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3 eclipse月食-第章

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seemed to be everything I’d dreamed of。 The fairy tale prince; e to make me a princess。 Everything I 
wanted; yet it was still no more than I expected。 We were engaged before I’d known him for two months。 
 “We didn’t spend a great deal of time alone with each other。 Royce told me he had many responsibilities 
at work; and; when we were together; he liked people to look at us; to see me on his arm。 I liked that; too。 
There were lots of parties; dancing; and pretty dresses。 When you were a King; every door was open for you; 
every red carpet rolled out to greet you。 
 “It wasn’t a long engagement。 Plans went ahead for the most lavish wedding。 It was going to be everything 
I’d ever wanted。 I was pletely happy。 When I called at Vera’s; I no longer felt jealous。 I pictured my fair 
haired children playing on the huge lawns of the Kings’ estate; and I pitied her。” 
 Rosalie broke off suddenly; clenching her teeth together。 It pulled me out of her story; and I realized that 
the horror was not far off。 There would be no happy ending; as she’d promised。 I wondered if this was why 
she had so much more bitterness in her than the rest of them — because she’d been within reach of everything 
she’d wanted when her human life was cut short。 
 “I was at Vera’s that night;” Rosalie whispered。 Her face was smooth as marble; and as hard。 “Her little 
Henry really was adorable; all smiles and dimples — he was just sitting up on his own。 Vera walked me to the 
door as I was leaving; her baby in her arms and her husband at her side; his arm around her waist。 He kissed 
her on the cheek when he thought I wasn’t looking。 That bothered me。 When Royce kissed me; it wasn’t quite 

the same — not so sweet somehow。 。 。 。 I shoved that thought aside。 Royce was my prince。 Someday; I 
would be queen。” 
 It was hard to tell in the moonlight; but it looked like her bone white face got paler。 
 “It was dark in the streets; the lamps already on。 I hadn’t realized how late it was。” She continued to 
whisper almost inaudibly。 “It was cold; too。 Very cold for late April。 The wedding was only a week away; and 
I was worrying about the weather as I hurried home — I can remember that clearly。 I remember every detail 
about that night。 I clung to it so hard 。 。 。 in the beginning。 I thought of nothing else。 And so I remember this; 
when so many pleasant memories have faded away pletely。 。 。 。” 
 She sighed; and began whispering again。 “Yes; I was worrying about the weather。 。 。 。 I didn’t want to 
have to move the wedding indoors。 。 。 。 
 “I was a few streets from my house when I heard them。 A cluster of men under a broken streetlamp; 
laughing too loud。 Drunk。 I wished I’d called my father to escort me home; but the way was so short; it 
seemed silly。 And then he called my name。 
 “‘Rose!’ he yelled; and the others laughed stupidly。 
 “I hadn’t realized the drunks were so well dressed。 It was Royce and some of his friends; sons of other 
rich men。 
 “‘Here’s my Rose!’ Royce shouted; laughing with them; sounding just as stupid。 ‘You’re late。 We’re cold; 
you’ve kept us waiting so long。’” 
 “I’d never seen him drink before。 A toast; now and then; at a party。 He’d told me he didn’t like 
champagne。 I hadn’t realized that he preferred something much stronger。 
 “He had a new friend — the friend of a friend; e up from Atlanta。 
 “‘What did I tell you; John;’ Royce crowed; grabbing my arm and pullingme closer。 ‘Isn’t she lovelier 
than all your Georgia peaches?’ 
 “The man named John was darkhaired and suntanned。 He looked me over like I was a horse he was 
 “‘It’s hard to tell;’ he drawled slowly。 ‘She’s all covered up。’ 
 “They laughed; Royce like the rest。 
 “Suddenly; Royce ripped my jacket from my shoulders — it was a gift from him — popping the brass 
buttons off。 They scattered all over the street。 
 “‘Show him what you look like; Rose!’ He laughed again and then he tore my hat out of my hair。 The pins 
wrenched my hair from the roots; and I cried out in pain。 They seemed to enjoy that — the sound of my pain。 
。 。 。” 
 Rosalie looked at me suddenly; as if she’d forgotten I was there。 I was sure my face was as white as hers。 
Unless it was green。 
 “I won’t make you listen to the rest;” she said quietly。 “They left me in the street; still laughing as they 
stumbled away。 They thought I was dead。 They were teasing Royce that he would have to find a new bride。 
He laughed and said he’d have to learn some patience first。 
 “I waited in the road to die。 It was cold; though there was so much pain that I was surprised it bothered 
me。 It started to snow; and I wondered why I wasn’t dying。 I was impatient for death to e; to end the 
pain。 It was taking so long。 。 。 。 
 “Carlisle found me then。 He’d smelled the blood; and e to investigate。 I remember being vaguely 
irritated as he worked over me; trying to save my life。 I’d never liked Dr。 Cullen or his wife and her brother — 
as Edward pretended to be then。 It had upset me that they were all more beautiful than I was; especially that 
the men were。 But they didn’t mingle in society; so I’d only seen them once or twice。 
 “I thought I’d died when he pulled me from the ground and ran with me — because of the speed — it felt 
like I was flying。 I remembered being horrified that the pain didn’t stop。 。 。 。 
 “Then I was in a bright room; and it was warm。 I was slipping away; and I was grateful as the pain began 
to dull。 But suddenly something sharp was cutting me; my throat; my wrists; my ankles。 I screamed in shock; 
thinking he’d brought me there to hurt me more。 Then fire started burning through me; and I didn’t care about 
anything else。 I begged him to kill me。 When Esme and Edward returned home; I begged them to kill me; too。 
Carlisle sat with me。 He held my hand and said that he was so sorry; promising that it would end。 He told me 
everything; and sometimes I listened。 He told me what he was; what I was being。 I didn’t believe him。 He 

apologized each time I screamed。 
“Edward wasn’t happy。 I remember hearing them discuss me。 I st
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