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3 eclipse月食-第章

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to throw 
himself in front of a bullet to save you or something。” 
I laughed; though I was still not able to meet her gaze。 “That’s a bad thing?” 
“No。” She frowned as she struggled for the words。 “It’s just different。 He’s very intense about you 。 。 。 
and very careful。 I feel like I don’t really understand your relationship。 Like there’s some secret I’m missing。 。 。 

“I think you’re imagining things; Mom;” I said quickly; struggling to keep my voice light。 There was a 
flutter in my stomach。 I’d forgotten how much my mother saw。 Something about her simple view of the world 
cut through all the distractions and pierced right to the truth of things。 This had never been a problem before。 
Until now; there had never been a secret I couldn’t tell her。 
“It’s not just him。” She set her lips defensively。 “I wish you could see how you move around him。” 
“What do you mean?” 
“The way you move — you orient yourself around him without even thinking about it。 When he moves; 
even a little bit; you adjust your position at the same time。 Like mags 。 。 。 or gravity。 You’re like a 。 。 。 
satellite; or something。 I’ve never seen anything like it。” 
She pursed her lips and stared down。 
“Don’t tell me;” I teased; forcing a smile。 “You’re reading mysteries again; aren’t you? Or is it scifi this 
Renée flushed a delicate pink。 “That’s beside the point。” 
“Found anything good?” 
“Well; there was one — but that doesn’t matter。 We’re talking about you right now。” 
“You should stick to romance; Mom。 You know how you freak yourself out。” 
Her lips turned up at the corners。 “I’m being silly; aren’t I?” 
For half a second I couldn’t answer。 Renée was so easily swayed。 Sometimes it was a good thing; 
because not all of her ideas were practical。 But it pained me to see how quickly she caved in to my trivializing; 
especially since she was dead right this time。 
She looked up; and I controlled my expression。 
“Not silly — just being a mom。” 
She laughed and then gestured grandly toward the white sands stretching to the blue water。 
“And all this isn’t enough to get you to move back in with your silly mom?” 
I wiped my hand dramatically across my forehead; and then pretended to wring my hair out。 
“You get used to the humidity;” she promised。 
“You can get used to rain; too;” I countered。 
She elbowed me playfully and then took my hand as we walked back to her car。 
Other than her worries about me; she seemed happy enough。 Content。 She still looked at Phil with goo 
goo eyes; and that was forting。 Surely her life was full and satisfying。 Surely she didn’t miss me that much; 
even now。 。 。 。 
Edward’s icy fingers brushed my cheek。 I looked up; blinking; ing back to the present。 He leaned 
down and kissed my forehead。 
“We’re home; Sleeping Beauty。 Time to awake。” 
We were stopped in front of Charlie’s house。 The porch light was on and the cruiser was parked in the 
driveway。 As I examined the house; I saw the curtain twitch in the living room window; flashing a line of yellow 
light across the dark lawn。 
I sighed。 Of course Charlie was waiting to pounce。 
Edward must have been thinking the same thing; because his expression was stiff and his eyes remote as 
he came to get my door for me。 
“How bad?” I asked。 
“Charlie’s not going to be difficult;” Edward promised; his voice level with no hint of humor。 “He missed 
My eyes narrowed in doubt。 If that was the case; then why was Edward tensed as if for a battle? 
My bag was small; but he insisted on carrying it into the house。 Charlie held the door open for us。 
“Wele home; kid!” Charlie shouted like he really meant it。 “How was Jacksonville?” 
“Moist。 And buggy。” 
“So Renée didn’t sell you on the University of Florida?” 
“She tried。 But I’d rather drink water than inhale it。” 
Charlie’s eyes flickered unwillingly to Edward。 “Did you have a nice time?” 
“Yes;” Edward answered in a serene voice。 “Renée was very hospitable。” 
“That’s 。 。 。 um; good。 Glad you had fun。” Charlie turned away from Edward and pulled me in for an 

unexpected hug。 
 “Impressive;” I whispered in his ear。 
 He rumbled a laugh。 “I really missed you; Bells。 The food around here sucks when you’re gone。” 
 “I’ll get on it;” I said as he let me go。 
 “Would you call Jacob first? He’s been bugging me every five minutes since six o’clock this morning。 I 
promised I’d have you call him before you even unpacked。” 
 I didn’t have to look at Edward to feel that he was too still; too cold beside me。 So this was the cause of 
his tension。 
 “Jacob wants to talk to me?” 
 “Pretty bad; I’d say。 He wouldn’t tell me what it was about — just said it was important。” 
 The phone rang then; shrill and demanding。 
 “That’s him again; I’d bet my next paycheck;” Charlie muttered。 
 “I got it。” I hurried to the kitchen。 
 Edward followed after me while Charlie disappeared into the living room。 
 I grabbed the phone midring; and twisted around so that I was facing the wall。 “Hello?” 
 “You’re back;” Jacob said。 
 His familiar husky voice sent a wave of wistfulness through me。 A thousand memories spun in my head; 
tangling together — a rocky beach strewn with driftwood trees; a garage made of plastic sheds; warm sodas 
in a paper bag; a tiny room with one toosmall shabby loveseat。 The laughter in his deepset black eyes; the 
feverish heat of his big hand around mine; the flash of his white teeth against his dark skin; his face stretching 
into the wide smile that had always been like a key to a secret door where only kindred spirits could enter。 
 It felt sort of like homesickness; this longing for the place and person who had sheltered me through my 
darkest night。 
 I cleared the lump from my throat。 “Yes;” I answered。 
 “Why didn’t you call me?” Jacob demanded。 
 His angry tone instantly got my back up。 “Because I’ve been in the house for exactly four seconds and 
your call interrupted Charlie telling me that you’d called。” 
 “Oh。 Sorry。” 
 “Sure。 Now; why are you harassing Charlie?” 
 “I need to talk to
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