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八八书城 返回本书目录 我的书架 我的书签 TXT全本下载 进入书吧 加入书签

双城记 查尔斯·狄更斯-第章

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r have no good of it; he'd want all along to be out of the line; if he could see his way out; being once in……even if it wos so。'
‘Ugh!' cried Mr。 Lorry; rather relenting; nevertheless。 ‘I am shocked at the sight of you。'
‘Now; what I would humbly offer to you; sir;' pursued Mr。 Cruncher; ‘even if it wos so; which I don't say it is………'
‘Don't prevaricate;' said Mr。 Lorry。
‘No; I will not; sir;' returned Mr。 Cruncher; as if nothing were further from his thoughts or practice……‘which I don't say it is……wot I would humbly offer to you; sir; would be this。 Upon that there stool; at that there Bar; sets that there boy of mine; brought up and growed up to be a man; wot will errand you; message you; general…light…job you; till your heels is where your head is; if such should be your wishes。 If it wos so; which I still don't say it is (for I will not prewaricate to you; sir); let that there boy keep his father's place; and take care of his mother; don't blow upon that boy's father……do not do it; sir……and let that father go into the line of the reg'lar diggin'; and make amends for what he would have un…dug……if it wos so……by diggin' of 'em in with a will; and with conwictions respectin' the futur' keepin' of 'em safe。 That; Mr。 Lorry;' said Mr。 Cruncher; wiping his forehead with his arm; as an announcement that he had arrived at the peroration of his discourse; ‘is wot I would respectfully offer to you; sir。 A man don't see all this here a goin' on dreadful round him; in the way of Subjects without heads; dear me; plentiful enough fur to bring the price down to porterage and hardly that; without havin' his serious thoughts of things。 And these here would be mine; if it wos so; entreatin' of you fur to bear in mind that wot I said just now; I up and said in the good cause when I might have kep' it back。'
‘That at least is true;' said Mr。 Lorry。 ‘Say no more now。 It may be that I shall yet stand your friend; if you deserve it; and; repent in action……not in words。 I want no more
Mr。 Cruncher knuckled his forehead; as Sydney Carton and the spy returned from the dark room。 ‘Adieu; Mr。 Barsad;' said the former; ‘our arrangement thus made; you have nothing to fear from me。'
He sat down in a chair on the hearth; over against Mr。 Lorry。 When they were alone; Mr。 Lorry asked him what he had done?
‘Not much。 If it should go ill with the prisone I have ensured access to him; Once。'
Mr。 Lorry's countenance fell。
‘It is all I could do;' said Carton。 ‘To propose too much; would be to put this man's head under the axe; and; as he himself said; nothing worse could happen to him if he were denounced。 It was obviously the weakness of the position。 There is no help for it。'
‘But access to him;' said Mr。 Lorry; ‘if it should go ill before the Tribunal; will not save him。'
‘I never said it would。'
Mr。 Lorry's eyes gradually sought the fire; his sympathy with his darling; and the heavy disappointment of this second arrest; gradually weakened them; he was an old man now; overborne with anxiety of late; and his tears fell。
‘You are a good man and a true friend;' said Carton; in an altered voice。 ‘Forgive me if I notice that you are affected。 I could not see my father weep; and sit by; careless。 And I could not respect your sorrow more; if you; were my father。 You are free from that misfortune; however。
Though he said the last words; with a slip into his usual manner; there was a true feeling and respect both in his tone and in his touch; that Mr。 Lorry; who had never seen the better side of him; was wholly unprepared for。 He gave him his hand; and Carton gently pressed it。
‘To return to poor Darnay;' said Carton。 ‘Don't tell Her of this interview; or this arrangement。 It would not enable Her to go to see him。 She might think it was contrived; in case of the worst; to convey to him the means of anticipating the sentence。'
Mr。 Lorry had not thought of that; and he looked quickly at Carton to see if it were in his mind。 It seemed to be; he returned the look; and evidently understood it。
‘She might think a thousand things;' Carton said; ‘and any of them would only add to her trouble。 Don't speak of me to her。 As I said to you when I first came; I had better not see her。 I can put my hand out; to do any little helpful work for her that my hand can find to do; without that。 You are going to her; I hope? She must be very desolate to…night。
‘I am going now; directly。'
‘I am glad of that。 She has such a strong attachment to you and reliance on you。 How does she look?'
‘Anxious and unhappy; but very beautiful。' ‘Ah!'
It was a long; grieving sound; like a sigh……almost like a sob。 It attracted Mr。 Lorry's eyes to Cartons face; which was turned to the fire。 A light; or a shade (the old gentleman could not have said which); passed from it as swiftly as a change will sweep over a hill…side on a wild bright day; and he lifted his foot to put back one of the little flaming logs; which was tumbling forward。 He wore the white riding…coat and topboots; then in vogue; and the light of the fire touching their light surfaces made him look very pale; with his long brown hair; all untrimmed; hanging loose about him。 His indifference to fire was sufficiently remarkable to elicit a word of remonstrance from Mr。 Lorry; his boot was still upon the hot embers of the flaming log; when it had broken under the weight of his foot。
‘I forgot it;' he said。
Mr。 Lorry's eyes were again attracted to his face。 Taking note of the wasted air which clouded the naturally handsome features; and having the expression of prisoners' faces fresh in his mind; he was strongly reminded of that expression。
‘And your duties here have drawn to an end; sir?' said Carton; turning to him。
‘Yes。 As I was telling you last night when Lucie came in so unexpectedly; I have at length done all that I can do here。 I hoped to have left them in perfect safety; and then to have quitted Pass。 I have my Leave to Pass。 I was ready to go。'
They were both silent。 
‘Yours is a long life to look back upon; sir?' said Carton; wistfully。
‘I am in my seventy…eighth year。'
‘You have been useful all your life; steadily and constantly occupied; trusted; respected; and looked up to?'
‘I have been a man of business
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