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has now been resident eight weeks。 If he does go; the change will be doleful。 Suppose he should be absent spring; summer; and autumn: how joyless sunshine and fine days will seem!”
I hardly know whether I had slept or not after this musing; at any rate; I started wide awake on hearing a vague murmur; peculiar and lugubrious; which sounded; I thought; just above me。 I wished I had kept my candle burning: the night was drearily dark; my spirits were depressed。 I rose and sat up in bed; listening。 The sound was hushed。
I tried again to sleep; but my heart beat anxiously: my inward tranquillity was broken。 The clock; far down in the hall; struck two。 Just then it seemed my chamber…door was touched; as if fingers had swept the panels in groping a way along the dark gallery outside。 I said; “Who is there?” Nothing answered。 I was chilled with fear。
All at once I remembered that it might be Pilot; who; when the kitchen…door chanced to be left open; not unfrequently found his way up to the threshold of Mr。 Rochester’s chamber: I had seen him lying there myself in the mornings。 The idea calmed me somewhat: I lay down。 Silence poses the nerves; and as an unbroken hush now reigned again through the whole house; I began to feel the return of slumber。 But it was not fated that I should sleep that night。 A dream had scarcely approached my ear; when it fled affrighted; scared by a marrow…freezing incident enough。
This was a demoniac laugh—low; suppressed; and deep—uttered; as it seemed; at the very keyhole of my chamber door。 The head of my bed was near the door; and I thought at first the goblin…laugher stood at my bedside—or rather; crouched by my pillow: but I rose; looked round; and could see nothing; while; as I still gazed; the unnatural sound was reiterated: and I knew it came from behind the panels。 My first impulse was to rise and fasten the bolt; my next; again to cry out; “Who is there?”
Something gurgled and moaned。 Ere long; steps retreated up the gallery towards the third…storey staircase: a door had lately been made to shut in that staircase; I heard it open and close; and all was still。
“Was that Grace Poole? and is she possessed with a devil?” thought I。 Impossible now to remain longer by myself: I must go to Mrs。 Fairfax。 I hurried on my frock and a shawl; I withdrew the bolt and opened the door with a trembling hand。 There was a candle burning just outside; and on the matting in the gallery。 I was surprised at this circumstance: but still more was I amazed to perceive the air quite dim; as if filled with smoke; and; while looking to the right hand and left; to find whence these blue wreaths issued; I became further aware of a strong smell of burning。
Something creaked: it was a door ajar; and that door was Mr。 Rochester’s; and the smoke rushed in a cloud from thence。 I thought no more of Mrs。 Fairfax; I thought no more of Grace Poole; or the laugh: in an instant; I was within the chamber。 Tongues of flame darted round the bed: the curtains were on fire。 In the midst of blaze and vapour; Mr。 Rochester lay stretched motionless; in deep sleep。
“Wake! wake!” I cried。 I shook him; but he only murmured and turned: the smoke had stupefied him。 Not a moment could be lost: the very sheets were kindling; I rushed to his basin and ewer; fortunately; one was wide and the other deep; and both were filled with water。 I heaved them up; deluged the bed and its occupant; flew back to my own room; brought my own water…jug; baptized the couch afresh; and; by God’s aid; succeeded in extinguishing the flames which were devouring it。
The hiss of the quenched element; the breakage of a pitcher which I flung from my hand when I had emptied it; and; above all; the splash of the shower…bath I had liberally bestowed; roused Mr。 Rochester at last。 Though it was now dark; I knew he was awake; because I heard him fulminating strange anathemas at finding himself lying in a pool of water。
“Is there a flood?” he cried。
“No; sir;” I answered; “but there has been a fire: get up; do; you are quenched now; I will fetch you a candle。”
“In the name of all the elves in Christendom; is that Jane Eyre?” he demanded。 “What have you done with me; witch; sorceress? Who is in the room besides you? Have you plotted to drown me?”
“I will fetch you a candle; sir; and; in Heaven’s name; get up。 Somebody has plotted something: you cannot too soon find out who and what it is。”
“There! I am up now; but at your peril you fetch a candle yet: wait two minutes till I get into some dry garments; if any dry there be—yes; here is my dressing…gown。 Now run!”
I did run; I brought the candle which still remained in the gallery。 He took it from my hand; held it up; and surveyed the bed; all blackened and scorched; the sheets drenched; the carpet round swimming in water。
“What is it? and who did it?” he asked。 I briefly related to him what had transpired: the strange laugh I had heard in the gallery: the step ascending to the third storey; the smoke;—the smell of fire which had conducted me to his room; in what state I had found matters there; and how I had deluged him with all the water I could lay hands on。
He listened very gravely; his face; as I went on; expressed more concern than astonishment; he did not immediately speak when I had concluded。
“Shall I call Mrs。 Fairfax?” I asked。
“Mrs。 Fairfax? No; what the deuce would you call her for? What can she do? Let her sleep unmolested。”
“Then I will fetch Leah; and wake John and his wife。”
“Not at all: just be still。 You have a shawl on。 If you are not warm enough; you may take my cloak yonder; wrap it about you; and sit down in the arm…chair: there;—I will put it on。 Now place your feet on the stool; to keep them out of the wet。 I am going to leave you a few minutes。 I shall take the candle。 Remain where you are till I return; be as still as a mouse。 I must pay a visit to the second storey。 Don’t move; remember; or call any one。”
He went: I watched the light withdraw。 He passed up the gallery very softly; unclosed the staircase door with as little noise as possible; shut it after him; and the last ray vanished。 I was left in total darkness。 I listened for some noise; but
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