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the days of my life-第章

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our success than for my own; which is not an excitement to me。 But Lord love you; it would be log…rollery to say that in a review。
Yours ever;
A。 L。
I have not the faintest idea of the genesis of this note。 I presume; however; that Lang had aimed some of his barbed shafts at me; probably in conversation; and that I had written to him petulantly。 Anyhow his answer is most kind and nice。
The next letter in the bunch; dated May 9th (year missing); says:
I am much grieved by the death of Umslopogaas。 I have written his epitaph in Greek and in English verses。 'N。B。 — These fine verses now appear upon the title…page of “Allan Quatermain。” I remember Mrs。 Lang telling me that “Andrew had wasted an entire day in their position。”'
“Allan Quatermain;” after running through Longmans’ Magazine; came out about the end of June 1887。 Charles Longman; in a letter dated June 20th; writes:
You have broken the record — at least so I am told。 We have subscribed over 10;000 copies of “Quatermain” in London; which they say is more than has ever been subscribed of a 6 — novel before。 。 。 。 We printed 20;000 of “Quatermain;” as you know and we are now ordering paper in readiness for another lot。
This tale proved; and has remained; a general favourite; the Zulu in it; old Umslopogaas; being a very popular character with all classes of readers; and especially among boys。
Here is a letter from one who was a boy then; but has since bee a very famous man; namely Mr。 Winston Churchill; in which he expresses his critical opinion of the work。 To this I append a letter from his aunt; Lady Leslie; whom I used to know well; in which she expresses her critical opinion of Mr。 Winston Churchill in his youth。 I am sorry to say that I cannot remember whether the meeting she was trying to arrange did or did not take place。
46 Grosvenor Square; W。
Dear Mr。 Haggard; — Thank you so much for sending me “Allan Quatermain;” it was so good of you。 I like “A。 Q。” better than “King Solomon’s Mines”; it is more amusing。
I hope you will write a great many more books。
I remain;
Yours truly;
Winston S。 Churchill。
11 Stratford Place; W。
February 11; 1888。
Dear Mr。 Haggard; — The little boy Winston came here yesterday morning; not having been in London on Sunday; and beseeching me to take him to see you before he returns to school at the end of the month。 I don’t wish to bore so busy a man as yourself; but will you; when you have time; please tell me; shall I bring him on Wednesday next; when Mrs。 Haggard said she would be at home? Or do you prefer settling to e here some afternoon when I could have the boy to meet you? He really is a very interesting being; though temporarily uppish from the restraining parental hand being in Russia。
Yours very truly;
Constance Leslie。
By one of the saddest of all coincidences; if such things are pure coincidence; “Allan Quatermain” opens with a description of the death of Quatermain’s only son。 I dedicated it to my only son; and shortly afterwards that fate overtook him also!
I find letters from Lang imploring me not to kill Allan Quatermain。 But when he wrote Allan had already been killed; and how could the end of the story be altered? Besides his day was done and his tale told。 But he left others behind him。
Before finally leaving the subject of “Cleopatra” I will quote a couple of letters that I received from W。 E。 Henley。 I should here mention that I was well acquainted with this able and interesting man; some of whose poems will; I think; survive in our literature。
I remember once driving to the British Museum with him and Lang; or it may have been Gosse; or both of them; in a four…wheeled cab; to see some Japanese prints that were on show。 On the way I told him that personally I admired statuary; and especially Greek statuary; much more than I did pictorial art。 He was greatly astonished。
“I think it wonderful;” he said; “that you being what you are; and your work what it is; you should prefer form to colour。”
It seemed curious to him that a man who wrote romances should have other sides to his nature。 He was extremely fond of war and fighting; witness his Ode to the Sword; and at the club would insist upon my telling him stories by the yard about the Zulus and their blood…thirsty battles and customs。 With it all he was very domestic; and much attached to his “placens uxor” and the little girl whom; most unhappily; he lost。 The last note I ever received from him; written some years after our acquaintance had practically ceased; was on this sad subject。
The first of the three letters which I am going to quote is not on the subject of “Cleopatra” but in answer to one of mine expressing my admiration of his volume of verses。 As it is; however; the earliest in date it shall have preference。
June 9; 1888。
My dear Haggard; — I found yours at the Club last night。 I do care for your approbation very much; for I do not think I should have it if my verses hadn’t a kind of basis of life。
Lang hates ’em; I believe; and I shall tell him of your note with pride and glee。
For myself I prefer the “Life and Death” lot。 But the In Hospital sets forth a special experience and is; of course; of particular interest。
Always yours sincerely;
W。 E。 H。
The next letter is written from 11 Howard Place; Edinburgh; July 20; 1889。
My dear Haggard; — I got a week at Windermere and took “Cleopatra” with me。 I was alone; and I found her very good pany。
You were terribly handicapped by the inevitable parison; but you came off better (to be frank) than I’d expected you would。 The invention throughout is admirable — is good enough; indeed; to carry off the archaeology and the archaical style; though they are both large orders。
And in Charmion you have given us; I think; your best creation; or if not that; a creation fit to rank with Umslopogaas and the King in “Solomon’s Mines。” And you know that I mean a good deal when I say that。
I am glad to have read the book; and glad to have it by me to read again。 It has plenty of faults; but it has an abundance of promise and some excellent — some really excellent — achievement。 There is never a sign of exhaustion; but on the contrary no end of p
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