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3 eclipse月食-第章

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when things were still 。 。 。 normal; I mean。” 
 I laughed。 “Of course I remember。 I traded a lifetime of servitude for a box of conversation hearts。 That’s 
not something I’m likely to forget。” 
 He laughed with me。 “That’s right。 Hmm; servitude。 I’ll have to think of something good。” Then he sighed。 
“It feels like it was years ago。 Another era。 A happier one。” 
 I couldn’t agree with him。 This was my happy era now。 But I was surprised to realize how many things I 
missed from my own personal dark ages。 I stared through the opening at the murky forest。 The rain had 
picked up again; but it was warm in the little garage; sitting next to Jacob。 He was as good as a furnace。 
 His fingers brushed my hand。 “Things have really changed。” 
 “Yeah;” I said; and then I reached out and patted the back tire of my bike。 “Charlie used to like me。 I 
hope Billy doesn’t say anything about today。 。 。 。” I bit my lip。 
 “He won’t。 He doesn’t get worked up about things the way Charlie does。 Hey; I never did apologize 

officially for that stupid move with the bike。 I’m real sorry about ratting you out to Charlie。 I wish I hadn’t。” 
I rolled my eyes。 “Me; too。” 
“I’m really; really sorry。” 
He looked at me hopefully; his wet; tangled black hair sticking up in every direction around his pleading 
“Oh; fine! You’re forgiven。” 
“Thanks; Bells!” 
We grinned at each other for a second; and then his face clouded over。 
“You know that day; when I brought the bike over 。 。 。 I’ve been wanting to ask you something;” he said 
slowly。 “But also 。 。 。 not wanting to。” 
I held very still — a reaction to stress。 It was a habit I’d picked up from Edward。 
“Were you just being stubborn because you were mad at me; or were you really serious?” he whispered。 
“About what?” I whispered back; though I was sure I knew what he meant。 
He glared at me。 “You know。 When you said it was none of my business 。 。 。 if — if he bit you。” He 
cringed visibly at the end。 
“Jake 。 。 。” My throat felt swollen。 I couldn’t finish。 
He closed his eyes and took a deep breath。 “Were you serious?” 
He was trembling just slightly。 His eyes stayed closed。 
“Yes;” I whispered。 
Jacob inhaled; slow and deep。 “I guess I knew that。” 
I stared at his face; waiting for his eyes to open。 
“You know what this will mean?” He demanded suddenly。 “You do understand that; don’t you? What will 
happen if they break the treaty?” 
“We’ll leave first;” I said in a small voice。 
His eyes flashed open; their black depths full of anger and pain。 “There wasn’t a geographic limit to the 
treaty; Bella。 Our greatgrandfathers only agreed to keep the peace because the Cullens swore that they were 
different; that humans weren’t in danger from them。 They promised they would never kill or change anyone 
ever again。 If they go back on their word; the treaty is meaningless; and they are no different than any other 
vampires。 Once that’s established; when we find them again —” 
“But; Jake; didn’t you break the treaty already?” I asked; grasping at straws。 “Wasn’t part of it that you 
not tell people about the vampires? And you told me。 So isn’t the treaty sort of moot; anyhow?” 
Jacob didn’t like the reminder; the pain in his eyes hardened into animosity。 “Yeah; I broke the treaty — 
back before I believed any of it。 And I’m sure they were informed of that。” He glared sourly at my forehead; 
not meeting my shamed gaze。 “But it’s not like that gives them a freebie or anything。 There’s no fault for a 
fault。 They have only one option if they object to what I did。 The same option we’ll have when they break the 
treaty: to attack。 To start the war。” 
He made it sound so inevitable。 I shuddered。 
“Jake; it doesn’t have to be that way。” 
His teeth ground together。 “It is that way。” 
The silence after his declaration felt very loud。 
“Will you never forgive me; Jacob?” I whispered。 As soon as I said the words; I wished I hadn’t。 I didn’t 
want to hear his answer。 
“You won’t be Bella anymore;” he told me。 “My friend won’t exist。 There’ll be no one to forgive。” 
“That sounds like a no;” I whispered。 
We faced each other for an endless moment。 
“Is this goodbye then; Jake?” 
He blinked rapidly; his fierce expression melting in surprise。 “Why? We still have a few years。 Can’t we be 
friends until we’re out of time?” 
“Years? No; Jake; not years。” I shook my head; and laughed once without humor。 “Weeks is more 
I was not expecting his reaction。 
He was suddenly on his feet; and there was a loud pop as the soda can exploded in his hand。 Soda flew 

everywhere; soaking me; like it was spraying from a hose。 
“Jake!” I started to plain; but I fell silent when I realized that his whole body was quivering with anger。 
He glared at me wildly; a growling sound building in his chest。 
I froze in place; too shocked to remember how to move。 
The shaking rolled through him; getting faster; until it looked like he was vibrating。 His shape blurred。 。 。 。 
And then Jacob gritted his teeth together; and the growling stopped。 He squeezed his eyes tight in 
concentration; the quivering slowed until only his hands were shaking。 
“Weeks;” Jacob said in a flat monotone。 
I couldn’t respond; I was still frozen。 
He opened his eyes。 They were beyond fury now。 
“He’s going to change you into a filthy bloodsucker in just a few weeks!” Jacob hissed through his teeth。 
Too stunned to take offense at his words; I just nodded mutely。 
His face turned green under the russet skin。 
“Of course; Jake;” I whispered after a long minute of silence。 “He’s seventeen; Jacob。 And I get closer to 
nieen every day。 Besides; what’s the point in waiting? He’s all I want。 What else can I do?” 
I’d meant that as a rhetorical question。 
His words cracked like snaps of a whip。 “Anything。 Anything else。 You’d be better off dead。 I’d rather 
you were。” 
I recoiled like he’d slapped me。 It hurt worse than if he had。 
And then; as the pain shot through me; my own temper burst into flame。 
“Maybe you’ll get lucky;” I said bleakly; lurchi
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