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八八书城 返回本书目录 我的书架 我的书签 TXT全本下载 进入书吧 加入书签

双城记 查尔斯·狄更斯-第章

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aks and appeared to conceal themselves。 As they stood carriage door; I also observed that they both looked of about my own age; or rather younger; and that they were greatly alike; in stature; manner; voice; and (as far as I could see) face too。
‘〃You are Doctor Manette?〃 said one。
‘〃I am。〃
‘〃Doctor Manette; formerly of Beauvais;〃 said the other; 〃the young physician; originally an expert surgeon; who within the last year or two has made a rising reputation in Paris?〃
‘〃Gentlemen;〃 I returned; 〃I am that Doctor Manette of whom you speak so graciously。〃
‘〃we have been to your residence;〃 said the first; 〃and not being so fortunate as to find you there; and being informed that you were probably walking in this direction; we followed; in the hope of overtaking you。 Will you please to enter the carriage?〃
‘The manner of both was imperious; and they both moved; as these words were spoken; so as to place me between themselves and the carriage door。 They were armed。 I was not。
‘〃Gentlemen;〃 said I; 〃pardon me; but I usually inquire who does me the honour to seek my assistance; and what is the nature of the case to which I am summoned。〃
‘The reply to this was made by him who had spoken second。 〃Doctor; your clients are people of condition。 As to the nature of the case; our confidence in your skill assures us that you will ascertain it for yourself better than we can describe it。 Enough。 Will you please to enter the carriage?〃
‘I could do nothing but ply; and I entered it in silence。 They both entered after me……the last springing in; after putting up the steps。 The carriage turned about; and drove on as its former speed。
‘I repeat this conversation exactly as it occurred。 I have no doubt that it is; word for word; the same。 I describe everything exactly as it took place; constraining my mind not to wander from the task。 Where I make the broken marks that follow here; I leave off for the time; and put my paper in its hiding…place。 * * * *
‘The carriage left the streets behind; passed the North Barrier; and emerged upon the country road。 At two…thirds of a league from the Barrier……I did not estimate the distance at that time; but afterwards when I traversed it……it struck out of the main avenue; and presently stopped at a solitary house。 We all three alighted; and walked; by a damp soft footpath in a garden where a neglected fountain had overflowed; to the door of the house。 It was not opened immediately; in answer to the ringing of the bell; and one of my two conductors struck the man who opened it; with his heavy riding…glove; across the face。
‘There was nothing in this action to attract my particular attention; for I had seen mon people struck more monly than dogs。 But; the other of the two; being angry like…wise; struck the man in like manner with his arm; the look and bearing of the brothers were then so exactly alike; that I then first perceived them to be twin brothers。
‘From the time of our alighting at the outer gate (which we found locked; and which one of the brothers had opened to admit us; and had re…locked); I had heard cries proceeding from an upper chamber。 I was conducted to this chamber straight; the cries growing louder as we ascended the stairs; and I found a patient in a high fever of the brain; lying on a bed。
‘The patient was a woman of great beauty; and young; assuredly not much past twenty。 Her hair was torn and ragged; and her arms were bound to her sides with sashes and handkerchiefs。 I noticed that these bonds were all portions of a gentleman's dress。 On one of them; which was a fringed Scarf for a dress of ceremony; I saw the armorial bearings of a Noble; and the letter E。
‘I saw this; within the first minute of my contemplation of the patient; for; in her restless strivings she had turned over on her face on the edge of the bed; had drawn the end of the scarf into her mouth; and was in danger of suffocation。 My first act was to put out my hand to relieve her breathing; and in moving the scarf aside; the embroidery in the corner caught my sight。
‘I turned her gently over; placed my hands upon her breast to calm her and keep her down; and looked into her face。 Her eyes were dilated and wild; and she constantly uttered piercing shrieks; and repeated the words; 〃My husband; my father; and my brother!〃 and then counted up to twelve; and said; 〃Hush!〃 For an instant; and no more; she would pause to listen; and then the piercing shrieks would begin again; and she would repeat the cry; 〃My husband; my father; and my brother!〃 and would count up to twelve; and say 〃Hush!〃 There was no variation in the order; or the manner。 There was no cessation; but the regular moment's pause; in the utterance of these sounds。
‘〃How long;〃 I asked; 〃has this lasted?〃
‘To distinguish the brothers; I will call them the elder and the younger; by the elder; I mean him who exercised the most authority。 It was the elder who replied; 〃Since about this hour last night。〃
‘〃She has a Husband; a father; and a brother?〃
‘〃A brother。〃
‘〃I do not address her brother?〃
‘He answered with great contempt; 〃No。〃
‘〃She has some recent association with the number twelve?〃
‘The younger brother impatiently rejoined; 〃With twelve o'clock?〃
‘〃See; gentlemen;〃 said I; still keeping my hands upon her breast; 〃how useless I am; as you have brought me! If I had known what I was ing to see; I could have e provided。 As it is; time must be lost。 There are no medicines to be obtained in this lonely place。〃
‘The elder brother looked to the younger; who said haughtily; 〃There is a case of medicines here;〃 and brought it from a closet; and put it on the table。 * * *
‘I opened some of the bottles; smelt them; and put the stoppers to my lips。 If I had wanted to use anything save narcotic medicines that were poisons in themselves; I would not have administered any of those。
‘〃Do you doubt them?〃 asked the younger brother。
‘〃You see; monsieur; I am going to use them;〃 I replied; and said no more。
‘I made the patient swallow; with great difficulty; and after many efforts; the dose that I desired to give。 As I intended to repeat it after a while; and as it was necessary to watch its influence; I then sat down by the side of the bed。 There was a 
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