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哲学史-philosophy of history(英文版)-第章

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with the conditions of mere nature — internal and external — it will indeed meet in these not only
opposition and hindrance; but will often see its endeavours thereby fail; often sink under the
plications in which it is entangled either by Nature or by itself。 But in such case it perishes in
fulfilling its own destiny and proper function; and even thus exhibits the spectacle of
self…demonstration as spiritual activity。 

                                   § 85

The very essence of Spirit is activity; it realises its potentiality — makes itself its own deeds its own
work — and thus it bees an object to itself; contemplates itself as an objective existence。 Thus
is it with the Spirit of a people: it is a Spirit having strictly defined characteristics。; which erects
itself into an objective world; that exists and persists in a particular religious form of worship;
customs; constitution and political laws; — in the whole plex of its institutions; — in the events
and transactions that make up its history。 That is its work — that is what this particular Nation is。
Nations are what their deeds are。 Every Englishman will say: We are the men who navigate the
ocean; and have the merce of the world; to whom the East Indies belong and their riches; who
have a parliament; juries; &c。… The relation of the individual to that Spirit is that he appropriates to
himself this substantial existence; that it bees his character and capability; enabling him to have
a definite place in the world — to be something。 For he finds the being of the people to which he
belongs an already established; firm world — objectively present to him — with which he has to
incorporate himself。 In this its work; therefore — its world — the Spirit of the people enjoys its
existence and finds its satisfaction。 — A Nation is moral — virtuous — vigorous — while it is
engaged in realising its grand objects; and defends its work against external violence during the
process of giving to its purposes an objective existence。 The contradiction between its potential;
subjective being — its inner aim and life — and its actual being is removed; it has attained full
reality; has itself objectively present to it。 But this having been attained; the activity played by the
Spirit of the people in question is no longer needed; it has its desire。 The Nation can still
acplish much in war and peace at home and abroad; but the living substantial soul itself may
be said to have ceased its activity。 The essential; supreme interest has consequently vanished from
its life; for interest is present only where there is opposition。 The nation lives the same kind of life
as the individual when passing from maturity to old age; — in the enjoyment of itself; — in the
satisfaction of being exactly what it desired and was able to attain。 Although its imagination might
have transcended that limit; it nevertheless abandoned any such aspirations as objects of actual
endeavour; if the real world was less than favourable to their attainment — and restricted its aim
by the conditions thus imposed。 This mere customary life (the watch wound up and going on of
itself) is that which brings on natural death。 Custom is activity without opposition; for which there
remains only a formal duration; in which the fullness and zest that originally characterised the aim of
life is out of the questions merely external sensuous existence which has ceased to throw itself
enthusiastically into its object。 Thus perish individuals; thus perish peoples by a natural death; and
though the latter may continue in being; it is an existence without intellect or vitality; having no need
of its institutions; because the need for them is satisfied; — a political nullity and tedium。 In order
that a truly universal interest may arise; the Spirit of a People must advance to the adoption of
some new purpose: but whence can this new purpose originate? It would be a higher; more
prehensive conception of itself — a transcending of its principle — but this very act would
involve a principle of a new order; a new National Spirit。 

                                   § 86

Such a new principle does in fact enter into the Spirit of a people that has arrived at full
development and self…realisation; it dies not a simply natural death — for it is not a mere single
individual; but a spiritual; generic life; in its case natural death appears to imply destruction through
its own agency。 The reason of this difference from the single natural individual is that the Spirit of a
people exists as a genus; and consequently carries within it its own negation; in the very generality
which characterises it。 A people can only die a violent death when it has bee naturally dead in
itself; as e。g。; the German Imperial Cities; the German Imperial Constitution。 

                                   § 87

It is not of the nature of the all…pervading Spirit to die this merely natural death; it does not simply
sink into the senile life of mere custom but — as being a National Spirit belonging to Universal
History — attains to the consciousness of what its work is; it attains to a conception of itself。 In
fact it is world…historical only in so far as a universal principle has lain in its fundamental element;
— in its grand aim: only so far is the work which such a spirit produces; a moral; political
organisation。 If it be mere desires that impel nations to activity; such deeds pass over without
leaving a trace; or their traces are only ruin and destruction。 Thus; it was first Chronos — Time —
that ruled; the Golden Age; without moral products; and what was produced — the offspring of
that Chronos — was devoured by it。 It was Jupiter — from whose head Minerva sprang; and to
whose circle of divinities belong Apollo and the Muses — that first put a constraint upon Time; and
set a bound to its principle of decadence。 He is the Political god; who produced a moral work —
the State。 

                                   § 88

In the very element of an achievement the quality of generality; of thought; is contained; without
thought it has no objectivity; that is its basis。 T
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