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my name is red-我的名字叫红-第章

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faceup on the floor beneath the three of them。 
One of them sat on my knees。 Another on my right arm。 
Black  pressed  a  knee  into  each  of  my  shoulders;  he  firmly  situated  his 
weight  between  my  stomach  and  chest;  and  sat  on  me。  I  was  pletely 
immobilized。  All  of  us  were  stunned  and  breathing  hard。  This  is  what  I 
My late uncle had a rogue son two years older than me—I hope he’s been 
caught in the act of raiding caravans and has long since been beheaded。 This 
jealous beast; realizing I knew more than he and was also more intelligent and 
refined;  would  find  any  excuse  to  pick  a  fight;  or  else  he’d  insist  that  we 
e; he’d hold me down with his knees on 
my  shoulders  in  this  same  way;  he’d  stare  into  my  eyes;  the  way  Black  was 
now doing; and let a string of saliva hang down; slowly directing it toward my 
eyes as it gained mass; and he’d be greatly entertained as I tried to avoid it by 
turning my head to the right and to the left。 
Black told me not to hide anything。 Where was the last picture? Confess! 
I felt suffocating regret and anger for two reasons: First; I’d said everything I 
had  for  naught;  unaware  that  they’d  e  to  an  agreement  beforehand; 
secondly;  I  hadn’t  fled;  unable  to  imagine  that  their  envy  would  reach  this 
Black threatened to cut my throat if I didn’t produce the last picture。 
How very ridiculous。 I firmly closed my lips; as if the truth would escape if I 
opened my mouth。 Part of me also thought that there was nothing left for me 
to do。 If they came to an agreement among themselves and turned me over to 
the Head Treasurer as the murderer; they’d end up saving their own hides。 My 
only hope lay with Master Osman; who might point out another suspect or 
another  clue;  but  then;  could  I  be  certain  what  Black  said  about  him  was 
correct?  He  could  kill  me  here  and  now;  and  later  place  the  onus  on  me; 
couldn’t he? 
They rested the dagger against my throat; and I saw at once how this gave 
Black a pleasure that he could not conceal。 They slapped me。 Was the dagger 
cutting my skin? They slapped me again。 
I was able to work through the following logic: If I held my peace; nothing 
would happen! This gave me strength。 They could no longer hide the fact that 
since the days of our apprenticeships they’d been jealous of me; I; who quite 
evidently applied paint in the best manner; drew the steadiest line and made 
the best illuminations。 I loved them for their extreme envy。 I smiled upon my 
beloved brethren。 
One of them; I don’t want you to know which of them was responsible for 
this disgrace; passionately kissed me as if he were kissing the beloved he’d long 
desired。 The others watched by the light of the oil lamp that they brought near 
to us。 I could not but respond in kind to this kiss from my beloved brother。 If 
we’re  nearing  the  end  of  everything;  let  it  be  known  that  I  do  the  best 
illuminating。 Find my pages and see for yourselves。 
He  began  to  beat  me  angrily;  as  if  I’d  enraged  him  by  answering  his  kiss 
with  a  kiss。  But  the  others  restrained  him。  They  experienced  a  moment  of 
indecision。 Black was upset that there was a scuffle among them。 It was as if 
they weren’t angry with me; but with the direction in which their lives were 
headed; and as a result; they wanted to  take  their  revenge  against  the  entire 
Black removed an object from his sash: a needle with a sharpened point。 In 
an instant; he brought it to my face and made a gesture as if to plunge it into 
my eyes。 
“Eighty  years  ago;  the  great  Bihzad;  master  of  masters;  understood  that 
everything was ing to an end with the fall of Herat; and honorably blinded 
himself so nobody would force him to paint in another way;” he said。 “A short 
while  after  he  deliberately  inserted  this  plume  needle  into  his  own  eye  and 
removed  it;  God’s  exquisite  darkness  slowly  descended  over  His  beloved 
servant;  this  artist  with  the  miraculous  hand。  This  needle  which  came  from 
Herat to Tabriz with the now drunk and blind Bihzad; was sent as a present by 
Shah Tahmasp to Our Sultan’s father; along with that legendary Book of Kings。 
At first; Master Osman was unable to determine why this object was sent。 But 
today; he was able to see the ill will and just logic behind this cruel present。 
After  Master  Osman  understood  that  Our  Sultan  wanted  to  have  His  own 
portrait made in the style of the European masters and that you all; whom he 
loved more than his own children; had betrayed him; he stuck this needle into 
each  of  his  eyes  last  night  in  the  Treasury—in  imitation  of  Bihzad。  Now;  if  I 
were  to  blind  you;  the  accursed  man  responsible  for  bringing  to  ruin  the 
workshop Master Osman established at the expense of his entire life; what of 
“Whether or not you blind me; in the end; we’ll no longer be able to find a 
place for ourselves here;” I said。 “If Master Osman truly goes blind; or passes 
away;  and  we  paint  the  way  we  feel  like  painting;  embracing  our  faults  and 
individuality under the influence of the Franks so we might possess a style; we 
might resemble ourselves; but we won’t be ourselves。 No; even if we were to 
agree to paint like the old masters; reasoning that only in this way could we be 
ourselves; Our Sultan; who’s turned His back even on Master Osman; will find 
others to replace us。 No one will look at us anymore; we shall only incur pity。 
The raiding of the coffeehouse merely rubs salt into our wounds; because half 
the  blame  for  this  incident  will  fall  to  us  miniaturists;  who’ve  slandered  the 
respected preacher。” 
Although  I  tried  at  length  to  persuade  them  that  it  would  work  quite 
against us to quarrel; it was to no avail。 They had no intention of listening to 
me。  They  were  panicked。  If  they  could  only  decide  quickly;  before  morning; 
right or wrong; which of their lot was guilty; they w
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