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3 eclipse月食-第章

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“My money’s on the big Indian;” someone was saying。 
I peeked up to see that Tyler; Mike; Austin; and Ben had their heads bent together; deep in conversation。 
“Yeah;” Mike whispered。 “Did you see the size of that Jacob kid? I think he could take Cullen down。” 
Mike sounded pleased by the idea。 
“I don’t think so;” Ben disagreed。 “There’s something about Edward。 He’s always so 。 。 。 confident。 I 
have a feeling he can take care of himself。” 
“I’m with Ben;” Tyler agreed。 “Besides; if that other kid messed Edward up; you know those big brothers 
of his would get involved。” 
“Have you been down to La Push lately?” Mike asked。 “Lauren and I went to the beach a couple of 
weeks ago; and believe me; Jacob’s friends are all just as big as he is。” 
“Huh;” Tyler said。 “Too bad it didn’t turn into anything。 Guess we’ll never know how it would have turned 
“It didn’t look over to me;” Austin said。 “Maybe we’ll get to see。” 
Mike grinned。 “Anyone in the mood for a bet?” 
“Ten on Jacob;” Austin said at once。 
“Ten on Cullen;” Tyler chimed in。 
“Ten on Edward;” Ben agreed。 
“Jacob;” Mike said。 
“Hey; do you guys know what it was about?” Austin wondered。 “That might affect the odds。” 
“I can guess;” Mike said; and then he shot a glance at me at the same time that Ben and Tyler did。 
From their expressions; none of them had realized I was in easy hearing distance。 They all looked away 
quickly; shuffling the papers on their desks。 
“I still say Jacob;” Mike muttered under his breath。 

  4。 NATURE 

  I knew that essentially nothing had changed。 Okay; so Victoria had not given up; but had I ever dreamed 
for one moment that she had? Her reappearance had only confirmed what I’d already known。 No reason for 
fresh panic。 
  In theory。 Not panicking was easier said than done。 
  Graduation was only a few weeks away; but I wondered if it wasn’t a little foolish to sit around; weak and 
tasty; waiting for the next disaster。 It seemed too dangerous to be human — just begging for trouble。 Someone 
like me shouldn’t be human。 Someone with my luck ought to be a little less helpless。 
  But no one would listen to me。 
  Carlisle had said; “There are seven of us; Bella。 And with Alice on our side; I don’t think Victoria’s going 
to catch us off guard。 I think it’s important; for Charlie’s sake; that we stick with the original plan。” 
  Esme had said; “We’d never allow anything to happen to you; sweetheart。 You know that。 Please don’t 
be anxious。” And then she’d kissed my forehead。 
  Emmett had said; “I’m really glad Edward didn’t kill you。 Everything’s so much more fun with you 
  Rosalie had glared at him。 
  Alice had rolled her eyes and said; “I’m offended。 You’re not honestly worried about this; are you?” 
  “If it’s no big deal; then why did Edward drag me to Florida?” I’d demanded。 
  “Haven’t you noticed yet; Bella; that Edward is just the teeniest bit prone to overreaction?” 
  Jasper had silently erased all the panic and tension in my body with his curious talent of controlling 
emotional atmospheres。 I’d felt reassured; and let them talk me out of my desperate pleading。 
  Of course; that calm had worn off as soon as Edward and I had walked out of the room。 
  So the consensus was that I was just supposed to forget that a deranged vampire was stalking me; intent 
on my death。 Go about my business。 
  I did try。 And surprisingly; there were other things almost as stressful to dwell on besides my status on the 
endangered species list。 。 。 。 
  Because Edward’s response had been the most frustrating of them all。 
  “That’s between you and Carlisle;” he’d said。 “Of course; you know that I’m willing to make it between 
you and me at any time that you wish。 You know my condition。” And he had smiled angelically。 
  Ugh。 I did know his condition。 Edward had promised that he would change me himself whenever I wanted 
。 。 。 just as long as I was married to him first。 
  Sometimes I wondered if he was only pretending that he couldn’t read my mind。 How else had he struck 
upon the one condition that I would have trouble accepting? The one condition that would slow me down。 
  All in all; a very bad week。 And today was the worst day in it。 
  It was always a bad day when Edward was away。 Alice had foreseen nothing out of the ordinary this 
weekend; and so I’d insisted that he take the opportunity to go hunting with his brothers。 I knew how it bored 
him to hunt the easy; nearby prey。 
  “Go have fun;” I’d told him。 “Bag a few mountain lions for me。” 
  I would never admit to him how hard it was for me when he was gone — how it brought back the 
abandonment nightmares。 If he knew that; it would make him feel horrible and he would be afraid to ever 
leave me; even for the most necessary reasons。 It had been like that in the beginning; when he’d first returned 
from Italy。 His golden eyes had turned black and he’d suffered from his thirst more than it was already 
necessary that he suffer。 So I put on a brave face and all but kicked him out the door whenever Emmett and 
Jasper wanted to go。 
  I think he saw through me; though。 A little。 This morning there had been a note left on my pillow: 

I’ll be back so soon you won’t have time to miss me。 Look after my heart — I’ve left it with you。 

So now I had a big empty Saturday with nothing but my morning shift at Newton’s Olympic Outfitters to 
distract me。 And; of course; the ohsoforting promise from Alice。 
“I’m staying close to home to hunt。 I’ll only be fifteen minutes away if you need me。 I’ll keep an eye out 
for trouble。” 
Translation: don’t try anything funny just because Edward is gone。 
Alice was certainly just as capable of crippling my truck as Edward was。 
I tried to look on the bright side。 After work; I had plans to help Angela with her announcements; so that 
would be a distraction。 And Charlie was in an excellent mood due to Edward’s absence; so I might as well 
enjoy that while it lasted。 Alice would spend the night with me if I was pathetic enough
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