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my name is red-我的名字叫红-第章

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honeysuckle;  only  to  discover  that  she’d  left  it  pletely  blank。  I  couldn’t 
believe my eyes and senselessly turned the paper over and over; examining it。 
“A  window;”  said  my  Enishte。  “Using  perspectival  techniques  is  like 
regarding the world from a window—what is that you are holding?” 
“It’s nothing; Enishte Effendi;” I said。 When he looked away; I brought the 
crumpled paper to my nose and deeply inhaled its scent。 
After  an  afternoon  meal;  as  I  did  not  want  to  use  my  Enishte’s  chamber 
pot; I excused myself and went to the outhouse in the yard。 It was bitter cold。 I 
had quickly seen to my concern without freezing my buttocks too much when 
I saw that Shevket had slyly and silently appeared before me; blocking my way 
like  a  brigand。  In  his  hands  he  held  his  grandfather’s  full  and  steaming 
chamber  pot。  He  entered  the  outhouse  after  me  and  emptied  the  pot。  He 
exited  and  fixed  his  pretty  eyes  on  mine  as  he  puffed  out  his  plump  cheeks; 
still holding the empty pot。 
“Have  you  ever  seen  a  dead  cat?”  he  asked。  His  nose  was  exactly  like  his 
mother’s。 Was she watching us? I looked around。 The shutters were closed on 
the  enchanted  second…floor  window  in  which  I’d  first  seen  Shekure  after  so 
many years。 
“Shall I show you the dead cat in the house of the Hanged Jew?” 
He went out to the street without waiting for my response。 I followed him。 
We walked forty or fifty paces along the muddy and icy path before entering 
an unkempt garden。 Here; it smelled of wet and rotting leaves; and faintly of 
mold。  With  the  confidence  of  a  child  who  knew  the  place  well;  taking  firm; 
rhythmic steps; he entered through the door of a yellow house; which stood 
before us almost hidden behind somber fig and almond trees。 
The house was pletely empty; but it was dry and warm; as if somebody 
were living there。 
“Whose house is this?” I asked。 
“The  Jews‘。  When  the  man  died;  his  wife  and  kids  went  to  the  Jewish 
quarter over by the fruit…sellers’ quay。 They’re having Esther the clothier sell 
the house。” He went into a corner of the room and returned。 “The cat’s gone; 
it’s disappeared;” he said。 
“Where would a dead cat go?” 
“My grandfather says the dead wander。” 
“Not the dead themselves;” I said。 “Their spirits wander。” 
“How  do  you  know?”  he  said。  He  was  holding  the  chamber  pot  tightly 
against his lap in all seriousness。 
“I just know。 Do you always e here?” 
“My mother es here with Esther。 The living dead; risen from the grave; 
e  here  at  night;  but  I’m  not  afraid  of  this  place。  Have  you  ever  killed  a 
“How many?” 
“Not many。 Two。” 
“With a sword?” 
“With a sword。” 
“Do their souls wander?” 
“I don’t know。 According to what’s written in books; they must wander。” 
“Uncle Hasan has a red sword。 It’s so sharp it’ll cut you if you just touch it。 
And he has a dagger with a ruby…studded handle。 Are you the one who killed 
my father?” 
I nodded indicating neither “yes” nor “no。” “How do you know that your 
father is dead?” 
“My mother said so yesterday。 He won’t be returning。 She saw him in her 
If presented with the opportunity; we would choose to do in the name of a 
greater goal whatever awful thing we’ve already prepared to do for the sake of 
our own miserable gains; for the lust that burns within us or for the love that 
breaks our hearts; and so; I resolved once more to bee the father of these 
forsaken children; and; when I returned to the house; I listened more intently 
to Shevket’s grandfather as he described the book whose text and illustrations 
I had to plete。 
Let  me  begin  with  the  illustrations  that  my  Enishte  had  shown  me;  the 
horse  for  example。  On  this  page  there  were  no  human  figures  and  the  area 
around  the  horse  was  empty;  even  so;  I  couldn’t  say  it  was  simply  and 
exclusively the painting of a horse。 Yes; the horse was there; yet it was apparent 
that the rider had stepped off to the side; or who knows; perhaps he was on 
the  verge  of  emerging  from  behind  the  bush  drawn  in  the  Kazvin  style。  This 
was  immediately  apparent  from  the  saddle  upon  the  horse;  which  bore  the 
marks  and  embellishments  of  nobility:  Maybe;  a  man  with  his  sword  at  the 
ready was about to appear beside the steed。 
It  was  obvious  that  Enishte  missioned  this  horse  from  a  master 
illustrator  whom  he’d  secretly  summoned  from  the  workshop。  Because  the 
illustrator; arriving at night; could draw a horse—ingrained in his mind like a 
stencil—only if it were the extension of a story; that’s exactly how he’d begin: 
by rote。 As he was drawing the horse; which he’d seen thousands of times in 
scenes of love and war; my Enishte; inspired by the methods of the Veian 
masters;  had  probably  instructed  the  illustrator;  for  example;  he  might  have 
said; “Forget about the rider; draw a tree there。 But draw it in the background; 
on a smaller scale。” 
The illustrator; who came at night; would sit before his work desk together 
with  my  Enishte;  eagerly  drawing  by  candlelight  an  odd;  unconventional 
picture  that  didn’t  resemble  any  of  the  usual  scenes  to  which  he  was 
accustomed and had memorized。 Of course; my Enishte paid him handsomely 
for  each  drawing;  but  frankly;  this  peculiar  method  of  drawing  also  had  its 
charms。  However;  as  with  my  Enishte;  after  a  while;  the  illustrator  could  no 
longer  determine  which  story  the  illustration  was  intended  to  enhance  and 
plete。  What  my  Enishte  expected  of  me  was  that  I  examine  these 
illustrations  made  in  half…Veian;  half…Persian  mode  and  write  a  story 
suitable to acpany them on the opposite page。 If I hoped to get Shekure; I 
absolutely  had  to  write  these  stories;  but  all  that  came  to  mind  were  the 
stories the storyteller told at the coffeehouse。 
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