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3 eclipse月食-第章

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to report to Taha Aki。 
 “Taha Wi and his two brothers did not return。 
 “The younger brothers searched for their elders; but found only silence。 Taha Aki mourned for his sons。 
He wished to avenge his sons’ death; but he was old。 He went to the Makah chief in his mourning clothes and 
told him everything that had happened。 The Makah chief believed his grief; and tensions ended between the 
 “A year later; two Makah maidens disappeared from their homes on the same night。 The Makahs called 
on the Quileute wolves at once; who found the same sweet stink all through the Makah village。 The wolves 
went on the hunt again。 
 “Only one came back。 He was Yaha Uta; the oldest son of Taka Aki’s third wife; and the youngest in the 
pack。 He brought something with him that had never been seen in all the days of the Quileutes — a strange; 
cold; stony corpse that he carried in pieces。 All who were of Taha Aki’s blood; even those who had never 
been wolves; could smell the piercing smell of the dead creature。 This was the enemy of the Makahs。 

 “Yaha Uta described what had happened: he and his brothers had found the creature; who looked like a 
man but was hard as a granite rock; with the two Makah daughters。 One girl was already dead; white and 
bloodless on the ground。 The other was in the creature’s arms; his mouth at her throat。 She may have been 
alive when they came upon the hideous scene; but the creature quickly snapped her neck and tossed her 
lifeless body to the ground when they approached。 His white lips were covered in her blood; and his eyes 
glowed red。 
 “Yaha Uta described the fierce strength and speed of the creature。 One of his brothers quickly became a 
victim when he underestimated that strength。 The creature ripped him apart like a doll。 Yaha Uta and his other 
brother were more wary。 They worked together; ing at the creature from the sides; outmaneuvering it。 
They had to reach the very limits of their wolf strength and speed; something that had never been tested 
before。 The creature was hard as stone and cold as ice。 They found that only their teeth could damage it。 They 
began to rip small pieces of the creature apart while it fought them。 
 “But the creature learned quickly; and soon was matching their maneuvers。 It got its hands on Yaha Uta’s 
brother。 Yaha Uta found an opening on the creature’s throat; and he lunged。 His teeth tore the head off the 
creature; but the hands continued to mangle his brother。 
 “Yaha Uta ripped the creature into unrecognizable chunks; tearing pieces apart in a desperate attempt to 
save his brother。 He was too late; but; in the end; the creature was destroyed。 
 “Or so they thought。 Yaha Uta laid the reeking remains out to be examined by the elders。 One severed 
hand lay beside a piece of the creature’s granite arm。 The two pieces touched when the elders poked them 
with sticks; and the hand reached out towards the arm piece; trying to reassemble itself。 
 “Horrified; the elders set fire to the remains。 A great cloud of choking; vile smoke polluted the air。 When 
there was nothing but ashes; they separated the ashes into many small bags and spread them far and wide — 
some in the ocean; some in the forest; some in the cliff caverns。 Taha Aki wore one bag around his neck; so 
he would be warned if the creature ever tried to put himself together again。” 
 Old Quil paused and looked at Billy。 Billy pulled out a leather thong from around his neck。 Hanging from 
the end was a small bag; blackened with age。 A few people gasped。 I might have been one of them。 
 “They called it The Cold One; the Blood Drinker; and lived in fear that it was not alone。 They only had 
one wolf protector left; young Yaha Uta。 
 “They did not have long to wait。 The creature had a mate; another blood drinker; who came to the 
Quileutes seeking revenge。 
 “The stories say that the Cold Woman was the most beautiful thing human eyes had ever seen。 She looked 
like the goddess of the dawn when she entered the village that morning; the sun was shining for once; and it 
glittered off her white skin and lit the golden hair that flowed down to her knees。 Her face was magical in its 
beauty; her eyes black in her white face。 Some fell to their knees to worship her。 
 “She asked something in a high; piercing voice; in a language no one had ever heard。 The people were 
dumbfounded; not knowing how to answer her。 There was none of Taha Aki’s blood among the witnesses but 
one small boy。 He clung to his mother and screamed that the smell was hurting his nose。 One of the elders; on 
his way to council; heard the boy and realized what had e among them。 He yelled for the people to run。 
She killed him first。 
 “There were twenty witnesses to the Cold Woman’s approach。 Two survived; only because she grew 
distracted by the blood; and paused to sate her thirst。 They ran to Taha Aki; who sat in counsel with the other 
elders; his sons; and his third wife。 
 “Yaha Uta transformed into his spirit wolf as soon as he heard the news。 He went to destroy the blood 
drinker alone。 Taha Aki; his third wife; his sons; and his elders followed behind him。 
 “At first they could not find the creature; only the evidence of her attack。 Bodies lay broken; a few drained 
of blood; strewn across the road where she’d appeared。 Then they heard the screams and hurried to the 
 “A handful of the Quileutes had run to the ships for refuge。 She swam after them like a shark; and broke 
the bow of their boat with her incredible strength。 When the ship sank; she caught those trying to swim away 
and broke them; too。 
 “She saw the great wolf on the shore; and she forgot the fleeing swimmers。 She swam so fast she was a 
blur and came; dripping and glorious; to stand before Yaha Uta。 She pointed at him with one white finger and 

asked another inprehensible question。 Yaha Uta waited。 
“It was a close fight。 She was not the warrior her mate had been。 But Yaha Uta was alone — there was 
no one to distract her fury from him。 
“When Yaha Uta lost; Taha Aki screamed in defiance。 He limped forward and shifted into an ancient; 
whitemuzzled wo
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