘Eh well!' said Madame Defarge; raising her eyebrows with a cool business air。 ‘It is necessary to register him。 How do they call that man?'
‘He is English。'
‘So much the better。 His name?'
‘Barsad;' said Defarge; making it French by pronunciation。 But; he had been so careful to get it accurately; that he then spelt it with perfect correctness。
‘Barsad;;' repeated madame。 ‘Good。 Christian name?'
‘John Barsad;' repeated madame; after murmuring it once to herself。 ‘Good。 His appearance; is it known?'
‘Age; about forty years; height; about five feet nine; black hair; plexion dark; generally; rather handsome visage; eyes dark; face thin; long; and sallow; nose aquiline; but not straight; having a peculiar inclination towards the left cheek; expression; therefore; sinister。'
‘Eh my faith。 It is a portrait!' said madame; laughing。 ‘He shall be registered tomorrow。'
They turned into the wine…shop; which was 
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