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past; and I don’t want to do that again。” 
 “Don’t worry about it; Rosalie。 My feelings are great。 What is it?” 
 She laughed again; sounding oddly embarrassed。 “I’m going to try to tell you why I think you should stay 
human — why I would stay human if I were you。” 
 She smiled at the shocked tone of my voice; and then she sighed。 
 “Did Edward ever tell you what led to this?” she asked; gesturing to her glorious immortal body。 
 I nodded slowly; suddenly somber。 “He said it was close to what happened to me that time in Port 
Angeles; only no one was there to save you。” I shuddered at the memory。 
 “Is that really all he told you?” she asked。 
 “Yes;” I said; my voice blank with confusion。 “Was there more?” 
 She looked up at me and smiled; it was a harsh; bitter — but still stunning — expression。 
 “Yes;” she said。 “There was more。” 
 I waited while she stared out the window。 She seemed to be trying to calm herself。 
 “Would you like to hear my story; Bella? It doesn’t have a happy ending — but which of ours does? If we 
had happy endings; we’d all be under gravestones now。” 
 I nodded; though I was frightened by the edge in her voice。 
 “I lived in a different world than you do; Bella。 My human world was a much simpler place。 It was 
nieen thirtythree。 I was eighteen; and I was beautiful。 My life was perfect。” 
 She stared out the window at the silver clouds; her expression far away。 
 “My parents were thoroughly middle class。 My father had a stable job in a bank; something I realize now 
that he was smug about — he saw his prosperity as a reward for talent and hard work; rather than 
acknowledging the luck involved。 I took it all for granted then; in my home; it was as if the Great Depression 
was only a troublesome rumor。 Of course I saw the poor people; the ones who weren’t as lucky。 My father 
left me with the impression that they’d brought their troubles on themselves。 
 “It was my mother’s job to keep our house — and myself and my two younger brothers — in spotless 
order。 It was clear that I was both her first priority and her favorite。 I didn’t fully understand at the time; but I 
was always vaguely aware that my parents weren’t satisfied with what they had; even if it was so much more 
than most。 They wanted more。 They had social aspirations — social climbers; I suppose you could call them。 
My beauty was like a gift to them。 They saw so much more potential in it than I did。 
 “They weren’t satisfied; but I was。 I was thrilled to be me; to be Rosalie Hale。 Pleased that men’s eyes 
watched me everywhere I went; from the year I turned twelve。 Delighted that my girlfriends sighed with envy 

when they touched my hair。 Happy that my mother was proud of me and that my father liked to buy me pretty 
 “I knew what I wanted out of life; and there didn’t seem to be any way that I wouldn’t get exactly what I 
wanted。 I wanted to be loved; to be adored。 I wanted to have a huge; flowery wedding; where everyone in 
town would watch me walk down the aisle on my father’s arm and think I was the most beautiful thing they’d 
ever seen。 Admiration was like air to me; Bella。 I was silly and shallow; but I was content。” She smiled; 
amused at her own evaluation。 
 “My parents’ influence had been such that I also wanted the material things of life。 I wanted a big house 
with elegant furnishings that someone else would clean and a modern kitchen that someone else would cook 
in。 As I said; shallow。 Young and very shallow。 And I didn’t see any reason why I wouldn’t get these things。 
 “There were a few things I wanted that were more meaningful。 One thing in particular。 My very closest 
friend was a girl named Vera。 She married young; just seventeen。 She married a man my parents would never 
have considered for me — a carpenter。 A year later she had a son; a beautiful little boy with dimples and curly 
black hair。 It was the first time I’d ever felt truly jealous of anyone else in my entire life。” 
 She looked at me with unfathomable eyes。 “It was a different time。 I was the same age as you; but I was 
ready for it all。 I yearned for my own little baby。 I wanted my own house and a husband who would kiss me 
when he got home from work — just like Vera。 Only I had a very different kind of house in mind。 。 。 。” 
 It was hard for me to imagine the world that Rosalie had known。 Her story sounded more like a fairy tale 
than history to me。 With a slight shock; I realized that this was very close to the world that Edward would 
have experienced when he was human; the world he had grown up in。 I wondered — while Rosalie sat silent 
for a moment — if my world seemed as baffling to him as Rosalie’s did to me? 
 Rosalie sighed; and when she spoke again her voice was different; the wistfulness gone。 
 “In Rochester; there was one royal family — the Kings; ironically enough。 Royce King owned the bank 
my father worked at; and nearly every other really profitable business in town。 That’s how his son; Royce 
King the Second” — her mouth twisted around the name; it came out through her teeth — “saw me the first 
time。 He was going to take over at the bank; and so he began overseeing the different positions。 Two days 
later; my mother conveniently forgot to send my father’s lunch to work with him。 I remember being confused 
when she insisted that I wear my white organza and roll my hair up just to run over to the bank。” Rosalie 
laughed without humor。 
 “I didn’t notice Royce watching me particularly。 Everyone watched me。 But that night the first of the roses 
came。 Every night of our courtship; he sent a bouquet of roses to me。 My room was always overflowing with 
them。 It got to the point that I would smell like roses when I left the house。 
 “Royce was handsome; too。 He had lighter hair than I did; and pale blue eyes。 He said my eyes were like 
violets; and then those started showing up alongside the roses。 
 “My parents approved — that’s putting it mildly。 This was everything they’d dreamed of。 And Royce 
seemed to be everything I’d dreamed of。 The fairy tale prince; e to make me a 
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