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3 eclipse月食-第章

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Acting on instinct; I let my hands drop to my side; and shut down。 I opened my eyes and didn’t fight; 
didn’t feel 。 。 。 just waited for him to stop。 
It worked。 The anger seemed to evaporate; and he pulled back to look at me。 He pressed his lips softly to 
mine again; once; twice 。 。 。 a third time。 I pretended I was a statue and waited。 
Finally; he let go of my face and leaned away。 
“Are you done now?” I asked in an expressionless voice。 
“Yes;” he sighed。 He started to smile; closing his eyes。 
I pulled my arm back and then let it snap forward; punching him in the mouth with as much power as I 
could force out of my body。 
There was a crunching sound。 
“Ow! OW!” I screamed; frantically hopping up and down in agony while I clutched my hand to my chest。 
It was broken; I could feel it。 
Jacob stared at me in shock。 “Are you all right?” 
“No; dammit! You broke my hand!” 
“Bella; you broke your hand。 Now stop dancing around and let me look at it。” 
“Don’t touch me! I’m going home right now!” 
“I’ll get my car;” he said calmly。 He wasn’t even rubbing his jaw like they did in the movies。 How pathetic。 
“No; thanks;” I hissed。 “I’d rather walk。” I turned toward the road。 It was only a few miles to the border。 
As soon as I got away from him; Alice would see me。 She’d send somebody to pick me up。 
“Just let me drive you home;” Jacob insisted。 Unbelievably; he had the nerve to wrap his arm around my 
I jerked away from him。 
“Fine!” I growled。 “Do! I can’t wait to see what Edward does to you! I hope he snaps your neck; you 
pushy; obnoxious; moronic DOG!” 
Jacob rolled his eyes。 He walked me to the passenger side of his car and helped me in。 When he got in the 
driver’s side; he was whistling。 
“Didn’t I hurt you at all?” I asked; furious and annoyed。 
“Are you kidding? If you hadn’t started screaming; I might not have figured out that you were trying to 
punch me。 I may not be made out of stone; but I’m not that soft。” 
“I hate you; Jacob Black。” 
“That’s good。 Hate is a passionate emotion。” 
“I’ll give you passionate;” I muttered under my breath。 “Murder; the ultimate crime of passion。” 
“Oh; c’mon;” he said; all cheery and looking like he was about to start whistling again。 “That had to be 
better than kissing a rock。” 
“Not even remotely close;” I told him coldly。 
He pursed his lips。 “You could just be saying that。” 
“But I’m not。” 
That seemed to bother him for a second; but then he perked up。 “You’re just mad。 I don’t have any 
experience with this kind of thing; but I thought it was pretty incredible myself。” 
“Ugh;” I groaned。 
“You’re going to think about it tonight。 When he thinks you’re asleep; you’ll be thinking about your 
“If I think about you tonight; it will be because I’m having a nightmare。” 
He slowed the car to a crawl; turning to stare at me with his dark eyes wide and earnest。 “Just think about 

how it could be; Bella;” he urged in a soft; eager voice。 “You wouldn’t have to change anything for me。 You 
know Charlie would be happy if you picked me。 I could protect you just as well as your vampire can — 
maybe better。 And I would make you happy; Bella。 There’s so much I could give you that he can’t。 I’ll bet he 
couldn’t even kiss you like that — because he would hurt you。 I would never; never hurt you; Bella。” 
I held up my injured hand。 
He sighed。 “That wasn’t my fault。 You should have known better。” 
“Jacob; I can’t be happy without him。” 
“You’ve never tried;” he disagreed。 “When he left; you spent all your energy holding on to him。 You could 
be happy if you let go。 You could be happy with me。” 
“I don’t want to be happy with anyone but him;” I insisted。 
“You’ll never be able to be as sure of him as you are of me。 He left you once; he could do it again。” 
“No; he will not;” I said through my teeth。 The pain of the memory bit into me like the lash of a whip。 It 
made me want to hurt him back。 “You left me once;” I reminded him in a cold voice; thinking of the weeks 
he’d hidden from me; the words he’d said to me in the woods beside his home。 。 。 。 
“I never did;” he argued hotly。 “They told me I couldn’t tell you — that it wasn’t safe for you if we were 
together。 But I never left; never! I used to run around your house at night — like I do now。 Just making sure 
you were okay。” 
I wasn’t about to let him make me feel bad for him now。 
“Take me home。 My hand hurts。” 
He sighed; and started driving at a normal speed; watching the road。 
“Just think about it; Bella。” 
“No;” I said stubbornly。 
“You will。 Tonight。 And I’ll be thinking about you while you’re thinking about me。” 
“Like I said; a nightmare。” 
He grinned over at me。 “You kissed me back。” 
I gasped; unthinkingly balling my hands up into fists again; hissing when my broken hand reacted。 
“Are you okay?” he asked。 
“I did not。” 
“I think I can tell the difference。” 
“Obviously you can’t — that was not kissing back; that was trying to get you the hell off of me; you idiot。” 
He laughed a low; throaty laugh。 “Touchy。 Almost overly defensive; I would say。” 
I took a deep breath。 There was no point in arguing with him; he would twist anything I said。 I 
concentrated on my hand; trying to stretch out my fingers; to ascertain where the broken parts were。 Sharp 
pains stabbed along my knuckles。 I groaned。 
“I’m really sorry about your hand;” Jacob said; sounding almost sincere。 “Next time you want to hit me; 
use a baseball bat or a crowbar; okay?” 
“Don’t think I’ll forget that;” I muttered。 
I didn’t realize where we were going until we were on my road。 
“Why are you taking me here?” I demanded。 
He looked at me blankly。 “I thought you said you were going home?” 
“Ugh。 I guess you can’t take me to Edward’s house; can you?” I ground my teeth in frustration。 
Pain twisted across his face; and I could see that this affected him more than anything else I’d said。 
“This is your home; Bella;” he said quietly。 
“Yes; but do any doctors live here?” I asked; holding up my hand again。 
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