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八八书城 返回本书目录 我的书架 我的书签 TXT全本下载 进入书吧 加入书签

双城记 查尔斯·狄更斯-第章

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‘If you were to go before;' said Miss Pross; ‘and stop the vehicle and horses from ing here; and were to wait somewhere for me; wouldn't that be best?'
Mr。 Cruncher thought it might be best。
‘Where could you wait for me?' asked Miss Pross。
Mr。 Cruncher was so bewildered that he could think of no locality but Temple Bar。 Alas! Temple Bar was hundreds of miles away; and Madame Defarge was drawing very near indeed。
‘By the cathedral door;' said Miss Pross。 ‘Would it be much out of the way; to take me in; near the great cathedral door between the two towers?'
‘No; miss;' answered Mr。 Cruncher。
‘Then; like the best of men;' said Miss Pross; ‘go to the posting…house straight; and make that change。'
‘I am doubtful;' said Mr。 Cruncher; hesitating and shaking his head; ‘about leaving of you; you see。 We don't know what may happen。'
‘Heaven knows we don't;' returned Miss Pross; ‘but have no fear for me。 Take me in at the cathedral; at Three o'clock; or as near it as you can; and I am sure it will be better than our going from here。 I feel certain of it。 There! Bless you; Mr。 Cruncher! Think……not of me; but of the lives that may depend on both of us !'
This exordium; and Miss Pross's two hands in quite agonised entreaty clasping his; decided Mr。 Cruncher。 With an encouraging nod or two; he immediately went out to alter the arrangements; and left her by herself to follow as she had proposed。
The having originated a precaution which was already in course of execution; was a great relief to Miss Pross。 The necessity of posing her appearance so that it should attract no special notice in the streets; was another relief She looked at her watch; and it was twenty minutes past two。 She had no time to lose; but must get ready at once。
Afraid; in her extreme perturbation; of the loneliness of the deserted rooms; and of half…imagined faces peeping from behind every open door in them; Miss Pross got a basin of cold water and began laving her eyes; which were swollen and red。 Haunted by her feverish apprehensions; she could not bear to have her sight obscured for a minute at a time by the dripping water; but constantly paused and looked round to see that there was no one watching her。 In one of those pauses she recoiled and cried out; for she saw a figure standing in the room。
The basin fell to the ground broken; and the water flowed to the feet of Madame Defarge。 By strange stern ways; and through much staining blood; those feet had e to meet that water。
Madame Defarge looked coldly at her; and said; ‘The wife of Evrémonde; where is she?'
It flashed upon Miss Pross's mind that the doors were all standing open; and would suggest the flight。 Her first act was to shut them。 There were four in the room; and she shut them all。 She then placed herself before the door of the chamber which Lucie had occupied。
Madame Defarge's dark eyes followed her through this rapid movement; and rested on her when it was finished。 Miss Pross had nothing beautiful about her; years had not tamed the wildness; or softened the grimness; of her appearance; but; she too was a determined woman in her different way; and she measured Madame Defarge with her eyes; every inch。
‘You might; from your appearance; be the wife of Lucifer;' said Miss Pross; in her breathing。 ‘Nevertheless; you shall not get the better of me。 I am an Englishwoman。
Madame Defarge looked at her scornfully; but still with something of Miss Pross's own perception that they two were at bay。 She saw a tight; hard; wiry woman before her; as Mr。 Lorry had seen in the same figure a woman with a strong hand; in the years gone by。 She knew full well that Miss Pross was the family's devoted friend; Miss Pross knew full well that Madame Defarge was the family's malevolent enemy。
‘On my way yonder;' said Madame Defarge; with a slight movement of her hand towards the fatal spot; ‘where they reserve my chair and my knitting for me; I am e; to make my pliments to her in passing。 I wish to see her。
‘I know that your intentions are evil;' said Miss Pross; ‘and you may depend upon it; I'll hold my own against them。'
Each spoke in her own language; neither understood the other's words; both were very watchful; and intent to deduce from look and manner; what the unintelligible words meant。
‘It will do her no good to keep herself concealed from me at this moment;' said Madame Defarge。 ‘Good patriots will know what that means。 Let me see her。 Go tell her that I wish to see her。 Do you hear?'
‘If those eyes of yours were bed…winches;' returned Miss Pross; ‘and I was an English four…poster; they shouldn't loose a splinter of me。 No; you wicked foreign woman; I am your match。'
Madame Defarge was not likely to follow these idiomatic remarks in detail; but; she so far understood them as to perceive that she was set at naught。
‘Woman imbecile and pig…like!' said Madame Defarge; frowning。 ‘I take no answer from you。 I demand to see her。 Either tell her that I demand to see her; or stand out of the way of the door and let me go to her!' This; with an angry explanatory wave of her right arm。
‘I little thought;' said bliss Pross; ‘that I should ever want to understand your nonsensical language; but I would give all I have; except the clothes I wear; to know whether you suspect the truth; or any part of it。'
Neither of them for a single moment released the other's eyes。 Madame Defarge had not moved from the spot where she stood when Miss Pross first became aware of her; but she now advanced one step。
‘I am a Briton;' said Miss Pross; ‘I am desperate。 I don't care an English Two…pence for myself。 I know that the longer I keep you here; the greater hope there is for my Ladybird。 I'll not leave a handful of that dark hair upon your head; if you lay a finger on me!'
Thus Miss Pross; with a shake of her head and a flash of her eyes between every rapid sentence; and every rapid sentence a whole breath。 Thus Miss Pross; who had never struck a blow in her life。
But; her courage was of that emotional nature that it brought the irrepressible tears into her eyes。 This was a courage that Madame Defarge so little prehended as to mistake for weakness。 ‘Ha; ha!' she laughed; ‘you poor wretch! What are you worth! I address my
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