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3 eclipse月食-第章

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 “Edward hiking this weekend?” he asked sociably as we walked out into the light rain。 
 “You want to do something tonight?” 
 How could he still sound hopeful? 
 “Can’t。 I’ve got a slumber party;” I grumbled。 He gave me a strange look as he processed my mood。 
 “Who are you —” 

Mike’s question was cut short as a loud; growling roar erupted from behind us in the parking lot。 
Everyone on the sidewalk turned to look; staring in disbelief as the noisy black motorcycle screeched to a stop 
on the edge of the concrete; the engine still snarling。 
Jacob waved to me urgently。 
“Run; Bella!” he yelled over the engine’s roar。 
I was frozen for a second before I understood。 
I looked at Mike quickly。 I knew I only had seconds。 
How far would Alice go to restrain me in public? 
“I got really sick and went home; okay?” I said to Mike; my voice filled with sudden excitement。 
“Fine;” he muttered。 
I pecked Mike swiftly on the cheek。 “Thanks; Mike。 I owe you one!” I called as I sprinted away。 
Jacob revved his engine; grinning。 I jumped on the back of his seat; wrapping my arms tightly around his 
I caught sight of Alice; frozen at the edge of the cafeteria; her eyes sparking with fury; her lip curled back 
over her teeth。 
I shot her one pleading glance。 
Then we were racing across the blacktop so fast that my stomach got lost somewhere behind me。 
“Hold on;” Jacob shouted。 
I hid my face in his back as he sped down the highway。 I knew he would slow down when we hit the 
Quileute border。 I just had to hold on till then。 I prayed silently and fervently that Alice wouldn’t follow; and 
that Charlie wouldn’t happen to see me。 。 。 。 
It was obvious when we had reached the safe zone。 The bike slowed; and Jacob straightened up and 
howled with laughter。 I opened my eyes。 
“We made it;” he shouted。 “Not bad for a prison break; eh?” 
“Good thinking; Jake。” 
“I remembered what you said about the psychic leech not being about to predict what I’m going to do。 
I’m glad you didn’t think of this — she wouldn’t have let you go to school。” 
“That’s why I didn’t consider it。” 
He laughed triumphantly。 “What do you want to do today?” 
“Anything!” I laughed back。 It felt great to be free。 

  8。 TEMPER 

WE ENDED UP ON THE BEACH AGAIN; WANDERING AIMlessly。 Jacob was still full of himself for engineering my 
 “Do you think they’ll e looking for you?” he asked; sounding hopeful。 
 “No。” I was certain about that。 “They’re going to be furious with me tonight; though。” 
 He picked up a rock and chucked it into the waves。 “Don’t go back; then;” he suggested again。 
 “Charlie would love that;” I said sarcastically。 
 “I bet he wouldn’t mind。” 
 I didn’t answer。 Jacob was probably right; and that made me grind my teeth together。 Charlie’s blatant 
preference for my Quileute friends was so unfair。 I wondered if he would feel the same if he knew the choice 
was really between vampires and werewolves。 
 “So what’s the latest pack scandal?” I asked lightly。 
 Jacob skidded to a halt; and he stared down at me with shocked eyes。 
 “What? That was a joke。” 
 “Oh。” He looked away。 
 I waited for him to start walking again; but he seemed lost in thought。 
 “Is there a scandal?” I wondered。 
 Jacob chuckled once。 “I forget what it’s like; not having everyone know everything all the time。 Having a 
quiet; private place inside my head。” 
 We walked along the stony beach quietly for a few minutes。 
 “So what is it?” I finally asked。 “That everyone in your head already knows?” 
 He hesitated for a moment; as if he weren’t sure how much he was going to tell me。 Then he sighed and 
said; “Quil imprinted。 That’s three now。 The rest of us are starting to get worried。 Maybe it’s more mon 
than the stories say。 。 。 。” He frowned; and then turned to stare at me。 He gazed into my eyes without 
speaking; his eyebrows furrowed in concentration。 
 “What are you staring at?” I asked; feeling selfconscious。 
 He sighed。 “Nothing。” 
 Jacob started walking again。 Without seeming to think about it; he reached out and took my hand。 We 
paced silently across the rocks。 
 I thought of how we must look walking hand and hand down the beach — like a couple; certainly — and 
wondered if I should object。 But this was the way it had always been with Jacob。 。 。 。 No reason to get 
worked up about it now。 
 “Why is Quil’s imprinting such a scandal?” I asked when it didn’t look like he was going to go on。 “Is it 
because he’s the newest one?” 
 “That doesn’t have anything to do with it。” 
 “Then what’s the problem?” 
 “It’s another one of those legend things。 I wonder when we’re going to stop being surprised that they’re 
all true?” he muttered to himself。 
 “Are you going to tell me? Or do I have to guess?” 
 “You’d never get it right。 See; Quil hasn’t been hanging out with us; you know; until just recently。 So he 
hadn’t been around Emily’s place much。” 
 “Quil imprinted on Emily; too?” I gasped。 
 “No! I told you not to guess。 Emily had her two nieces down for a visit 。 。 。 and Quil met Claire。” 
 He didn’t continue。 I thought about that for a moment。 
 “Emily doesn’t want her niece with a werewolf? That’s a little hypocritical;” I said。 
 But I could understand why she of all people might feel that way。 I thought again of the long scars that 
marred her face and extended all the way down her right arm。 Sam had lost control just once when he was 
standing too close to her。 Once was all it took。 。 。 。 I’d seen the pain in Sam’s eyes when he looked at what 

he’d done to Emily。 I could understand why Emily might want to protect her niece from that。 
  “Would you please stop guessing? You’re way off。 Emily doesn’t mind that part; it’s just; well; a little 
  “What do you mean early?” 
  Jacob appraised me with narrowed eyes。 “Try not to be judgmental; okay?” 
  I nodded cautiously。 
  “Claire is two;” Jacob told me。 
  Rain started to fall。 I blinked furiously as the drops pelted my face。 
  Jacob waited in silence。 He wore no jac
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