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……… Page 37………   
gooey…eyed or something stupid like that。 No; I'd go up and just tell her that I felt bad for    
being a jerk and I wanted to make it up to her by helping her    
cut back some bushes。 Period。 End of story。 And if she still wanted to be mad at me after    
that; then fine。 That was her problem。    
My problem was; I never got the chance。 I came trekking down from the bus stop to find my    
grandfather doing my good deed。    
Now; jump back。 This was not something I could immediately absorb。 My grandfather did not    
do yard work。 At least; he'd never offered to help    
me out。 My grandfather lived in house slippers — where'd he get those work boots? And    
those jeans and that flannel shirt — what was up with    
I crouched behind a neighbor's hedge and watched them for ten or fifteen minutes; and man;    
the longer I watched; the madder I got。 My    
grandfather had already said more to her in this little slice of time than he'd said to me the    
whole year and a half he'd been living with us。 What was    
his deal with Juli Baker?    
I took the back way home; which involved climbing two fences and kicking off the neighbor's    
stupid little terrier; but it was worth it; considering I    
avoided the garden party across the street。    
Again I got no homework done。 The more I watched them; the madder I got。 I was still a    
cluck…faced jerk; while Juli was laughing it up with my    
grandfather。 Had I ever seen him smile? Really smile? I don't think so! But now he was knee…    
high in tles; laughing。    
At dinner that night he'd showered and changed back into his regular clothes and house    
slippers; but he didn't look the same。 It was like    
someone had plugged him in and turned on the light。    
“Good evening;” he said as he sat down with the rest of us。 “Oh; Patsy; that looks delicious!”    
“Well; Dad;” my mom said with a laugh; “your excursion across the street seems to have    
done you a world of good。”    
“Yeah;” my father said。 “Patsy tells me you've been over there all afternoon。 If you were in    
the mood for home improvement projects; why didn't    
you just say so?”    
My father was just joking around; but I don't think my grandfather took it that way。 He helped    
himself to a cheese…stuffed potato and said; “Pass    
the salt; won't you; Bryce?”    
So there was this definite tension between my father and my grandfather; but I think if Dad    
had dropped the subject right then; the vibe would've    
Dad didn't drop it; though。 Instead; he said; “So why's the girl the one who's finally doing    
something about their place?”    
My grandfather salted his potato very carefully; then looked across the table at me。 Ah…oh; I    
thought。 Ah… oh。 In a flash I knew those stupid eggs    
were not behind me。 Two years of sneaking them in the trash; two years of avoiding    
discussion of Juli and her eggs and her chickens and her earlymorning    
visits; and for what? Granddad knew; I could see it in his eyes。 In a matter of seconds he'd    
crack open the truth; and I'd be as good as    
Enter a miracle。 My grandfather petrified me for a minute with his eyes but then turned to my    
father and said; “She wants to; is all。”    
A raging river of sweat ran down my temples; and as my father said; “Well; it's about time    
someone did;” my grandfather looked back at me and I    
knew—he was not going to let me forget this。 We'd just had another conversation; only this    
time I was definitely not dismissed。    
After the dishes were cleared; I retreated to my room; but my grandfather came right in;    
closed the door behind him; and then sat on my bed。 He      
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did this all without making a sound。 No squeaking; no clanking; no scraping; no breathing …I    
swear; the guy moved through my room like a ghost。    
And of course I'm banging my knee and dropping my pencil and deteriorating into a pathetic    
pool of Jell…O。 But I tried my best to sound cool as I    
said; “Hello; Granddad。 e to check out the digs?”    
He pinched his lips together and looked at nothing but me。    
I cracked。 “Look; Granddad; I know I messed up。 I should've just told her; but I couldn't。 And I    
kept thinking they'd stop。 I mean; how long can a    
chicken lay eggs? Those things hatched in the fifth grade! That was like; three years ago!    
Don't they eventually run out? And what was I supposed to    
do? Tell her Mom was afraid of salmonella poisoning? And Dad wanted me to tell her we    
were allergic—c'mon; who's going to buy that? So I just    
kept; you know; throwing them out。 I didn't know she could've sold them。 I thought they were    
just extras。”    
He was nodding; but very slowly。    
I sighed and said; “Thank you for not saying anything about it at dinner。 I owe you。”    
He pulled my curtain aside and looked across the street。 “One's character is set at an early    
age; son。 The choices you make now will affect you    
for the rest of your life。” He inute; then dropped the curtain and said; “I hate    
to see you swim out so far you can't swim back。”    
“Yes; sir。”    
He frowned and said; “Don't yes…sir me; Bryce。” Then he stood and added; “Just think about    
what I've said; and the next time you're faced with a    
choice; do the right thing。 It hurts everyone less in the long run。”    
With that; poof; he was gone。    
The next day I went to shoot some hoops at Garrett's after school; and when his mom    
dropped me off later that afternoon; my granddad didn't    
even notice。 He was too busy being Joe Carpenter in Juli's front yard。    
I tried to do my homework at the breakfast bar; but my mom came home from work and    
started being all chatty; and then Lyta appeared and    
the two of them started fighting about whether Lyta's makeup made her look like a    
wounded raccoon。    
Lyta。 I swear she'll never learn。    
I packed up my stuff and escaped to my room; which; of course; was a total waste。 They've    
got a saw revving and wailing across the street; and    
in between cuts I can hear
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