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3 eclipse月食-第章

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  “Sorry;” I muttered。 I suddenly understood what Edward had been laughing about earlier; after breathing 
on me。 
  “One of the many hazards of socializing with vampires;” Jacob said; shrugging。 “It makes you smell bad。 A 
minor hazard; paratively。” 
  I glared at him。 “I only smell bad to you; Jake。” 
  He grinned。 “See you around; Bells。” 
  “Are you leaving?” 
  “He’s waiting for me to go。 I can hear him outside。” 
  “I’ll go out the back;” he said; and then he paused。 “Hold up a sec — hey; do you think you can e to 
La Push tonight? We’re having a bonfire party。 Emily will be there; and you could meet Kim 。 。 。 And I know 
Quil wants to see you; too。 He’s pretty peeved that you found out before he did。” 
  I grinned at that。 I could just imagine how that would have irked Quil — Jacob’s little human gal pal down 
with the werewolves while he was still clueless。 And then I sighed。 “Yeah; Jake; I don’t know about that。 See; 
it’s a little tense right now。 。 。 。” 
  “C’mon; you think somebody’s going to get past all — all six of us?” 
  There was a strange pause as he stuttered over the end of his question。 I wondered if he had trouble 
saying the word werewolf aloud; the way I often had difficulty with vampire。 
  His big dark eyes were full of unashamed pleading。 
  “I’ll ask;” I said doubtfully。 
  He made a noise in the back of his throat。 “Is he your warden; now; too? You know; I saw this story on 
the news last week about controlling; abusive teenage relationships and —” 
  “Okay!” I cut him off; and then shoved his arm。 “Time for the werewolf to get out!” 
  He grinned。 “Bye; Bells。 Be sure you ask permission。” 
  He ducked out the back door before I could find something to throw at him。 I growled incoherently at the 
empty room。 
  Seconds after he was gone; Edward walked slowly into the kitchen; raindrops glistening like diamonds set 
into the bronze of his hair。 His eyes were wary。 
  “Did you two get into a fight?” he asked。 
  “Edward!” I sang; throwing myself at him。 
  “Hi; there。” He laughed and wrapped his arms around me。 “Are you trying to distract me? It’s working。” 
  “No; I didn’t fight with Jacob。 Much。 Why?” 
  “I was just wondering why you stabbed him。 Not that I object。” With his chin; he gestured to the knife on 
the counter。 
  “Dang! I thought I got everything。” 
  I pulled away from him and ran to put the knife in the sink before I doused it with bleach。 
  “I didn’t stab him;” I explained as I worked。 “He forgot he had a knife in his hand。” 
  Edward chuckled。 “That’s not nearly as fun as the way I imagined it。” 
  “Be nice。” 
  He took a big envelope from his jacket pocket and tossed it on the counter。 “I got your mail。” 
  “Anything good?” 
  “I think so。” 

My eyes narrowed suspiciously at his tone。 I went to investigate。 
He’d folded the legalsized envelope in half。 I smoothed it open; surprised at the weight of the expensive 
paper; and read the return address。 
“Dartmouth? Is this a joke?” 
“I’m sure it’s an acceptance。 It looks exactly like mine。” 
“Good grief; Edward — what did you do?” 
“I sent in your application; that’s all。” 
“I may not be Dartmouth material; but I’m not stupid enough to believe that。” 
“Dartmouth seems to think that you’re Dartmouth material。” 
I took a deep breath and counted slowly to ten。 “That’s very generous of them;” I finally said。 “However; 
accepted or not; there is still the minor matter of tuition。 I can’t afford it; and I’m not letting you throw away 
enough money to buy yourself another sports car just so that I can pretend to go to Dartmouth next year。” 
“I don’t need another sports car。 And you don’t have to pretend anything;” he murmured。 “One year of 
college wouldn’t kill you。 Maybe you’d even like it。 Just think about it; Bella。 Imagine how excited Charlie and 
Renée would be。 。 。 。” 
His velvet voice painted the picture in my head before I could block it。 Of course Charlie would explode 
with pride — no one in the town of Forks would be able to escape the fallout from his excitement。 And Renée 
would be hysterical with joy at my triumph — though she’d swear she wasn’t at all surprised。 。 。 。 
I tried to shake the image out of my head。 “Edward。 I’m worried about living through graduation; let alone 
this summer or next fall。” 
His arms wrapped around me again。 “No one is going to hurt you。 You have all the time in the world。” 
I sighed。 “I’m mailing the contents of my bank account to Alaska tomorrow。 It’s all the alibi I need。 It’s far 
enough away that Charlie won’t expect a visit until Christmas at the earliest。 And I’m sure I’ll think of some 
excuse by then。 You know;” I teased halfheartedly; “this whole secrecy and deception thing is kind of a pain。” 
Edward’s expression hardened。 “It gets easier。 After a few decades; everyone you know is dead。 
Problem solved。” 
I flinched。 
“Sorry; that was harsh。” 
I stared down at the big white envelope; not seeing it。 “But still true。” 
“If I get this resolved; whatever it is we’re dealing with; will you please consider waiting?” 
“Always so stubborn。” 
The washing machine thumped and stuttered to a halt。 
“Stupid piece of junk;” I muttered as I pulled away from him。 I moved the one small towel that had 
unbalanced the otherwise empty machine; and started it again。 
“This reminds me;” I said。 “Could you ask Alice what she did with my stuff when she cleaned my room? I 
can’t find it anywhere。” 
He looked at me with confused eyes。 “Alice cleaned your room?” 
“Yeah; I guess that’s what she was doing。 When she came to get my pajamas and pillow and stuff to hold 
me hostage。” I glowered at him briefly。 “She picked up everything that was lying around; my shirts; my socks; 
and I don’t know where she put them。” 
Edward continued to look confused for one short moment; and then; abruptly; he was rigid。 
“When did you notice your things were missing?” 
“When I got back from the fake slumber party。 Why?” 
“I don’t think Alice took anyt
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