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3 eclipse月食-第章

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my face with anxious hands。 “It’s fine;” he whispered to me。 “It’s fine。 I’ll never let her get close to you; it’s 
Then he glared at Jacob。 “Does that answer your question; mongrel?” 
“You don’t think Bella has a right to know?” Jacob challenged。 “It’s her life。” 
Edward kept his voice muted; even Tyler; edging forward by inches; would be unable to hear。 “Why 
should she be frightened when she was never in danger?” 
“Better frightened than lied to。” 
I tried to pull myself together; but my eyes were swimming in moisture。 I could see it behind my lids — I 
could see Victoria’s face; her lips pulled back over her teeth; her crimson eyes glowing with the obsession of 
her vendetta; she held Edward responsible for the demise of her love; James。 She wouldn’t stop until his love 
was taken from him; too。 
Edward wiped the tears from my cheek with his fingertips。 
“Do you really think hurting her is better than protecting her?” he murmured。 
“She’s tougher than you think;” Jacob said。 “And she’s been through worse。” 
Abruptly; Jacob’s expression shifted; and he was staring at Edward with an odd; speculative expression。 
His eyes narrowed like he was trying to do a difficult math problem in his head。 
I felt Edward cringe。 I glanced up at him; and his face was contorted in what could only be pain。 For one 
ghastly moment; I was reminded of our afternoon in Italy; in the macabre tower room of the Volturi; where 
Jane had tortured Edward with her malignant gift; burning him with her thoughts alone。 。 。 。 
The memory snapped me out of my near hysteria and put everything in perspective。 Because I’d rather 

Victoria killed me a hundred times over than watch Edward suffer that way again。 
 “That’s funny;” Jacob said; laughing as he watched Edward’s face。 
 Edward winced; but smoothed his expression with a little effort。 He couldn’t quite hide the agony in his 
 I glanced; wideeyed; from Edward’s grimace to Jacob’s sneer。 
 “What are you doing to him?” I demanded。 
 “It’s nothing; Bella;” Edward told me quietly。 “Jacob just has a good memory; that’s all。” 
 Jacob grinned; and Edward winced again。 
 “Stop it! Whatever you’re doing。” 
 “Sure; if you want。” Jacob shrugged。 “It’s his own fault if he doesn’t like the things I remember; though。” 
 I glared at him; and he smiled back impishly — like a kid caught doing something he knows he shouldn’t 
by someone who he knows won’t punish him。 
 “The principal’s on his way to discourage loitering on school property;” Edward murmured to me。 “Let’s 
get to English; Bella; so you’re not involved。” 
 “Overprotective; isn’t he?” Jacob said; talking just to me。 “A little trouble makes life fun。 Let me guess; 
you’re not allowed to have fun; are you?” 
 Edward glowered; and his lips pulled back from his teeth ever so slightly。 
 “Shut up; Jake;” I said。 
 Jacob laughed。 “That sounds like a no。 Hey; if you ever feel like having a life again; you could e see 
me。 I’ve still got your motorcycle in my garage。” 
 This news distracted me。 “You were supposed to sell that。 You promised Charlie you would。” If I hadn’t 
begged on Jake’s behalf — after all; he’d put weeks of labor into both motorcycles; and he deserved some 
kind of payback — Charlie would have thrown my bike in a Dumpster。 And possibly set that Dumpster on 
 “Yeah; right。 Like I would do that。 It belongs to you; not me。 Anyway; I’ll hold on to it until you want it 
 A tiny hint of the smile I remembered was suddenly playing around the edges of his lips。 
 “Jake 。 。 。” 
 He leaned forward; his face earnest now; the bitter sarcasm fading。 “I think I might have been wrong 
before; you know; about not being able to be friends。 Maybe we could manage it; on my side of the line。 
e see me。” 
 I was vividly conscious of Edward; his arms still wrapped protectively around me; motionless as a stone。 I 
shot a look at his face — it was calm; patient。 
 “I; er; don’t know about that; Jake。” 
 Jacob dropped the antagonistic faade pletely。 It was like he’d forgotten Edward was there; or at 
least he was determined to act that way。 “I miss you every day; Bella。 It’s not the same without you。” 
 “I know and I’m sorry; Jake; I just 。 。 。” 
 He shook his head; and sighed。 “I know。 Doesn’t matter; right? I guess I’ll survive or something。 Who 
needs friends?” He grimaced; trying to cover the pain with a thin attempt at bravado。 
 Jacob’s suffering had always triggered my protective side。 It was not entirely rational — Jacob was hardly 
in need of any physical protection I could offer。 But my arms; pinned beneath Edward’s; yearned to reach out 
to him。 To wrap around his big; warm waist in a silent promise of acceptance and fort。 
 Edward’s shielding arms had bee restraints。 
 “Okay; get to class;” a stern voice sounded behind us。 “Move along; Mr。 Crowley。” 
 “Get to school; Jake;” I whispered; anxious as soon as I recognized the principal’s voice。 Jacob went to 
the Quileute school; but he might still get in trouble for trespassing or the equivalent。 
 Edward released me; taking just my hand and pulling me behind his body again。 
 Mr。 Greene pushed through the circle of spectators; his brows pressing down like ominous storm clouds 
over his small eyes。 
 “I mean it;” he was threatening。 “Detention for anyone who’s still standing here when I turn around again。” 
 The audience melted away before he was finished with his sentence。 
 “Ah; Mr。 Cullen。 Do we have a problem here?” 

“Not at all; Mr。 Greene。 We were just on our way to class。” 
“Excellent。 I don’t seem to recognize your friend。” Mr。 Greene turned his glower on Jacob。 “Are you a 
new student here?” 
Mr。 Greene’s eyes scrutinized Jacob; and I could see that he’d e to the same conclusion everyone 
else had: dangerous。 A troublemaker。 
“Nope;” Jacob answered; half a smirk on his broad lips。 
“Then I suggest you remove yourself from school property at once; young man; before I call the police。” 
Jacob’s little smirk became a fullblown grin; and I knew he was picturing
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