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3 eclipse月食-第章

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cleared the horizon yet; far away on the other side of the mountains。 As they approached; it was suddenly 
possible to make out shapes 。 。 。 colors。 
Sam was in the lead; of course。 Unbelievably huge; black as midnight; a monster straight out of my 
nightmares — literally; after the first time I’d seen Sam and the others in the meadow; they’d starred in my bad 
dreams more than once。 
Now that I could see them all; match the vastness with each pair of eyes; it looked like more than ten。 The 
pack was overwhelming。 
Out of the corner of my eye; I saw that Edward was watching me; carefully evaluating my reaction。 
Sam approached Carlisle where he stood in the front; the huge pack right on his tail。 Jasper stiffened; but 
Emmett; on the other side of Carlisle; was grinning and relaxed。 
Sam sniffed at Carlisle; seeming to wince slightly as he did。 Then he moved on to Jasper。 
My eyes ran down the wary brace of wolves。 I was sure I could pick out a few of the new additions。 
There was a light gray wolf that was much smaller than the others; the hackles on the back of his neck raised 
in distaste。 There was another; the color of desert sand; who seemed gangly and uncoordinated beside the 
rest。 A low whine broke through the sandy wolf’s control when Sam’s advance left him isolated between 
Carlisle and Jasper。 
I stopped at the wolf just behind Sam。 His fur was reddishbrown and longer than the others; shaggy in 
parison。 He was almost as tall as Sam; the second largest in the group。 His stance was casual; somehow 

exuding nonchalance over what the rest obviously considered an ordeal。 
The enormous russetcolored wolf seemed to feel my gaze; and he looked up at me with familiar black 
I stared back at him; trying to believe what I already knew。 I could feel the wonder and fascination on my 
The wolf’s muzzle fell open; pulling back over his teeth。 It would have been a frightening expression; 
except that his tongue lolled out the side in a wolfy grin。 
I giggled。 
Jacob’s grin widened over his sharp teeth。 He left his place in line; ignoring the eyes of his pack as they 
followed him。 He trotted past Edward and Alice to stand not two feet away from me。 He stopped there; his 
gaze flickering briefly toward Edward。 
Edward stood motionless; a statue; his eyes still assessing my reaction。 
Jacob crouched down on his front legs and dropped his head so that his face was no higher than mine; 
staring at me; measuring my response just as much as Edward was。 
“Jacob?” I breathed。 
The answering rumble deep in his chest sounded like a chuckle。 
I reached my hand out; my fingers trembling slightly; and touched the redbrown fur on the side of his face。 
The black eyes closed; and Jacob leaned his huge head into my hand。 A thrumming hum resonated in this 
The fur was both soft and rough; and warm against my skin。 I ran my fingers through it curiously; learning 
the texture; stroking his neck where the color deepened。 I hadn’t realized how close I’d gotten; without 
warning; Jacob suddenly licked my face from chin to hairline。 
“Ew! Gross; Jake!” I plained; jumping back and smacking at him; just as I would have if he were 
human。 He dodged out of the way; and the coughing bark that came through his teeth was obviously laughter。 
I wiped my face on the sleeve of my shirt; unable to keep from laughing with him。 
It was at that point that I realized that everyone was watching us; the Cullens and the werewolves — the 
Cullens with perplexed and somewhat disgusted expressions。 It was hard to read the wolves’ faces。 I thought 
Sam looked unhappy。 
And then there was Edward; on edge and clearly disappointed。 I realized he’d been hoping for a different 
reaction from me。 Like screaming and running away in terror。 
Jacob made the laughing sound again。 
The other wolves were backing away now; not taking their eyes off the Cullens as they departed。 Jacob 
stood by my side; watching them go。 Soon; they disappeared into the murky forest。 Only two hesitated by the 
trees; watching Jacob; their postures radiating anxiety。 
Edward sighed; and — ignoring Jacob — came to stand on my other side; taking my hand。 
“Ready to go?” he asked me。 
Before I could answer; he was staring over me at Jacob。 
“I’ve not quite figured out all the details yet;” he said; answering a question in Jacob’s thoughts。 
The Jacobwolf grumbled sullenly。 
“It’s more plicated than that;” Edward said。 “Don’t concern yourself; I’ll make sure it’s safe。” 
“What are you talking about?” I demanded。 
“Just discussing strategy;” Edward said。 
Jacob’s head swiveled back and forth; looking at our faces。 Then; suddenly; he bolted for the forest。 As 
he darted away; I noticed for the first time a square of folded black fabric secured to his back leg。 
“Wait;” I called; one hand stretching out automatically to reach after him。 But he disappeared into the trees 
in seconds; the other two wolves following。 
“Why did he leave?” I asked; hurt。 
“He’s ing back;” Edward said。 He sighed。 “He wants to be able to talk for himself。” 
I watched the edge of the forest where Jacob had vanished; leaning into Edward’s side again。 I was on the 
point of collapse; but I was fighting it。 
Jacob loped back into view; on two legs this time。 His broad chest was bare; his hair tangled and shaggy。 
He wore only a pair of black sweat pants; his feet bare to the cold ground。 He was alone now; but I 

suspected that his friends lingered in the trees; invisible。 
 It didn’t take him long to cross the field; though he gave a wide berth to the Cullens; who stood talking 
quietly in a loose circle。 
 “Okay; bloodsucker;” Jacob said when he was a few feet from us; evidently continuing the conversation 
I’d missed。 “What’s so plicated about it?” 
 “I have to consider every possibility;” Edward said; unruffled。 “What if someone gets by you?” 
 Jacob snorted at that idea。 “Okay; so leave her on the reservation。 We’re making Collin and Brady stay 
behind anyway。 She’ll be safe there。” 
 I scowled。 “Are you talking about me?” 
 “I just want to know what he plans to do w
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