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3 eclipse月食-第章

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 It was the same wolfy grin as before; his eyes scrunching the way they did when he was human。 
 It was hard to believe that; not so long ago; I’d found the werewolves frightening — lost sleep to 
nightmares about them。 
 I knew; without asking; which of the others was Embry and which was Quil。 Because Embry was clearly 
the thinner gray wolf with the dark spots on his back; who sat so patiently watching; while Quil — deep 
chocolate brown; lighter over his face — twitched constantly; looking like he was dying to join in the mock 
fight。 They weren’t monsters; even like this。 They were friends。 
 Friends who didn’t look nearly as indestructible as Emmett and Jasper did; moving faster than cobra 
strikes while the moonlight glinted off their granitehard skin。 Friends who didn’t seem to understand the 
danger involved here。 Friends who were still somewhat mortal; friends who could bleed; friends who could 
die。 。 。 。 
 Edward’s confidence was reassuring; because it was plain that he wasn’t truly worried about his family。 
But would it hurt him if something happened to the wolves? Was there any reason for him to be anxious; if that 
possibility didn’t bother him? Edward’s confidence only applied to one set of my fears。 
 I tried to smile back at Jacob; swallowing against the lump in my throat。 I didn’t seem to get it right。 
 Jacob sprang lightly to his feet; his agility at odds with his sheer mass; and trotted over to where Edward 
and I stood on the fringe of things。 
 “Jacob;” Edward greeted him politely。 
 Jacob ignored him; his dark eyes on me。 He put his head down to my level; as he had yesterday; cocking 
it to one side。 A low whimper escaped his muzzle。 
 “I’m fine;” I answered; not needing the translation that Edward was about to give。 “Just worried; you 
 Jacob continued to stare at me。 
 “He wants to know why;” Edward murmured。 
 Jacob growled — not a threatening sound; an annoyed sound — and Edward’s lips twitched。 
 “What?” I asked。 
 “He thinks my translations leave something to be desired。 What he actually thought was; ‘That’s really 
stupid。 What is there to be worried about?’ I edited; because I thought it was rude。” 
 I halfway smiled; too anxious to really feel amused。 “There’s plenty to be worried about;” I told Jacob。 
“Like a bunch of really stupid wolves getting themselves hurt。” 
 Jacob laughed his coughing bark。 
 Edward sighed。 “Jasper wants help。 You’ll be okay without a translator?” 
 “I’ll manage。” 
 Edward looked at me wistfully for one minute; his expression hard to understand; then turned his back and 
strode over to where Jasper waited。 
 I sat down where I was。 The ground was cold and unfortable。 
 Jacob took a step forward; then looked back at me; and a low whine rose in his throat。 He took another 
 “Go on without me;” I told him。 “I don’t want to watch。” 
 Jacob leaned his head to the side again for a moment; and then folded himself on to the ground beside me 
with a rumbling sigh。 
 “Really; you can go ahead;” I assured him。 He didn’t respond; he just put his head down on his paws。 

I stared up at the bright silver clouds; not wanting to see the fight。 My imagination had more than enough 
fuel。 A breeze blew through the clearing; and I shivered。 
Jacob scooted himself closer to me; pressing his warm fur against my left side。 
“Er; thanks;” I muttered。 
After a few minutes; I leaned against his wide shoulder。 It was much more fortable that way。 
The clouds moved slowly across the sky; dimming and brightening as thick patches crossed the moon and 
passed on。 
Absently; I began pulling my fingers through the fur on his neck。 That same strange humming sound that 
he’d made yesterday rumbled in his throat。 It was a homey kind of sound。 Rougher; wilder than a cat’s purr; 
but conveying the same sense of contentment。 
“You know; I never had a dog;” I mused。 “I always wanted one; but Renée’s allergic。” 
Jacob laughed; his body shook under me。 
“Aren’t you worried about Saturday at all?” I asked。 
He turned his enormous head toward me; so that I could see one of his eyes roll。 
“I wish I could feel that positive。” 
He leaned his head against my leg and started humming again。 And it did make me feel just a little bit 
“So we’ve got some hiking to do tomorrow; I guess。” 
He rumbled; the sound was enthusiastic。 
“It might be a long hike;” I warned him。 “Edward doesn’t judge distances the way a normal person does。” 
Jacob barked another laugh。 
I settled deeper into his warm fur; resting my head against his neck。 
It was strange。 Even though he was in this bizarre form; this felt more like the way Jake and I used to be 
— the easy; effortless friendship that was as natural as breathing in and out — than the last few times I’d been 
with Jacob while he was human。 Odd that I should find that again here; when I’d thought this wolf thing was 
the cause of its loss。 
The killing games continued in the clearing; and I stared at the hazy moon。 

  20。 PROMISE 

I was packed for my twoday visit with “Alice;” and my bag waited for me on the passenger seat of my 
truck。 I’d given the concert tickets to Angela; Ben; and Mike。 Mike was going to take Jessica; which was 
exactly as I’d hoped。 Billy had borrowed Old Quil Ateara’s boat and invited Charlie down for some open sea 
fishing before the afternoon game started。 Collin and Brady; the two youngest werewolves; were staying 
behind to protect La Push — though they were just children; both of them only thirteen。 Still; Charlie would be 
safer than anyone left in Forks。 
I had done all that I could do。 I tried to accept that; and put the things that were outside of my control out 
of my head; for tonight at least。 One way or another; this would all be over in fortyeight hours。 The thought 
was almost forting。 
Edward had requested that I relax; and I was going to do my best。 
“For this one night; could we try to forget everything besides just you and me?” he’d pleaded; unleashing 
the full force of his eyes on me。 “It seems like I ca
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