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八八书城 返回本书目录 我的书架 我的书签 TXT全本下载 进入书吧 加入书签

双城记 查尔斯·狄更斯-第章

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anty portion of light was admitted through these means; that it was difficult; on first ing in; to see anything; and long habit alone could have slowly formed in any one; the ability to do any work requiring nicety in such obscurity。 Yet; work of that kind was being done in the garret; for; with his back towards the door; and his face towards the window where the keeper of the wine…shop stood looking at him; a white…haired man sat on a low bench; stooping forward and very busy; making shoes。
The Shoemaker
‘GOOD DAY!' said Monsieur Defarge; looking down at he white head that bent low over the shoemaking。
It was raised for a moment; and a very faint voice responded to the salutation; as if it were at a distance:
‘Good day!'
‘You are still hard at work; I see?'
After a long silence; the head was lifted for another moment; and the voice replied; ‘Yes……I am working。' This time; a pair of haggard eyes had looked at the questioner; before the face had dropped again。
The faintness of the voice was pitiable and dreadful。 It was not the faintness of physical weakness; though confinement and hard fare no doubt had their part in it。 Its deplorable peculiarity was; that it was the faintness of solitude and disuse。 It was like the last feeble echo of a sound made long and long ago。 So entirely had it lost the life and resonance of the human voice; that it affected the senses like a once beautiful colour faded away into a poor weak stain。 So sunken and suppressed it was; that it was like a voice under…ground。 So expressive it was; of a hopeless and lost creature; that a famished traveller; wearied Out by lonely wandering in a wilderness; would have remembered home and friends in such a tone before lying down to die。
Some minutes of silent work had passed: and the haggard eyes had looked up again: not with any interest or curiosity; but with a dull mechanical perception; beforehand; that the spot where the only visitor they were aware of had stood; was not yet empty。
‘I want;' said Defarge; who had not removed his gaze from the shoemaker; ‘to let in a little more light here。 You can bear a little more?'
The shoemaker stopped his work; looked with a vacant air of listening; at the floor on one side of him; then similarly; at the floor on the other side of him; then; upward at the speaker。
‘What did you say?'
‘You can bear a little more light?'
‘I must bear it; if you let it in。' (Laying the palest shadow of a stress upon the second word。)
The opened half…door was opened a little further; and secured at that angle for the time。 A broad ray of light fell into the garret; and showed the workman with an un…finished shoe upon his lap; pausing in his labour。 His few mon tools and various scraps of leather were at his feet and on his bench。 He had a white beard; raggedly cut; but not very long; a hollow face; and exceedingly bright eyes。 The hollowness and thinness of his face would have caused them to look large; under his yet dark eyebrows and his confused white hair; though they had been really otherwise; but; they were naturally large; and looked un…naturally so。 His yellow rags of shirt lay open at the throat; and showed his body to be withered and worn。 He; and his old canvas frock; and his loose stockings; and all his poor tatters of clothes; had; in a long seclusion from direct light and air; faded down to such a dull uniformity of parchment…yellow; that it would have been hard to say which was which。
He had put up a hand between his eyes and the light; and the very bones of it seemed transparent。 So he sat; with a steadfastly vacant gaze; pausing in his work。 He never looked at the figure before him; without first looking down on this side of himself; then on that; as if he had lost the habit of associating place with sound; he never spoke; without first pandering in this manner; and forgetting to speak。
‘Are you going to finish that pair of shoes to…day?' asked Defarge; motioning to Mr。 Lorry to e forward。
‘What did you say?'
‘Do you mean to finish that pair of shoes to…day?' ‘I can't say that I mean to。 I suppose so。 I don't know。'
But; the question reminded him of his work; and he bent over it again。
Mr。 Lorry came silently forward; leaving the daughter by the door。 When he had stood; for a minute or two; by the side of Defarge; the shoemaker looked up。 He showed no surprise at seeing another figure; but the unsteady fingers of one of his hands strayed to his lips as he looked at it (his lips and his nails were of the same pale lead…colour); and then the hand dropped to his work; and he once more bent over the shoe。 The look and the action had occupied but an instant。
‘You have a visitor; you see;' said Monsieur Defarge。
‘What did you say?'
‘Here is a visitor。'
The shoemaker looked up as before; but without removing a hand from his work。
‘e!' said Defarge。 ‘Here is monsieur; who knows a well…made shoe when he sees one。 Show him that shoe you are working at。 Take it; monsieur。'
Mr。 Lorry took it in his hand。
‘Tell monsieur what kind of shoe it is; and the maker's name。'
There was a longer pause than usual; before the shoe…maker replied:
‘I forget what it was you asked me。 What did you say?'
‘I said; couldn't you describe the kind of shoe; for monsieur's information?'
‘It is a lady's shoe。 It is a young lady's walking…shoe。 It is in the present mode。 I never saw the mode。 I have had a pattern in my hand。' He glanced at the shoe with some little passing touch of pride。
‘And the maker's name?' said Defarge。
Now that he had no work to hold; he laid the knuckles of the right hand in the hollow of the left; and then the knuckles of the left hand in the hollow of the right; and then passed a hand across his bearded chin; and so on in regular changes; without a moment's intermission。 The task of recalling him from the vacancy into which he always sank when he had spoken; was like recalling some very weak person from a swoon; or endeavouring; in the hope of some disclosure; to stay the spirit of a fast…dying man。
‘Did you ask me for my name?'
‘Assuredly I did。'
‘One Hundred and Five; North Tower。'
‘Is that all?'
‘One Hundred and Five; North Tower。'
With a weary sound that was not a sigh; nor a groa
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