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3 eclipse月食-第章

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I made a face。 
It wasn’t just one werewolf; it was three。 Jacob had let himself in; flanked on either side by Quil and 
Embry。 The two of them looked terribly tense; their eyes flickering around the room like they’d just walked 
into a haunted crypt。 Embry’s trembling hand still held the door; his body halfturned to run for it。 
Jacob was waving at me; calmer than the others; though his nose was wrinkled in disgust。 I waved back 
— waved goodbye — and turned to look for Alice。 I squeezed through a space between Conner’s and 
Lauren’s backs。 
He came out of nowhere; his hand on my shoulder pulling me back toward the shadow by the kitchen。 I 
ducked under his grip; but he grabbed my good wrist and yanked me from the crowd。 
“Friendly reception;” he noted。 
I pulled my hand free and scowled at him。 “What are you doing here?” 
“You invited me; remember?” 
“In case my right hook was too subtle for you; let me translate: that was me uninvitingyou。” 
“Don’t be a poor sport。 I brought you a graduation present and everything。” 
I folded my arms across my chest。 I didn’t want to fightwith Jacob right now。 I wanted to know what 
Alice had seen and what Edward and Carlisle were saying about it。 I craned my head around Jacob; searching 
for them。 
“Take it back to the store; Jake。 I’ve got to do something。 。 。 。” 
He stepped into my line of sight; demanding my attention。 
“I can’t take it back。 I didn’t get it from the store — I made it myself。 Took a really long time; too。” 
I leaned around him again; but I couldn’t see any of the Cullens。 Where had they gone? My eyes scanned 
the darkened room。 
“Oh; c’mon; Bell。 Don’t pretend like I’m not here!” 
“I’m not。” I couldn’t see them anywhere。 “Look; Jake; I’ve got a lot on my mind right now。” 
He put his hand under my chin and pulled my face up。 “Could I please have just a few seconds of your 
undivided attention; Miss Swan?” 
I jerked away from his touch。 “Keep your hands to yourself; Jacob;” I hissed。 
“Sorry!” he said at once; holding his hands up in surrender。 “I really am sorry。 About the other day; I 
mean; too。 I shouldn’t have kissed you like that。 It was wrong。 I guess 。 。 。 well; I guess I deluded myself into 
thinking you wanted me to。” 
“Deluded — what a perfect description!” 
“Be nice。 You could accept my apology; you know。” 
“Fine。 Apology accepted。 Now; if you’ll just excuse me for a moment 。 。 。” 
“Okay;” he mumbled; and his voice was so different from before that I stoppd searching for Alice and 
scrutinized his face。 He was staring at the floor; hiding his eyes。 His lower lip jutted out just a little bit。 
“I guess you’d rather be with your real friends;” he said in the same defeated tone。 “I get it。” 
I groaned。 “Aw; Jake; you know that’s not fair。” 
“Do I?” 
“You should。” I leaned forward; peering up; trying to look into his eyes。 He looked up then; over my 
head; avoiding my gaze。 

 He refused to look at me。 
 “Hey; you said you made me something; right?” I asked。 “Was that just talk? Where’s my present?” My 
attempt to fake enthusiasm was pretty sad; but it worked。 He rolled his eyes and then grimaced at me。 
 I kept up the lame pretense; holding my hand open in front of me。 “I’m waiting。” 
 “Right;” he grumbled sarcastically。 But he also reached into the back pocket of his jeans and pulled out a 
small bag of a loosewoven; multicolored fabric。 It was tied shut with leather drawstrings。 He set it on my 
 “Hey; that’s pretty; Jake。 Thanks!” 
 He sighed。 “The present is inside; Bella。” 
 I had some trouble with the strings。 He sighed again and took it from me; sliding the ties open with one 
easy tug of the right cord。 I held my hand out for it; but he turned the bag upside down and shook something 
silver into my hand。 Metal links clinked quietly against each other。 
 “I didn’t make the bracelet;” he admitted。 “Just the charm。” 
 Fastened to one of the links of the silver bracelet was a tiny wooden carving。 I held it between my fingers 
to look at it closer。 It was amazing the amount of detail involved in the little figurine — the miniature wolf was 
utterly realistic。 It was even carved out of some redbrown wood that matched the color of his skin。 
 “It’s beautiful;” I whispered。 “You made this? How?” 
 He shrugged。 “It’s something Billy taught me。 He’s better at it than I am。” 
 “That’s hard to believe;” I murmured; turning the tiny wolf around and around in my fingers。 
 “Do you really like it?” 
 “Yes! It’s unbelievable; Jake。” 
 He smiled; happily at first; but then the expression soured。 “Well; I figured that maybe it would make you 
remember me once in a while。 You know how it is; out of sight; out of mind。” 
 I ignored the attitude。 “Here; help me put it on。” 
 I held out my left wrist; since the right was stuck in the brace。 He fastened the catch easily; though it 
looked too delicate for his big fingers to manage。 
 “You’ll wear it?” he asked。 
 “Of course I will。” 
 He grinned at me — it was the happy smile that I loved to see him wear。 
 I returned it for a moment; but then my eyes shot reflexively around the room again; anxiously scanning the 
crowd for some sign of Edward or Alice。 
 “Why’re you so distracted?” Jacob wondered。 
 “It’s nothing;” I lied; trying to concentrate。 “Thanks for the present; really。 I love it。” 
 “Bella?” His brows pulled together; throwing his eyes deep into their shadow。 “Something’s going on; isn’t 
 “Jake; I 。 。 。 no; there’s nothing。” 
 “Don’t lie to me; you suck at lying。 You should tell me what’s going on。 We want to know these things;” 
he said; slipping into the plural at the end。 
 He was probably right; the wolves would certainly be interested in what was happening。 Only I wasn’t 
sure what that was yet。 I wouldn’t know for sure until I found Alice。 
 “Jacob; I will tell you。 Just let me figure out what’s happening; okay? I need to talk to Alice。” 
 Understanding lit his expression。 “The psychic saw something。” 
 “Yes; just when you showed up。” 
 “Is this
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