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八八书城 返回本书目录 我的书架 我的书签 TXT全本下载 进入书吧 加入书签

双城记 查尔斯·狄更斯-第章

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 address myself to that Doctor。' Then she raised her voice and called out; ‘Citizen Doctor! Wife of Evrémonde! Child of Evrémonde! Any person but this miserable fool; answer the Citizeness Defarge!'
Perhaps the following silence; perhaps some latent disclosure in the expression of Miss Pross's face; perhaps a sudden misgiving apart from either suggestion; whispered to Madame Defarge that they were gone。 Three of the doors she opened swiftly; and looked in。
‘Those rooms are all in disorder; there has been hurried packing; there are odds and ends upon the ground。 There is no one in that room behind you! Let me look。'
‘Never!' said Miss Pross; who understood the request as perfectly as Madame Defarge understood the answer。
‘If they are not in that room; they are gone; and can be pursued and brought back;' said Madame Defarge to herself。
‘As long as you don't know whether they are in that room or not; you are uncertain what to do;' said Miss Pross to herself; ‘and you shall not know that; if I can prevent your knowing it; and know that; or not know that; you shall not leave here while I can hold you。'
‘I have been in the streets from the first; nothing has stopped me; I will tear you to pieces; but I will have you from that door;' said Madame Defarge。
‘We are alone at the top of a high house in a solitary courtyard; we are not likely to be heard; and I pray for bodily strength to keep you here; while every minute you are here is worth a hundred thousand guineas to my darling;' said Miss Pross。
Madame Defarge made at the door。 Miss Pross; on the instinct of the moment; seized her round tile waist in both her arms; and held her tight。 It was in vain for Madame Defarge to struggle and to strike; Miss Pross; with the vigorous tenacity of love; always so much stronger than hate; clasped her tight; and even lifted her from the floor in the struggle that they had。 The two hands of Madame Defarge buffeted and tore her face; but; Miss Pross; with her head down; held her round the waist; and clung to her with more than the hold of a drowning woman。 
Soon; Madame Defarge's hands ceased to strike; and felt at her encircled waist。 ‘It is under my arm;' said Miss Pross; in smothered tones; ‘you shall not draw it。 I am stronger than you; I bless Heaven for it。 I'll hold you till one or other of us faints or dies!'
Madame Defarge's hands were at her bosom。 Miss Pross looked up; saw what it was; struck at it; struck out a flash and a crash; and stood alone……blinded with smoke。
All this was in a second。 As the smoke cleared; leaving an awful stillness; it passed out on the air; like the soul of the furious woman whose body lay lifeless on the ground。
In the first fright and horror of her situation; Miss Pross passed the body as far from it as she could; and ran down the stairs to call for fruitless help。 Happily; she bethought herself of the consequences of what she did; in time to check herself and go back。 It was dreadful to go in at the door again; but; she did go in; and even went near it; to get the bonnet and other things that she must wear。 These she put on; out on the staircase; first shutting and locking the door and taking away the key。 She then sat down on the stairs a few moments to breathe and to cry; and then got up and hurried away。
By good fortune she had a veil on her bonnet; or she could hardly have gone along the streets without being stopped。 By good fortune; too; she was naturally so peculiar in appearance as not to show disfigurement like any other woman。 She needed both advantages; for the marks of griping fingers were deep in her face; and her hair was torn; and her dress (hastily posed with unsteady hands) was clutched and dragged a hundred ways
In crossing the bridge; she dropped the door key in the river。 Arriving at the cathedral some few minutes before her escort; and waiting there; she thought; what if the key were already taken in a net; what if it were identified; what if the door were opened and the remains discovered; what if she were stopped at the gate; sent to prison; and charged with murder! In the midst of these fluttering thoughts; the escort appeared; took her in; and took her away。
‘Is there any noise in the streets?' she asked him。
‘The usual noises;' Mr。 Cruncher replied; and looked surprised by the question and by her aspect。
‘I don't hear you;' said Miss Pross。 ‘What do you say?'
It was in vain for Mr。 Cruncher to repeat what he said; Miss Pross could not hear him。 ‘So I'll nod my head;' thought Mr。 Cruncher; amazed; ‘at all events she'll see that。' And she did。
‘Is there any noise in the streets now?' asked Miss Pross again; presently。
Again Mr。 Cruncher nodded his head。
‘I don't hear it。'
‘Gone deaf in a hour?' said Mr。 Cruncher; ruminating; with his mind much disturbed; ‘wot's e to her?'
‘I feel;' said Miss Pross; ‘as if there had been a flash and a crash; and that crash was the last thing I should ever hear in this life。'
‘Blest if she ain't in a queer condition!' said Mr。 Cruncher; more and more disturbed。 ‘Wot can she have been a takin'; to keep her courage up? Hark! There's the roll of them dreadful carts! You can hear that; miss?'
‘I can hear;' said Miss Pross; seeing that he spoke to her; ‘nothing。 O; my good man; there was first a great crash; and then a great stillness; and that stillness seems to be fixed and unchangeable; never to be broken any more as long as my life lasts。'
‘If she don't hear the roll of those dreadful carts; now very nigh their journey's end;' said Mr。 Cruncher; glancing over his shoulder; ‘it's my opinion that indeed she never will hear anything else in this world。'
And indeed she never did。 
The Footsteps Die out for Ever
ALONG the Paris streets; the death…carts rumble; hollow and harsh。 Six tumbrils carry the day's wine to La Guillotine。 All the devouring and insatiate Monsters imagined since imagination could record itself; are fused in the one realisation; Guillotine。 And yet there is not in France; with its rich variety of soil and climate; a blade; a leaf; a root; a sprig; a peppercorn; which will grow to maturity under conditions more certain than those that have produced this horror。 Crush humanity out of shape once mor
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