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哲学史-philosophy of history(英文版)-第章

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§ 44 The patriarchal condition is one of transition; its unity not advancing beyond the merely
§ 45 No law can be valid without the approval of all。 
§ 46 The State is an abstraction; but it is an actuality; and must embody itself in individual will。 
§ 47 The necessity of a particular constitution is made to depend on the condition of the people
as if it were accidental。 
§ 48 The State is the embodiment of rational freedom; realising itself in an objective form。 
§ 49 The State is the Idea of Spirit in the external manifestation of human Will and its Freedom。 
§ 50 We observe a union between the objective … the Idea; … and the subjective… the personality
that conceives and wills it。 
§ 51 The definite substance that exists in the State; is the Spirit of the People itself。 
§ 52 Freedom can exist only where Individuality is recognised as having its real existence in the
Divine Being。 
§ 53 While the State is based on Religion; Religion supposes the State already to exist。 
§ 54 Religion is by no means a thing to be so produced; its self…production lies much deeper。 
§ 55 An opposite folly is that of pretending to invent and carry out political constitutions
independently of religion。 
§ 56 The State constitutes the rights of its members; its natural features are their country; their
outward material property。 
§ 57 This matured totality constitutes the spirit of one People。 Each individual is the Son of his
Nation; the Son of his Age。 
§ 58 Each particular National genius is only One Individual in the process of Universal History。 
§ 59 Nothing further remains for this introductory section to contemplate but 。。。。 

III The Course of World History 
§ 60 History is an advance to something better; but Nature exhibits only a perpetually
self…repeating cycle。 
§ 61 The principle of Development finds actual existence in Spirit; which has the History of the
World for its theatre。 
§ 62 The Spirit's expansion is not the harmless tranquillity of mere growth; but a stern reluctant
working against itself。 
§ 63 The analysis of the successive grades; in their abstract form; belongs to Logic; in their
concrete aspect to the Philosophy of Spirit。 
§ 64 Possibility points to something destined to bee actual。 
§ 65 The investigation of the history of ancient peoples; to trace their annals up to the point where
fragments of primary revelation are to be met with。 
§ 66 We have to thank this interest for many valuable discoveries in Oriental literature。 
§ 67 An advanced condition of science; and the assertion that such a condition occurred at the
very beginning of History。 
§ 68 The only method philosophical investigation can adopt; is to take up History where
Rationality begins to manifest itself in the World's affairs。 
§ 69 The period before history was written are destitute of objective history; because they
present no subjective history。 
§ 70 The progress of Nations assumes importance for concrete Reason; only when they have
e in contact with States; or begin to form constitutions。 
§ 71 We now have to state the direction of its course: though here only formally。 
§ 72 The logical; and dialectical nature of the Idea; viz。 that it is self…determined — that it
assumes successive forms which it successively transcends; and by this very process gains a richer
and more concrete shape。 
§ 73 A doubt has been suggested whether in the progress of history and of general culture;
mankind have bee better。 
§ 74 The History of the World occupies a higher ground than that on which morality has properly
its position。 
§ 75 The condition of Philosophy's existence is the taking up of the object of thought; and at the
same time clothing it with the form of universality。 
§ 76 Language attains on its own particular ground a high intellectual development; prior to the
mencement of civilisation。 
§ 77 Philosophy also must make its appearance where political life exists。 
§ 78 Among all world…historical peoples; art; science; even philosophy show not only diversity in
style; but still more remarkably in subject…matter。 
§ 79 Those spheres of intelligence which lie beyond the limits of this consciousness are a mon
§ 80 It is the concrete spirit of a people which we have to recognise; and it can only be
prehended spiritually。 
§ 81 History is the development of Spirit in Time; as Nature is the development of the Idea in
§ 82 With a vast expenditure of power a trivial result is produced; while from what appears
unimportant; a tremendous issue proceeds。 
§ 83 What traveller among the ruins of Carthage or Rome has not reflected on the transience of
kingdoms and men。 
§ 84 Spirit manipulates itself; multiplying the material for future endeavours and gratifying its
desires in a variety which is inexhaustible。 
§ 85 The very essence of Spirit is activity; it realises its potentiality and bees an object to
itself; contemplates itself as an objective existence。 
§ 86 The Spirit of a people exists as a genus; and consequently carries within it its own negation。 
§ 87 It is not of the nature of the all…pervading Spirit to die this merely natural death。 
§ 88 The highest point in the development of a people is this: to have reduced its laws; its ideas of
justice and morality to a science。 
§ 89 We have then before us a real and an ideal existence of the Spirit of the Nation。 
§ 90 We are sure to see a people putting talk about virtue partly side by side with actual virtue。 
§ 91 At the same time the isolation of individuals from each other and from the Whole makes its
§ 92 Zeus and his race are themselves swallowed up by the very power that produced them —
the principle of thought。 
§ 93 Time is the negative element in the sensuous world。 Thought is the same negativity。 
§ 94 Thought is that Universal … that Species which is immortal。 
§ 95 Spirit; in rendering itself objective and making this an object of thought; destroys the
determinate form of its being; but gains a prehension of its universal element。 
§ 96 The individual traverses as a unity various grades of development; and remains t
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