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3 eclipse月食-第章

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wolves; the leader of the Quileute pack。 But Jacob could never quite manage the perfect serenity Sam always 
I’d forgotten how much this face bothered me。 Though I’d gotten to know Sam pretty well before the 
Cullens had e back — to like him; even — I’d never been able to pletely shake the resentment I felt 
when Jacob mimicked Sam’s expression。 It was a stranger’s face。 He wasn’t my Jacob when he wore it。 
“You jumped to the wrong conclusion last night;” Edward murmured。 “He asked about school because he 
knew that I would be where you were。 He was looking for a safe place to talk to me。 A place with witnesses。” 
So I’d misinterpreted Jacob’s motives last night。 Missing information; that was the problem。 Information 
like why in the world Jacob would want to talk to Edward。 
“I’m not staying in the car;” I said。 
Edward groaned quietly。 “Of course not。 Well; let’s get this over with。” 
Jacob’s face hardened as we walked toward him; hand in hand。 
I noticed other faces; too — the faces of my classmates。 I noticed how their eyes widened as they took in 
all six foot seven inches of Jacob’s long body; muscled up the way no normal sixteenandahalfyearold ever 
had been。 I saw those eyes rake over his tight black tshirt — shortsleeved; though the day was 
unseasonably cool — his ragged; greasesmeared jeans; and the glossy black bike he leaned against。 Their 
eyes didn’t linger on his face — something about his expression had them glancing quickly away。 And I 
noticed the wide berth everyone gave him; the bubble of space that no one dared to encroach on。 
With a sense of astonishment; I realized that Jacob looked dangerous to them。 How odd。 
Edward stopped a few yards away from Jacob; and I could tell that he was unfortable having me so 
close to a werewolf。 He drew his hand back slightly; pulling me halfway behind his body。 
“You could have called us;” Edward said in a steelhard voice。 
“Sorry;” Jacob answered; his face twisting into a sneer。 “I don’t have any leeches on my speed dial。” 
“You could have reached me at Bella’s house; of course。” 
Jacob’s jaw flexed; and his brows pulled together。 He didn’t answer。 
“This is hardly the place; Jacob。 Could we discuss this later?” 
“Sure; sure。 I’ll stop by your crypt after school。” Jacob snorted。 “What’s wrong with now?” 
Edward looked around pointedly; his eyes resting on the witnesses who were just barely out of hearing 
range。 A few people were hesitating on the sidewalk; their eyes bright with expectation。 Like they were hoping 
a fight might break out to alleviate the tedium of another Monday morning。 I saw Tyler Crowley nudge Austin 
Marks; and they both paused on their way to class。 
“I already know what you came to say;” Edward reminded Jacob in voice so low that I could barely make 
it out。 “Message delivered。 Consider us warned。” 
Edward glanced down at me for a fleeting second with worried eyes。 
“Warned?” I asked blankly。 “What are you talking about?” 
“You didn’t tell her?” Jacob asked; his eyes widening with disbelief。 “What; were you afraid she’d take 
our side?” 
“Please drop it; Jacob;” Edward said in an even voice。 
“Why?” Jacob challenged。 
I frowned in confusion。 “What don’t I know? Edward?” 
Edward just glared at Jacob as if he hadn’t heard me。 
Jacob raised his eyebrow at me。 “He didn’t tell you that his big 。 。 。 brother crossed the line Saturday 
night?” he asked; his tone thickly layered with sarcasm。 Then his eyes flickered back to Edward。 “Paul was 

totally justified in —” 
“It was noman’s land!” Edward hissed。 
“Was not!” 
Jacob was fuming visibly。 His hands trembled。 He shook his head and sucked in two deep lungfuls of air。 
“Emmett and Paul?” I whispered。 Paul was Jacob’s most volatile pack brother。 He was the one who’d 
lost control that day in the woods — the memory of the snarling gray wolf was suddenly vividin my head。 
“What happened? Were they fighting?” My voice strained higher in panic。 “Why? Did Paul get hurt?” 
“No one fought;” Edward said quietly; only to me。 “No one got hurt。 Don’t be anxious。” 
Jacob was staring at us with incredulous eyes。 “You didn’t tell her anything at all; did you? Is that why you 
took her away? So she wouldn’t know that —?” 
“Leave now。” Edward cut him off midsentence; and his face was abruptly frightening — truly frightening。 
For a second; he looked like 。 。 。 like a vampire。 He glared at Jacob with vicious; unveiled loathing。 
Jacob raised his eyebrows; but made no other move。 “Why haven’t you told her?” 
They faced each other in silence for a long moment。 More students gathered behind Tyler and Austin。 I 
saw Mike next to Ben — Mike had one hand on Ben’s shoulder; like he was holding him in place。 
In the dead silence; all the details suddenly fell into place for me with a burst of intuition。 
Something Edward didn’t want me to know。 
Something that Jacob wouldn’t have kept from me。 
Something that had the Cullens and the wolves both in the woods; moving in hazardous proximity to each 
Something that would cause Edward to insist that I fly across the country。 
Something that Alice had seen in a vision last week — a vision Edward had lied to me about。 
Something I’d been waiting for anyway。 Something I knew would happen again; as much as I might wish it 
never would。 It was never going to end; was it? 
I heard the quick gasp; gasp; gasp; gasp of the air dragging through my lips; but I couldn’t stop it。 It 
looked like the school was shaking; like there was an earthquake; but I knew it was my own trembling that 
caused the illusion。 
“She came back for me;” I choked out。 
Victoria was never going to give up till I was dead。 She would keep repeating the same pattern — feint 
and run; feint and run — until she found a hole through my defenders。 
Maybe I’d get lucky。 Maybe the Volturi would e for me first — they’d kill me quicker; at least。 
Edward held me tight to his side; angling his body so that he was still between me and Jacob; and stroked 
my face with anxious hands。 “It’s fine;” he whispe
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