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八八书城 返回本书目录 我的书架 我的书签 TXT全本下载 进入书吧 加入书签

双城记 查尔斯·狄更斯-第章

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‘Why; look at you all!' bawled this figure; addressing the inn servants。 ‘Why don't you go and fetch things; instead of standing there staring at me? I am not so much to look at; am I? Why don't you go and fetch things? I'll let you know; if you don't bring smelling…salts; cold water; and vinegar; quick; I will。'
There was an immediate dispersal for these restoratives; and she softly laid the patient on a sofa; and tended her with great skill and gentleness: calling her ‘my precious!' and ‘my bird!' and spreading her golden hair aside over her shoulders with great pride and care。
‘And you in brown!' she said; indignantly turning to Mr。 Lorry; ‘couldn't you tell her what you had to tell her; without frightening her to death? Look at her; with her pretty pale face and her cold hands。 Do you call that being a Banker?'
Mr。 Lorry was so exceedingly disconcerted by a question so hard to answer; that he could only look on; at a distance; with much feebler sympathy and humility; while the strong woman; having banished the inn servants under the mysterious penalty of ‘letting them know' something not mentioned if they stayed there; staring; recovered her charge by a regular series of gradations; and coaxed her to lay her drooping head upon her shoulder。
‘I hope she will do well now;' said Mr。 Lorry。
‘No thanks to you in brown; if she does。 My darling pretty!'
‘I hope;' said Mr。 Lorry; after another pause of feeble sympathy and humility; ‘that you acpany Miss Manette to France?'
‘A likely thing; too!' replied the strong woman。 ‘If it was ever intended that I should go across salt water; do you suppose Providence would have cast my lot in an island?'
This being another question hard to answer; Mr。 Jarvis Lorry withdrew to consider it。
The Wine…shop
A LARGE cask of wine had been dropped and broken; street。 The accident had happened in getting it out of a cart; the cask had tumbled out with a run; the hoops had burst; and it lay on the stones just outside the door of the wine…shop; shattered like a walnut…shell。
All the people within reach had suspended their business or their idleness; to run to the spot and drink the wine。 The rough; irregular stones of the street; pointing every way; and designed; one might have thought; expressly to lame all living creatures that approached them; had dammed it into little pools; these were surrounded; each by its own jostling group or crowd; according to its size。 Some men kneeled down; made scoops of their two hands joined; and sipped; or tried to help women; who bent over their shoulders to sip; before the wine had all run out between their fingers。 Others; men and women; dipped in the puddles with little mugs of mutilated earthenware; or even with handkerchiefs from women's heads; which were squeezed dry into infants mouths; others made small mud embankments; to stem the wine as it ran; others; directed by lookers…on up at high windows; darted here and there; to cut off little streams of wine that started away in new directions; others devoted themselves to the sodden and lee…dyed pieces of the cask licking; and even champing the moister wine…rotted fragments with eager relish。 There was no drainage to carry off the wine; and not only did it all get taken up; but so much mud got taken up along with it; that there might have been a scavenger in the street; if anybody acquainted with it could have believed in such a miraculous presence。
A shrill sound of laughter and of amused voices……voices of men; women; and children……resounded in the street while this wine game lasted。 There was little roughness in the spot and much playfulness。 There was a special panionship in it; an observable inclination on the part of every one to join some other one; which led; especially among the luckier or lighter…hearted; to frolicsome embraces; drinking of healths; shaking of hands; and even joining of hands and dancing; a dozen together。 When the wine was gone; and the places where it had been most abundant were raked into a gridiron…pattern by fingers; these demonstrations ceased; as suddenly as they had broken out。 The man who had left his saw sticking in the firewood he was cutting; set it in motion again; the woman who had left on a door…step the little pot of hot ashes; at which she had been trying to soften the pain in her own starved fingers and toes; or in those of her child; returned to it; men with bare arms; matted locks; and cadaverous faces; who had emerged into the winter light from cellars; moved away; to descend again; and a gloom gathered on the scene that appeared more natural to it than sunshine。
The wine was red wine; and had stained the ground of the narrow street in the suburb of Saint Antoine; in Paris; where it was spilled。 It had stained many hands; too; and many faces; and many naked feet; and many wooden shoes。 The hands of the man who sawed the wood; left red marks on the billets; and the forehead of the woman who nursed her baby; was stained with the stain of the old rag she wound about her head again。 Those who had been greedy with the staves of the cask; had acquired a tigerish smear about the mouth; and one tall joker so besmirched; his head more out of a long squalid bag of a night…cap than in it; scrawled upon a wall with his finger dipped in muddy wine…lees……BLOOD。
The time was to e; when that wine too would be spilled on the street…stones; and when the stain of it would be red upon many there。
And now that the cloud settled on Saint Antoine; which a momentary gleam had driven from his sacred countenance; the darkness of it was heavy……cold; dirt; sickness; ignorance; and want; were the lords in waiting on the saintly presence……nobles of great power all of them; but; most especially the last。 Samples of a people that had undergone a terrible grinding and re…grinding in the mill; and certainly not in the fabulous mill which ground old people young; shivered at every corner; passed in and out at every doorway; looked from every window; fluttered in every vestige of a garment that the wind shock。 The mill which had worked them down; was the mill that grinds young people old; the children had ancient faces and grave voices; and upon them; and upon the grown faces; 
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