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     〃'It is certainly a great privilege to hear you talk;' answered little Hans; 
sitting down; and wiping his forehead; 'a very great privilege。 But I am 
afraid I shall never have such beautiful ideas as you have。' 
     〃'Oh! they will e to you;' said the Miller; 'but you must take more 
pains。 At present you have only the practice of friendship; some day you 
will have the theory also。' 
     〃'Do you really think I shall?' asked little Hans。 
     〃'I have no doubt of it;' answered the Miller; 'but now that you have 
mended the roof; you had better go home and rest; for I want you to drive 
my sheep to the mountain to…morrow。' 
     〃Poor little Hans was afraid to say anything to this; and early the next 
morning the Miller brought his sheep round to the cottage; and Hans 
started off with them to the mountain。 It took him the whole day to get 
there and back; and when he returned he was so tired that he went off to 
sleep in his chair; and did not wake up till it was broad daylight。 
     〃'What a delightful time I shall have in my garden;' he said; and he 
went to work at once。 
     〃But somehow he was never able to look after his flowers at all; for his 
friend the Miller was always ing round and sending him off on long 
errands; or getting him to help at the mill。 Little Hans was very much 
distressed at times; as he was afraid his flowers would think he had 
forgotten them; but he consoled himself by the reflection that the Miller 
was his best friend。 'Besides;' he used to say; 'he is going to give me his 
wheelbarrow; and that is an act of pure generosity。' 
     〃So little Hans worked away for the Miller; and the Miller said all 
kinds of beautiful things about friendship; which Hans took down in a 
note…book; and used to read over at night; for he was a very good scholar。 
     〃Now it happened that one evening little Hans was sitting by his 
fireside when a loud rap came at the door。 It was a very wild night; and 
the wind was blowing and roaring round the house so terribly that at first 


                             The Happy Prince and Other Tales 

he thought it was merely the storm。 But a second rap came; and then a 
third; louder than any of the others。 
    〃'It is some poor traveller;' said little Hans to himself; and he ran to the 
    〃There stood the Miller with a lantern in one hand and a big stick in 
the other。 
    〃'Dear little Hans;' cried the Miller; 'I am in great trouble。 My little 
boy has fallen off a ladder and hurt himself; and I am going for the Doctor。 
But he lives so far away; and it is such a bad night; that it has just occurred 
to me that it would be much better if you went instead of me。 You know 
I am going to give you my wheelbarrow; and so; it is only fair that you 
should do something for me in return。' 
    〃'Certainly;' cried little Hans; 'I take it quite as a pliment your 
ing to me; and I will start off at once。 But you must lend me your 
lantern; as the night is so dark that I am afraid I might fall into the ditch。' 
    〃'I am very sorry;' answered the Miller; 'but it is my new lantern; and it 
would be a great loss to me if anything happened to it。' 
    〃'Well; never mind; I will do without it;' cried little Hans; and he took 
down his great fur coat; and his warm scarlet cap; and tied a muffler round 
his throat; and started off。 
    〃What a dreadful storm it was! The night was so black that little 
Hans could hardly see; and the wind was so strong that he could scarcely 
stand。 However; he was very courageous; and after he had been walking 
about three hours; he arrived at the Doctor's house; and knocked at the 
    〃'Who is there?' cried the Doctor; putting his head out of his bedroom 
    〃'Little Hans; Doctor。' 
    〃'What do you want; little Hans?' 
    〃'The Miller's son has fallen from a ladder; and has hurt himself; and 
the Miller wants you to e at once。' 
    〃'All right!' said the Doctor; and he ordered his horse; and his big 


                             The Happy Prince and Other Tales 

boots; and his lantern; and came downstairs; and rode off in the direction 
of the Miller's house; little Hans trudging behind him。 
     〃But the storm grew worse and worse; and the rain fell in torrents; and 
little Hans could not see where he was going; or keep up with the horse。 
At last he lost his way; and wandered off on the moor; which was a very 
dangerous place; as it was full of deep holes; and there poor little Hans 
was drowned。 His body was found the next day by some goatherds; 
floating in a great pool of water; and was brought back by them to the 
     〃Everybody went to little Hans' funeral; as he was so popular; and the 
Miller was the chief mourner。 
     〃'As I was his best friend;' said the Miller; 'it is only fair that I should 
have the best place'; so he walked at the head of the procession in a long 
black cloak; and every now and then he wiped his eyes with a big pocket… 
     〃'Little Hans is certainly a great loss to every one;' said the Blacksmith; 
when the funeral was over; and they were all seated fortably in the inn; 
drinking spiced wine and eating sweet cakes。 
     〃'A great loss to me at any rate;' answered the Miller; 'why; I had as 
good as given him my wheelbarrow; and now I really don't know what to 
do with it。 It is very much in my way at home; and it is in such bad 
repair that I could not get anything for it if I sold it。 I will certainly take 
care not to give away anything again。 One always suffers for being 
     〃Well?〃 said the Water…rat; after a long pause。 
     〃Well; that is the end;〃 said the Lin。 
     〃But what became of the Miller?〃 asked the Water…rat。 
     〃Oh! I really don't know;〃 replied the Lin; 〃and I am sure that I 
don't care。〃 
     〃It is quite evident then that you have no sympathy in your nature;〃 
said the Water…rat。 
     〃I am afraid you don't quite see the moral of the story;〃 remarked the 

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