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八八书城 返回本书目录 我的书架 我的书签 TXT全本下载 进入书吧 加入书签

双城记 查尔斯·狄更斯-第章

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pied state。
‘Well!' said that good…natured emissary; after a full half…hour of bootless attempts to bring him round to the question。 ‘I have been to Soho。'
‘To Soho?' repeated Mr。 Stryver; coldly。 ‘Oh; to be sure! What am I thinking of!'
‘And I have no doubt;' said Mr。 Lorry; ‘that I was right in the conversation we had。 My opinion is confirmed; and I reiterate my advice。'
‘I assure you;' returned Mr。 Stryver; in the friendliest way; ‘that I am sorry for it on your account; and sorry for it on the poor father's account。 I know this must always be a sore subject with the family; let us say no more about it。'
‘I don't understand you;' said Mr Lorry。
‘I dare say not;' rejoined Stryver; nodding his head in a smoothing and final way; no matter; no matter。'
‘But it does matter;' Mr。 Lorry urged。
‘No it doesn't; I assure you it doesn't。 Having supposed that there was sense where there is no sense; and a laudable ambition where there is not a laudable ambition; I am well out of my mistake; and no harm is done。 Young women have mitted similar follies often before; and have repented them in poverty and obscurity often before。 In an unselfish aspect; I am sorry that the thing is dropped; because it would have been a bad thing for me in a worldly point of view; in a selfish aspect; I am glad that the thing has dropped; because it would have been a bad thing for me in a worldly point of view……it is hardly necessary to say I could have gained nothing by it。 There is no harm at all done。 I have not proposed to the young lady; and; between ourselves; I am by no means certain; on reflection; that I ever should have mitted myself to that extent。 Mr。 Lorry; you cannot control the mincing vanities and giddinesses of empty…headed girls; you must not expect to do it; or you will always he disappointed。 
Now; pray say no more about it。 I tell you; I regret it on account of others; but I am satisfied on my own account。 And I am really very much obliged to you for allowing me to sound you; and for giving me your advice; you know the young lady better than I do; you were right; it never would have done。
Mr。 Lorry was so taken aback; that he looked quite stupidly at Mr。 Stryver shouldering him towards the door; with an appearance of showering generosity; forbearance; and goodwill; on his erring head。 'Make the best of it; my dear sir;' said Stryver; ‘say no more about it; thank you again for allowing me to sound you; good…night!' Mr。 Lorry was out in the night; before he knew where he was。 Mr。 Stryver was lying back on his sofa; winking at his Ceiling。 
The Fellow of No Delicacy
IF Sydney Carton ever shone anywhere; he certainly never shone the house of Doctor Manette。 He had been there often; during a whole year; and had always been the same moody and morose lounger there。 When he cared to talk; he talked well; but; the cloud of caring for nothing; which overshadowed him with such a fatal darkness; was very rarely pierced by the light within him。
And yet he did care something for the streets that environed that house; and for the senseless stones that made their pavements。 Many a night he vaguely and unhappily wandered there; when wine had brought no transitory gladness to him; many a dreary daybreak revealed his solitary figure lingering there; and still lingering there when the first beams of the sun brought into strong relief; removed beauties of architecture in spires of churches and lofty buildings; as perhaps the quiet time brought some sense of better things; else forgotten and unattainable; into his mind。 Of late; the neglected bed in the Temple Court had known him more scantily thin ever; and often when he had thrown himself upon it no longer than a few minutes; he had got up again; and haunted that neighbourhood。
On a day in August; when Mr。 Stryver (after notifying to his jackal that ‘he had thought better of that marrying matter') had carried his delicacy into Devonshire; and when the sight and scent of flowers in the City streets had some waifs of goodness in them for the worst; of health for the sickliest; and of youth for the oldest; Sydney's feet still trod those stones。 From being irresolute and purposeless; his feet became animated by an intention; and; in the working out of that intention; they took him to the Doctor's door。
He was shown upstairs; and found Lucie at her work; alone。 She had never been quite at her ease with him; and received him with some little embarrassment as he seated himself near her table。 But; looking up at his face in the interchange of the first few monplaces; she observed a change in it。
‘I fear you are not well; Mr。 Carton!'
‘No。 But the life I lead; Miss Manette; is not conducive to health。 What is to be expected of or by; such profligates?'
‘Is it not……forgive me; I have begun the question on my lips……a pity to live no better life?'
‘God knows it is a shame!'
‘Then why not change it?'
Looking gently at him again; she was surprised and saddened to see that there were tears in his eyes。 There were tears in his voice too; as he answered:
‘It is too late for that。 I shall never be better than I am。 I shall sink lower; and be worse。'
He leaned an elbow on her table; and covered his eyes with his hand。 The table trembled in the silence that followed。
She had never seen hint softened; and was much distressed。 He knew her to be so; without looking at her; and said:
‘Pray forgive me; Miss Manette。 I break down before the knowledge of what I want to say to you。 Will you hear me?'
‘If it will do you any good; Mr。 Carton; if it would make you happier; it would make me very glad!'
‘God bless you for your sweet passion!'
He unshaded his face after a little while; and spoke steadily。 ‘Don't be afraid to hear me。 Don't shrink from anything
I say。 I am like one who died young。 All my life might have been。'
‘No; Mr。 Carton。 I am sure that the best part of it might still be; I am sure that you might be much; much worthier of yourself。'
‘Say of you; Miss Manette; and although I know better……although in the mystery of my own wretched heart I know better……I shall never forget it I'
She was pale and trembling。 He came to her relief with a fixed despair of himself which made the int
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