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the way we want them to without being careful about it。 Alice can already see that this will work。 When they 
catch our scent; they’ll split up and try to e at us from two sides。 Half will go through the forest; where her 
vision suddenly disappears。 。 。 。” 
“Yes!” Jacob hissed。 
Edward smiled at him; a smile of true radeship。 
I felt sick。 How could they be so eager for this? How could I stand having both of them in danger? I 
I wouldn’t。 
“Not a chance;” Edward said suddenly; his voice disgusted。 It made me jump; worrying that he’d 
somehow heard my resolve; but his eyes were on Jasper。 
“I know; I know;” Jasper said quickly。 “I didn’t even consider it; not really。” 
Alice stepped on his foot。 
“If Bella was actually there in the clearing;” Jasper explained to her; “it would drive them insane。 They 
wouldn’t be able to concentrate on anything but her。 It would make picking them off truly easy。 。 。 。” 
Edward’s glare had Jasper backtracking。 
“Of course it’s too dangerous for her。 It was just an errant thought;” he said quickly。 But he looked at me 

from the corner of his eyes; and the look was wistful。 
 “No;” Edward said。 His voice rang with finality。 
 “You’re right;” Jasper said。 He took Alice’s hand and started back to the others。 “Best two out of three?” 
I heard him ask her as they went to practice again。 
 Jacob stared after him in disgust。 
 “Jasper looks at things from a military perspective;” Edward quietly defended his brother。 “He looks at all 
the options — it’s thoroughness; not callousness。” 
 Jacob snorted。 
 He’d edged closer unconsciously; drawn by his absorption in the planning。 He stood only three feet from 
Edward now; and; standing there between them; I could feel the physical tension in the air。 It was like static; 
an unfortable charge。 
 Edward got back to business。 “I’ll bring her here Friday afternoon to lay the false trail。 You can meet us 
afterward; and carry her to a place I know。 pletely out of the way; and easily defensible; not that it will 
e to that。 I’ll take another route there。” 
 “And then what? Leave her with a cell phone?” Jacob asked critically。 
 “You have a better idea?” 
 Jacob was suddenly smug。 “Actually; I do。” 
 “Oh。 。 。 。 Again; dog; not bad at all。” 
 Jacob turned to me quickly; as if determined to play the good guy by keeping me in the conversation。 “We 
tried to talk Seth into staying behind with the younger two。 He’s still too young; but he’s stubborn and he’s 
resisting。 So I thought of a new assignment for him — cell phone。” 
 I tried to look like I got it。 No one was fooled。 
 “As long as Seth Clearwater is in his wolf form; he’ll be connected to the pack;” Edward said。 “Distance 
isn’t a problem?” he added; turning to Jacob。 
 “Three hundred miles?” Edward asked。 “That’s impressive。” 
 Jacob was the good guy again。 “That’s the farthest we’ve ever gone to experiment;” he told me。 “Still 
clear as a bell。” 
 I nodded absently; I was reeling from the idea that little Seth Clearwater was already a werewolf; too; and 
that made it difficult to concentrate。 I could see his bright smile; so much like a younger Jacob; in my head; he 
couldn’t be more than fifteen; if he was that。 His enthusiasm at the council meeting bonfire suddenly took on 
new meaning。 。 。 。 
 “It’s a good idea。” Edward seemed reluctant to admit this。 “I’ll feel better with Seth there; even without 
the instantaneous munication。 I don’t know if I’d be able to leave Bella there alone。 To think it’s e to 
this; though! Trusting werewolves!” 
 “Fightingwith vampires instead of against them!” Jacob mirrored Edward’s tone of disgust。 
 “Well; you still get to fight against some of them;” Edward said。 
 Jacob smiled。 “That’s the reason we’re here。” 

   19。 SELFISH 

EDWARD CARRIED ME HOME IN HIS ARMS; EXPECTING that I wouldn’t be able to hang on。 I must have fallen 
asleep on the way。 
When I woke up; I was in my bed and the dull light ing through my windows slanted in from a strange 
angle。 Almost like it was afternoon。 
I yawned and stretched; my fingers searching for him and ing up empty。 
“Edward?” I mumbled。 
My seeking fingers encountered something cool and smooth。 His hand。 
“Are you really awake this time?” he murmured。 
“Mmm;” I sighed in assent。 “Have there been a lot of false alarms?” 
“You’ve been very restless — talking all day。” 
“Allday?” I blinked and looked at the windows again。 
“You had a long night;” he said reassuringly。 “You’d earned a day in bed。” 
I sat up; and my head spun。 The light was ing in my window from the west。 “Wow。” 
“Hungry?” he guessed。 “Do you want breakfast in bed?” 
“I’ll get it;” I groaned; stretching again。 “I need to get up and move around。” 
He held my hand on the way to the kitchen; eyeing me carefully; like I might fall over。 Or maybe he 
thought I was sleepwalking。 
I kept it simple; throwing a couple of PopTarts in the toaster。 I caught a glimpse of myself in the reflective 
“Ugh; I’m a mess。” 
“It was a long night;” he said again。 “You should have stayed here and slept。” 
“Right! And missed everything。 You know; you need to start accepting the fact that I’m part of the family 
He smiled。 “I could probably get used to that idea。” 
I sat down with my breakfast; and he sat next to me。 When I lifted the PopTart to take the first bite; I 
noticed him staring at my hand。 I looked down; and saw that I was still wearing the gift that Jacob had given 
me at the party。 
“May I?” he asked; reaching for the tiny wooden wolf。 
I swallowed noisily。 “Um; sure。” 
He moved his hand under the charm bracelet and balanced the little figurine in his snowy palm。 For a 
fleeting moment; I was afraid。 Just the slightest twist of his fingers could crush it into splinters。 
But of course Edward wouldn’t do that。 I was embarrassed I’d even had the thought。 He only weighed 
the wolf in his palm for a moment; and then let it fall。 It swung lightly from my wrist。 
I tried to read the expression in his eyes。 All 
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