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八八书城 返回本书目录 我的书架 我的书签 TXT全本下载 进入书吧 加入书签

双城记 查尔斯·狄更斯-第章

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arge still house; where several callings purported to be pursued by day; but whereof little was audible any day; and which was shunned by all of them at night。 In a building at the back; attainable by a court…yard' where a plane…tree rustled its green leaves; church…organs claimed to be made; and silver to be chased; and likewise gold to be beaten by some mysterious giant who had a golden arm starting out of the wall of the front hall……as if he had beaten himself precious; and menaced a similar conversion of all visitors。 Very little of these trades; or of a lonely lodger rumoured to live up…stairs; or of a dim coach…trimming maker asserted to have a counting…house below; was ever heard or seen。 Occasionally; a stray workman putting his coat on; traversed the hall; or a stranger peered about there; or a distant clink was heard across the court…yard; or a thump from the golden giant。 These; how…ever; were only the exceptions required to prove the rule that the sparrows in the plane…tree behind the house; and the echoes in the corner before it; had their own way from Sunday morning unto Saturday night。
Doctor Manette received such patients here as his old reputation; and its revival in the floating whispers of his story; brought him。 His scientific knowledge; and his vigilance and skill in conducting ingenious experiments; brought him other…wise into moderate request; and he earned a; much as he wanted。
These things were within Mr。 Jarvis Lorry's knowledge; thoughts; and notice; when he rang the door…bell of the tranquil house in the corner; on the fine Sunday afternoon。
‘Doctor Manette at home?'
Expected home。
‘Miss Lucie at home?'
Expected home。
‘Miss Pross at home?'
Possibly at home; but of a certainty impossible for hand…maid to anticipate intentions of Miss Pross; as to admission or denial of the fact。
‘As I am at home myself;' said Mr。 Lorry; ‘I'll go up…stairs。'
Although the Doctor's daughter had known nothing of the country of her birth; she appeared to have innately derived from it that ability to make much of little means; which is one of its most useful and most agreeable characteristics。 Simple as the furniture was; it was set off by so many little adornments; of no value but for their taste and fancy; that its effect was delightful。 The disposition of everything in the rooms; from the largest object to the least; the arrangement of colours; the elegant variety and contrast obtained by thrift in trifles; by delicate hands; clear eyes; and good sense; were at once so pleasant in themselves; and so expressive of their originator; that; as Mr。 Lorry stood looking about him; the very chairs and tables seemed to ask him; with something of that peculiar expression which he knew so well by this time; whether he approved?
There were three rooms on a floor; and; the doors by which they municated being put open that the air might pass freely through them all; Mr。 Lorry; smilingly observant of that fanciful resemblance which he detected all around him; walked from one to another。 The first was the best room; and in it were Lucie's birds; and flowers; and books; and desk; and work…table; and box of water…colours; the second was the Doctor's consulting…room; used also as the dining…room; the third; changingly speckled by the rustle of the plane…tree in the yard; was the Doctor's bedroom; and there; in a corner; stood the disused shoemaker's bench and tray of tools; much as it had stood on the fifth floor of the dismal house by the wine…shop; in the suburb of Saint Antoine in Paris。
‘I wonder;' said Mr。 Lorry; pausing in his looking about; ‘that he keeps that reminder of his sufferings about him!'
‘And why wonder at that?' was the abrupt inquiry that made him start。
It proceeded from Miss Pross; the wild red woman; strong of hand; whose acquaintance he had first made at the Royal George Hotel at Dover; and had since improved。
‘I should have thought………‘Mr。 Lorry began。
‘Pooh! You'd have thought!' said Miss Pross; and Mr。 Lorry left off。
‘How do you do?' inquired that lady then……sharply; and yet as if to express that she bore him no malice。
‘I am pretty well; I thank you;' answered Mr。 Lorry; with meekness; ‘how are you?'
‘Nothing to boast of;' said Miss Pross。
‘Ah! indeed!' said Miss Pross。 ‘I am very much put out about my Ladybird。'
‘For gracious sake say something else besides ‘‘indeed;'' or you'll fidget me to death;' said Miss Pross: whose character (dissociated from stature) was shortness。'
‘Really; then?' said Mr。 Lorry; as an amendment。
‘Really; is bad enough;' returned Miss Pross; ‘but better。 Yes; I am very much put out。'
‘May I ask the cause?'
‘I don't want dozens of people who are not at all worthy of Ladybird; to e here looking after her;' said Miss Pross。
‘Do dozens e for that purpose?'
‘Hundreds;' said Miss Pross。
It was characteristic of this lady (as of some other people before her time and since) that whenever her original pro…position was questioned; she exaggerated it。
‘Dear me!' said Mr。 Lorry; as the safest remark he could think of。
‘I have lived with the darling……or the darling has lived with me; and paid me for it; which she certainly should never have done; you may take your affidavit; if I could have afforded to keep either myself or her for nothing……since she was ten years old。 And it's really very hard;' said Miss Pross。
Not seeing with precision what was very hard; Mr。 Lorry shook his head; using that important part of himself as a sort of fairy cloak that would fit anything。
‘All sorts of people who are not in the least degree worthy of the pet; are always turning up;' said Miss Pross。 ‘When you began it………'
‘I began it; Miss Pross?'
‘Didn't you? Who brought her father to life?'
‘Oh! If that was beginning it………'said Mr。 Lorry。
‘It wasn't ending it; I suppose? I say; when you began it; it was hard enough; not that I have any fault to find with Doctor Manette; except that he is not worthy of such a daughter; which is no imputation on him; for it was not to be expected that anybody should be; under any circumstances。 But it really is doubly and trebly hard to have crowds and multitudes of people turning up after him (I could have forgiven him); to t
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