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 blanched。 It was a very grey day; a most opaque sky; “onding on snaw;” canopied all; thence flakes felt it intervals; which settled on the hard path and on the hoary lea without melting。 I stood; a wretched child enough; whispering to myself over and over again; “What shall I do?—what shall I do?”
All at once I heard a clear voice call; “Miss Jane! where are you? e to lunch!”
It was Bessie; I knew well enough; but I did not stir; her light step came tripping down the path。
“You naughty little thing!” she said。 “Why don’t you e when you are called?”
Bessie’s presence; pared with the thoughts over which I had been brooding; seemed cheerful; even though; as usual; she was somewhat cross。 The fact is; after my conflict with and victory over Mrs。 Reed; I was not disposed to care much for the nursemaid’s transitory anger; and I was disposed to bask in her youthful lightness of heart。 I just put my two arms round her and said; “e; Bessie! don’t scold。”
The action was more frank and fearless than any I was habituated to indulge in: somehow it pleased her。
“You are a strange child; Miss Jane;” she said; as she looked down at me; “a little roving; solitary thing: and you are going to school; I suppose?”
I nodded。
“And won’t you be sorry to leave poor Bessie?”
“What does Bessie care for me? She is always scolding me。”
“Because you’re such a queer; frightened; shy little thing。 You should be bolder。”
“What! to get more knocks?”
“Nonsense! But you are rather put upon; that’s certain。 My mother said; when she came to see me last week; that she would not like a little one of her own to be in your place。—Now; e in; and I’ve some good news for you。”
“I don’t think you have; Bessie。”
“Child! what do you mean? What sorrowful eyes you fix on me! Well; but Missis and the young ladies and Master John are going out to tea this afternoon; and you shall have tea with me。 I’ll ask cook to bake you a little cake; and then you shall help me to look over your drawers; for I am soon to pack your trunk。 Missis intends you to leave Gateshead in a day or two; and you shall choose what toys you like to take with you。”
“Bessie; you must promise not to scold me any more till I go。”
“Well; I will; but mind you are a very good girl; and don’t be afraid of me。 Don’t start when I chance to speak rather sharply; it’s so provoking。”
“I don’t think I shall ever be afraid of you again; Bessie; because I have got used to you; and I shall soon have another set of people to dread。”
“If you dread them they’ll dislike you。”
“As you do; Bessie?”
“I don’t dislike you; Miss; I believe I am fonder of you than of all the others。”
“You don’t show it。”
“You little sharp thing! you’ve got quite a new way of talking。 What makes you so venturesome and hardy?”
“Why; I shall soon be away from you; and besides”—I was going to say something about what had passed between me and Mrs。 Reed; but on second thoughts I considered it better to remain silent on that head。
“And so you’re glad to leave me?”
“Not at all; Bessie; indeed; just now I’m rather sorry。”
“Just now! and rather! How coolly my little lady says it! I dare say now if I were to ask you for a kiss you wouldn’t give it me: you’d say you’d rather not。”
“I’ll kiss you and wele: bend your head down。” Bessie stooped; we mutually embraced; and I followed her into the house quite forted。 That afternoon lapsed in peace and harmony; and in the evening Bessie told me some of her most enchaining stories; and sang me some of her sweetest songs。 Even for me life had its gleams of sunshine。
Chapter 5
Five o’clock had hardly struck on the morning of the 19th of January; when Bessie brought a candle into my closet and found me already up and nearly dressed。 I had risen half…an…hour before her entrance; and had washed my face; and put on my clothes by the light of a half…moon just setting; whose rays streamed through the narrow window near my crib。 I was to leave Gateshead that day by a coach which passed the lodge gates at six a。m。 Bessie was the only person yet risen; she had lit a fire in the nursery; where she now proceeded to make my breakfast。 Few children can eat when excited with the thoughts of a journey; nor could I。 Bessie; having pressed me in vain to take a few spoonfuls of the boiled milk and bread she had prepared for me; wrapped up some biscuits in a paper and put them into my bag; then she helped me on with my pelisse and bon; and wrapping herself in a shawl; she and I left the nursery。 As we passed Mrs。 Reed’s bedroom; she said; “Will you go in and bid Missis good…bye?”
“No; Bessie: she came to my crib last night when you were gone down to supper; and said I need not disturb her in the morning; or my cousins either; and she told me to remember that she had always been my best friend; and to speak of her and be grateful to her accordingly。”
“What did you say; Miss?”
“Nothing: I covered my face with the bedclothes; and turned from her to the wall。”
“That was wrong; Miss Jane。”
“It was quite right; Bessie。 Your Missis has not been my friend: she has been my foe。”
“O Miss Jane! don’t say so!”
“Good…bye to Gateshead!” cried I; as we passed through the hall and went out at the front door。
The moon was set; and it was very dark; Bessie carried a lantern; whose light glanced on wet steps and gravel road sodden by a recent thaw。 Raw and chill was the winter morning: my teeth chattered as I hastened down the drive。 There was a light in the porter’s lodge: when we reached it; we found the porter’s wife just kindling her fire: my trunk; which had been carried down the evening before; stood corded at the door。 It wanted but a few minutes of six; and shortly after that hour had struck; the distant roll of wheels announced the ing coach; I went to the door and watched its lamps approach rapidly through the gloom。
“Is she going by herself?” asked the porter’s wife。
“And how far is it?”
“Fifty miles。”
“What a long way! I wonder Mrs。 Reed is not afraid to trust her so far alone。”
The coach drew up; there it was at the gates with its four horses and its top laden with passengers: the g
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