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3 eclipse月食-第章

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“Coordinate?” I repeated through my teeth。 
“You didn’t honestly think you were going to keep us out of this?” Jacob asked。 
“You are staying out of this!” 
“Your psychic doesn’t think so。” 
“Alice — tell them no!” I insisted。 “They’ll get killed!” 
Jacob; Quil; and Embry all laughed out loud。 
“Bella;” Alice said; her voice soothing; placating; “separately we all could get killed。 Together —” 
“It’ll be no problem;” Jacob finished her sentence。 Quil laughed again。 
“How many?” Quil asked eagerly。 
“No!” I shouted。 
Alice didn’t even look at me。 “It changes — twentyone today; but the numbers are going down。” 
“Why?” Jacob asked; curious。 
“Long story;” Alice said; suddenly looking around the room。 “And this isn’t the place for it。” 
“Later tonight?” Jacob pushed。 
“Yes;” Jasper answered him。 “We were already planning a 。 。 。 strategic meeting。 If you’re going to fight 
with us; you’ll need some instruction。” 
The wolves all made a disgruntled face at the last part。 
“No!” I moaned。 
“This will be odd;” Jasper said thoughtfully。 “I never considered working together。 This has to be a first。” 
“No doubt about that;” Jacob agreed。 He was in a hurry now。 “We’ve got to get back to Sam。 What 
“What’s too late for you?” 
All three rolled their eyes。 “What time?” Jacob repeated。 

“Three o’clock?” 
“About ten miles due north of the Hoh Forest ranger station。 e at it from the west and you’ll be able 
to follow our scent in。” 
“We’ll be there。” 
They turned to leave。 
“Wait; Jake!” I called after him。 “Please! Don’t do this!” 
He paused; turning back to grin at me; while Quil and Embry headed impatiently for the door。 “Don’t be 
ridiculous; Bells。 You’re giving me a much better gift than the one I gave you。” 
“No!” I shouted again。 The sound of an electric guitar drowned my cry。 
He didn’t respond; he hurried to catch up with his friends; who were already gone。 I watched helplessly as 
Jacob disappeared。 


“THAT HAD TO BE THE LONGEST PARTY IN THE HISTORY of the world;” I plained on the way home。 
Edward didn’t seem to disagree。 “It’s over now;” he said; rubbing my arm soothingly。 
Because I was the only one who needed soothing。 Edward was fine now — all the Cullens were fine。 
They’d all reassured me; Alice reaching up to pat my head as I left; eyeing Jasper meaningfully until a flood 
of peace swirled around me; Esme kissing my forehead and promising me everything was all right; Emmett 
laughing boisterously and asking why I was the only one who was allowed to fight with werewolves。 。 。 。 
Jacob’s solution had them all relaxed; almost euphoric after the long weeks of stress。 Doubt had been 
replaced with confidence。 The party had ended on a note of true celebration。 
Not for me。 
Bad enough — horrible — that the Cullens would fight for me。 It was already too much that I would have 
to allow that。 It already felt like more than I could bear。 
Not Jacob; too。 Not his foolish; eager brothers — most of them even younger than I was。 They were just 
oversized; overmuscled children; and they looked forward to this like it was piic on the beach。 I could not 
have them in danger; too。 My nerves felt frayed and exposed。 I didn’t know how much longer I could restrain 
the urge to scream out loud。 
I whispered now; to keep my voice under control。 “You’re taking me with you tonight。” 
“Bella; you’re worn out。” 
“You think I could sleep?” 
He frowned。 “This is an experiment。 I’m not sure if it will be possible for us all to 。 。 。 cooperate。 I don’t 
want you in the middle of that。” 
As if that didn’t make me all the more anxious to go。 “If you won’t take me; then I’ll call Jacob。” 
His eyes tightened。 That was a low blow; and I knew it。 But there was no way I was being left behind。 
He didn’t answer; we were at Charlie’s house now。 The front light was on。 
“See you upstairs;” I muttered。 
I tiptoed in the front door。 Charlie was asleep in the living room; overflowing the toosmall sofa; and 
snoring so loudly I could have ripped a chainsaw to life and it wouldn’t have wakened him。 
I shook his shoulder vigorously。 
“Dad! Charlie!” 
He grumbled; eyes still closed。 
“I’m home now — you’re going to hurt your back sleeping like that。 C’mon; time to move。” 
It took a few more shakes; and his eyes never did open all the way; but I managed to get himoff the 
couch。 I helped him up to his bed; where he collapsed on top of the covers; fully dressed; and started snoring 
He wasn’t going to be looking for me anytime soon。 
Edward waited in my room while I washed my face and changed into jeans and a flannel shirt。 He 
watched me unhappily from the rocking chair as I hung the outfit Alice had given me in my closet。 
“e here;” I said; taking his hand and pulling him to my bed。 
I pushed him down on the bed and then curled up against his chest。 Maybe he was right and I was tired 
enough to sleep。 I wasn’t going to let him sneak off without me。 
He tucked my quilt in around me; and then held me close。 
“Please relax。” 
“This is going to work; Bella。 I can feel it。” 
My teeth locked together。 
He was still radiating relief。 Nobody but me cared if Jacob and his friends got hurt。 Not even Jacob and 
his friends。 Especially not them。 
He could tell I was about to lose it。 “Listen to me; Bella。 This is going to be easy。 The newborns will be 

pletely taken by surprise。 They’ll have no more idea that werewolves even exist than you did。 I’ve seen 
how they act in a group; the way Jasper remembers。 I truly believe that the wolves’ hunting techniques will 
work flawlessly against them。 And with them divided and confused; there won’t be enough for the rest of us to 
do。 Someone may have to sit out;” he teased。 
“Piece of cake;” I mumbled tonelessly against his chest。 
“Shhh;” he stroked my cheek。 “You’ll see。 Don’t worry now。” 
He started humming my lullaby; but; for once; it didn’t calm me。 
People — well; vampires and werewolves really; but still — people I loved were go
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