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八八书城 返回本书目录 我的书架 我的书签 TXT全本下载 进入书吧 加入书签

双城记 查尔斯·狄更斯-第章

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‘No; my dear; not ill。 There are large drops of rain falling; and they made me start。 We had better go in。'
He recovered himself almost instantly。 Rain was really falling in large drops; and he showed the back of his hand with rain…drops on it。 But; he said not a single word in reference to the discovery that had been told of; and; as they went into the house; the business eye of Mr。 Lorry either detected; or fancied it detected; on his face; as it turned towards Charles Darnay; the same singular look that had been upon it when it turned towards him in the passages of the Court House。
He recovered himself so quickly; however; that Mr。 Lorry had doubts of his business eye。 The arm of the golden giant in the hall was not more steady than he was; when he stopped under it to remark to them that he was not yet proof against slight surprises (if he ever would be); and that the rain had startled him。
Tea…time; and Miss Pross making tea; with another fit of the jerks upon her; and yet no Hundreds of people。 Mr。 Garton had lounged in; but he made only Two。
The night was so very sultry; that although they sat with doors and windows open; they were overpowered by heat。 When the tea…table was done with; they all moved to one of the windows; and looked out into the heavy twilight。 Lucie sat by her father; Darnay sat beside her; Carton leaned against a window。 The curtains were long and white; and some of the thunder…gusts that whirled into the corner; caught them up to the ceiling; and waved them like spectral wings。
‘The rain…drops are still falling; large; heavy; and few;' said Doctor Manette。 ‘It es slowly。
‘It es surely;' said Carton。
They spoke low; as people watching and waiting mostly do; as people in a dark room; watching and waiting for Lightning; always do。
There was a great hurry in the streets; of people speeding away to get shelter before the storm broke; the wonderful corner for echoes resounded with the echoes of footsteps ing and going; yet not a footstep was there。
‘A multitude of people; and yet a solitude!' said Darnay; when they had listened for a while。
‘Is it not impressive; Mr。 Darnay?' asked Lucie。 ‘Sometimes; I have sat here of an evening; until I have fancied……but even the shade of a foolish fancy makes me shudder to…night; when all is so black and solemn………'
‘Let us shudder too。 We may know what it is。'
‘It will seem nothing to you。 Such whims are only impressive as we originate them; I think; they are not to be municated。 I have sometimes sat alone here of an evening; listening; until I have made the echoes out to be the echoes of all the footsteps that are ing by…and…by into our lives。'
‘There is a great crowd ing one day into our lives; if that be so;' Sydney Carton struck in; in his moody way。
The footsteps were incessant; and the hurry of them became more and more rapid。 The corner echoed and re…echoed with the tread of feet; some; as it seemed; under the windows; some; as it seemed; in the room; some ing; some going; some breaking off; some stopping altogether; all in the distant streets; and not one within sight。
‘Are all these footsteps destined to e to all of us; Miss Manette; or are we to divide them among us?'
‘I don't know; Mr。 Darnay; I told you it was a foolish fancy; but you asked for it。 When I have yielded myself to it; I have been alone; and then I have imagined them the foot…steps the people who are to e into my life; and my father's。'
‘I take them into mine!' said Carton。 ‘I ask no questions and make no stipulations。 There is a great crowd bearing down upon us; Miss Manette; and I see them………by the Lightning。' He added the last words; after there had been a vivid flash which had shown him lounging in the window。
‘And I hear them。' he added again; after a peal of thunder。
‘Here they e; fast; fierce; and furious。'
It was the rush and roar of rain that he typified; and it stopped him; for no voice could be heard in it。 A memorable storm of thunder and lightning broke with that sweep of water; and there was not a moment's interval in crash; and We; and rain; until after the moon rose at midnight。
The great bell of Saint Paul's was striking One in the cleared air; when Mr。 Lorry; escorted by Jerry; high…booted。 and bearing a lantern; set forth on his return…passage to Clerkenwell。 There were solitary patches of road on the way between Soho and Clerkenwell; and Mr。 Lorry; mindful of footpads; always retained Jerry for this service: though it was usually performed a good two hours earlier。
‘What a night it has been! Almost a night; ‘Jerry;' said Mr。 Lorry; ‘to bring the dead out of their graves。
‘I never see the night myself; master……nor yet I don't expect to……what would do that;' answered Jerry。
‘Good…night; Mr。 Carton;' said the man of business。 ‘Good…night; Mr。 Darnay。 Shall we ever see such a night again; together!'
Perhaps。 Perhaps; see the great crowd of people with its rush and roar; bearing down upon them; too。
Monseigneur in Town
MONSEIGNEUR; one of the great lords in power at the Court; held his fortnightly reception in his grand hotel in Paris。 Monseigneur was in his inner room; his sanctuary of sanctuaries; the Holiest of Holiests to the crowd of worshippers in the suite of rooms without。 Monseigneur was about to take his chocolate。 Monseigneur could swallow a great many things with ease; and was by some few sullen minds supposed to be rather rapidly swallowing France; but; his morning's chocolate could not so much as get into the throat of Monseigneur; without the aid of four strong men besides the Cook。
Yes。 It took four men; all four a…blaze with gorgeous decoration; and the Chief of them unable to exist with fewer than two gold watches in his pocket; emulative of the noble and chaste fashion set by Monseigneur; to conduct the happy chocolate to Monseigneur's lips。 One lacquey carried the chocolate…pot into the sacred presence; a second; milled and frothed the chocolate with the little instrument he bore for that function; a third; presented the favoured napkin; a fourth (he of the two old watches); poured the chocolate out。 It was impossible Monseigneur to dispense with one of these attendants on the chocolate and hold his high place under the 
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