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3 eclipse月食-第章

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the wolf in his palm for a moment; and then let it fall。 It swung lightly from my wrist。 
I tried to read the expression in his eyes。 All I could see was thoughtfulness; he kept everything else 
hidden; if there was anything else。 
“Jacob Black can give you presents。” 
It wasn’t a question; or an accusation。 Just a statement of fact。 But I knew he was referring to my last 
birthday and the fit I’d thrown over gifts; I hadn’t wanted any。 Especially not from Edward。 It wasn’t entirely 
logical; and; of course; everyone had ignored me anyway。 。 。 。 
“You’ve given me presents;” I reminded him。 “You know I like the homemade kind。” 
He pursed his lips for a second。 “How about handmedowns? Are those acceptable?” 
“What do you mean?” 
“This bracelet。” His finger traced a circle around my wrist。 “You’ll be wearing this a lot?” 
I shrugged。 
“Because you wouldn’t want to hurt his feelings;” he suggested shrewdly。 
“Sure; I guess so。” 
“Don’t you think it’s fair; then;” he asked; looking down at my hand as he spoke。 He turned it palm up; 

and ran his finger along the veins in my wrist。 “If I have a little representation?” 
 “A charm — something to keep me on your mind。” 
 “You’re in every thought I have。 I don’t need reminders。” 
 “If I gave you something; would you wear it?” he pressed。 
 “A handmedown?” I checked。 
 “Yes; something I’ve had for a while。” He smiled his angel’s smile。 
 If this was the only reaction to Jacob’s gift; I would take it gladly。 “Whatever makes you happy。” 
 “Have you noticed the inequality?” he asked; and his voice turned accusing。 “Because I certainly have。” 
 “What inequality?” 
 His eyes narrowed。 “Everyone else is able to get away with giving you things。 Everyone but me。 I would 
have loved to get you a graduation present; but I didn’t。 I knew it would have upset you more than if anyone 
else did。 That’s utterly unfair。 How do you explain yourself?” 
 “Easy。” I shrugged。 “You’re more important than everyone else。 And you’ve given me you。 That’s already 
more than I deserve; and anything else you give me just throws us more out of balance。” 
 He processed that for a moment; and then rolled his eyes。 “The way you regard me is ludicrous。” 
 I chewed my breakfast calmly。 I knew he wouldn’t listen if I told him that he had that backward。 
 Edward’s phone buzzed。 
 He looked at the number before he opened it。 “What is it; Alice?” 
 He listened; and I waited for his reaction; suddenly nervous。 But whatever she said didn’t surprise him。 He 
sighed a few times。 
 “I sort of guessed as much;” he told her; staring into my eyes; a disapproving arch to his brow。 “She was 
talking in her sleep。” 
 I flushed。 What had I said now? 
 “I’ll take care of it;” he promised。 
 He glared at me as he shut his phone。 “Is there something you’d like to talk to me about?” 
 I deliberated for a moment。 Given Alice’s warning last night; I could guess why she’d called。 And then 
remembering the troubled dreams I’d had as I’d slept through the day — dreams where I chased after Jasper; 
trying to followhim and find the clearing in the mazelike woods; knowing I would find Edward there 。 。 。 
Edward; and the monsters who wanted to kill me; but not caring about them because I’d already made my 
decision — I could also guess what Edward had overheard while I’d slept。 
 I pursed my lips for a moment; not quite able to meet his gaze。 He waited。 
 “I like Jasper’s idea;” I finally said。 
 He groaned。 
 “I want to help。 I have to do something;” I insisted。 
 “It wouldn’t help to have you in danger。” 
 “Jasper thinks it would。 This is his area of expertise。” 
 Edward glowered at me。 
 “You can’t keep me away;” I threatened。 “I’m not going to hide out in the forest while you all take risks 
for me。” 
 Suddenly; he was fighting a smile。 “Alice doesn’t see you in the clearing; Bella。 She sees you stumbling 
around lost in the woods。 You won’t be able to find us; you’ll just make it more time consuming for me to find 
you afterward。” 
 I tried to keep as cool as he was。 “That’s because Alice didn’t factor in Seth Clearwater;” I said politely。 
“If she had; of course; she wouldn’t have been able to see anything at all。 But it sounds like Seth wants to be 
there as much as I do。 It shouldn’t be too hard to persuade him to show me the way。” 
 Anger flickered across his face; and then he took a deep breath and posed himself。 “That might have 
worked 。 。 。 if you hadn’t told me。 Now I’ll just ask Sam to give Seth certain orders。 Much as he might want 
to; Seth won’t be able to ignore that kind of injunction。” 
 I kept my smile pleasant。 “But why would Sam give those orders? If I tell him how it would help for me to 
be there? I’ll bet Sam would rather do me a favor than you。” 
 He had to pose himself again。 “Maybe you’re right。 But I’m sure Jacob would be only too eager to 

give those same orders。” 
  I frowned。 “Jacob?” 
  “Jacob is second in mand。 Did he never tell you that? His orders have to be followed; too。” 
  He had me; and by his smile; he knew it。 My forehead crumpled。 Jacob would be on his side — inthis 
one instance — I was sure。 And Jacob never had told me that。 
  Edward took advantage of the fact that I was momentarily stumped; continuing in a suspiciously smooth 
and soothing voice。 
  “I got a fascinating look into the pack’s mind last night。 It was better than a soap opera。 I had no idea how 
plex the dynamic is with such a large pack。 The pull of the individual against the plural psyche 。 。 。 
Absolutely fascinating。” 
  He was obviously trying to distract me。 I glared at him。 
  “Jacob’s been keeping a lot of secrets;” he said with a grin。 
  I didn’t answer; I just kept glaring; holding on to my argument and waiting for an opening。 
  “For instance; did you note the smaller gray wolf there last night?” 
  I nodded one stiff nod。 
  He chuckled。 “They take all of their legends so seriously。 It turns out there are things that none of their 
stories prepared them for。” 
  I sighed。
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