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八八书城 返回本书目录 我的书架 我的书签 TXT全本下载 进入书吧 加入书签

双城记 查尔斯·狄更斯-第章

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acy; had a pushing way of shouldering himself (morally and physically) into panies and conversations; that argued well for his shouldering his way up in life。
He still had his wig and gown on; and he said; squaring himself at his late client to that degree that he squeezed the innocent Mr。 Lorry clean out of the group: ‘I am glad to have brought you off with honour; Mr。 Darnay。 It was an infamous prosecution; grossly infamous; but not the less likely to succeed on that account。
‘You have laid me under an obligation to you for life…in two senses;' said his late client; taking his hand。
‘I have done my best for you; Mr。 Darnay; and my best is as good as another man's; I believe。'
It clearly being incumbent on some one to say; ‘Much better;' Mr。 Lorry said it; perhaps not quite disinterestedly; but with the interested object of squeezing himself back again。
‘You think so?' said Mr。 Stryver。 ‘Well! you have been present all day;; and you ought to know。 You are a man of business; too。
‘And as such;' quoth Mr。 Larry; whom the counsel learned in the law had now shouldered back into the group; just as he had previously shouldered him out of it……‘as such I will appeal to Doctor Manette; to break up this conference and order us all to our homes。 Miss Lucie looks ill; Mr。 Darnay has had a terrible day; we are worn out。'
‘Speak for yourself; Mr。 Lorry;' said Stryver; ‘I have a night's work to do yet。 Speak for yourself。'
‘I speak for myself;' answered Mr。 Lorry; ‘and for Mr。 Darnay; and for Miss Lucie; and……Miss Lucie; do you not think I may speak for us all?' He asked her the question pointedly; and with a glance at her father。
His face had bee frozen; as it were; in a very curious look at Darnay: an intent look; deepening into a frown of dislike and distrust; not even unmixed with fear。 With this strange expression on him his thoughts had wandered away。
‘My father;' said Lucie; softly laying her hand on his。
He slowly shook the shadow off; and turned to her。
‘Shall we go home; my father?'
With a long breath; he answered ‘Yes。'
The friends of the acquitted prisoner had dispersed; under the impression which he himself had originated……that he would not be released that night。 The lights were nearly all extinguished in the passages; the iron gates were being closed with a jar and a rattle; and the dismal place was deserted until to…morrow morning's interest of gallows; pillory; whipping…post; and branding…iron; should re…people it。 Walking between her father and Mr。 Darnay; Lucie Manette passed into the open air。 A hackney…coach was called; and the father and daughter departed in it。
Mr。 Stryver had left them in the passages; to shoulder his way back to the robing…room。 Another person; who had not joined the group; or interchanged a word with any one of them; but who had been leaning against the wall where its shadow was darkest; had silently strolled out after the rest; and had looked on until the coach drove away。 He now stepped up to where Mr。 Lorry and Mr。 Darnay stood upon the pavement。
‘So; Mr。 Lorry! Men of business may speak to Mr。 Darnay now?'
Nobody had made any acknowledgment of Mr。 Carton's part in the day's proceedings; nobody had known of it。 He was unrobed; and was none the better for it in appearance。
‘If you knew what a conflict goes on in the business mind; when the business mind is divided between good…natured impulse and business appearances; you would be amused; Mr。 Darnay。'
Mr。 Lorry reddened; and said; warmly; ‘You have mentioned that before; sir。 We men of business; who serve a House; are not our own masters。 We have to think of the House more than ourselves。'
‘I know; I know;' rejoined Mr。 Carton; carelessly。 ‘Don't be nettled; Mr。 Lorry。 You are as good as another; I have no doubt: better; I dare say。'
‘And indeed; sir;' pursued Mr。 Lorry; not minding him; ‘I really don't know what you have to do with the matter。 If you'll excuse me; as very much your cider; for saying so; I really don't know that it is your business。'
‘Business! Bless you; I have no business;' said Mr。 Carton。 ‘It is a pity you have not; sir。'
‘I think so; too。'
‘If you had;' pursued Mr。 Lorry; ‘perhaps you would attend to it。'
‘Lord love you; no!……I shouldn't;' said Mr。 Carton。
‘Well; sir!' cried Mr。 Lorry; thoroughly heated by his indifference; ‘business is a very good thing; and a very respectable thing。 And; sir; if business imposes its restraints and its silences and impediments; Mr。 Darnay as a young gentleman of generosity knows how to make allowance for that circumstance。 Mr。 Darnay; good…night; God bless you; sir! I hope you have been this day preserved for a prosperous and happy life。……Chair there!'
Perhaps' a little angry with himself as well as with the barrister; Mr。 Lorry hustled into the chair; and was carried off to Tellson's。 Carton; who smelt of port wine; and did not appear to be quite sober; laughed then; and turned to Darnay:
‘This is a strange chance that throws you and me together。 This must be a strange night to you; standing alone here with your counterpart on these street stones?'
‘I hardly seem yet;' returned Charles Darnay; ‘to belong to this world again。'
‘I don't wonder at it; it's not so long since you were pretty far advanced on your way to another。 You speak faintly。'
‘I begin to think I am faint。'
‘Then why the devil don't you dine? I dined; myself while those numskulls were deliberating which world you should belong to……this; or some other。 Let me show you the nearest tavern to dine well at。'
Drawing his arm through his own; he took him down Ludgate…hill to Fleet…street; and so; up a covered way; into a tavern。 Here; they were shown into a little room; where Charles Darnay was soon recruiting his strength with a good plain dinner and good wine: while Carton sat opposite to him at the same table; with his separate bottle of port before him; and his fully half…insolent manner upon him。
‘Do you feel; yet; that you belong to this terrestrial scheme again; Mr。 Darnay?'
‘I am frightfully confused regarding time and' place; but I am so far mended as to feel that。'
‘It must be an immense satisfaction!'
He said it bitterly; and filled up his glass again: which was a large one。
‘As to 
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