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3 eclipse月食-第章

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will tie myself to you in every human way; before I ask you to make me immortal。 I’m following all the rules; 
Edward。 Your soul is far; far too important to me to take chances with。 You’re not going to budge me on 
“I’ll bet I could;” he murmured; his eyes burning again。 
“But you wouldn’t;” I said; trying to keep my voice level。 “Not knowing that this is what I really need。” 
“You don’t fight fair;” he accused。 
I grinned at him。 “Never said I did。” 
He smiled back; wistful。 “If you change your mind 。 。 。” 
“You’ll be the first to know;” I promised。 
The rain started to drip through the clouds just then; a few scattered drops that made faint thuds as they 
struck the grass。 
I glowered at the sky。 
“I’ll get you home。” He brushed the tiny beads of water from my cheeks。 
“Rain’s not the problem;” I grumbled。 “It just means that it’s time to go do something that will be very 
unpleasant and possibly even highly dangerous。” 
His eyes widened in alarm。 
“It’s a good thing you’re bulletproof。” I sighed。 “I’m going to need that ring。 It’s time to tell Charlie。” 
He laughed at the expression on my face。 “Highly dangerous;” he agreed。 He laughed again and then 
reached into the pocket of his jeans。 “But as least there’s no need for a side trip。” 
He once again slid my ring into place on the third finger of my left hand。 
Where it would stay — conceivably for the rest of eternity。 



“Jacob; do you think this is going to take too much longer?” Leah demanded。 Impatient。 Whiney。 
My teeth clenched together。 
Like anyone in the pack; Leah knew everything。 She knew why I came here — to the very edge of the 
earth and sky and sea。 To be alone。 She knew that this was all I wanted。 Just to be alone。 
But Leah was going to force her pany on me; anyway。 
Besides being crazy annoyed; I did feel smug for a brief second。 Because I didn’t even have to think about 
controlling my temper。 It was easy now; something I just did; natural。 The red haze didn’t wash over my eyes。 
The heat didn’t shiver down my spine。 My voice was calm when I answered。 
“Jump off a cliff; Leah。” I pointed to the one at my feet。 
“Really; kid。” She ignored me; throwing herself into a sprawl on the ground next to me。 “You have no idea 
how hard this is for me。” 
“For you?” It took me a minute to believe she was serious。 “You have to be the most selfabsorbed 
person alive; Leah。 I’d hate to shatter the dream world you livein — the one where the sun is orbiting the 
place where you stand — so I won’t tell you how little I care what your problem is。 Go。 Away。” 
“Just look at this from my perspective for a minute; okay?” she continued as if I hadn’t said anything。 
If she was trying to break my mood; it worked。 I started laughing。 The sound hurt in strange ways。 
“Stop snorting and pay attention;” she snapped。 
“If I pretend to listen; will you leave?” I asked; glancing over at the permanent scowl on her face。 I wasn’t 
sure if she had any other expressions anymore。 
I remembered back to when I used to think that Leah was pretty; maybe even beautiful。 That was a long 
time ago。 No one thought of her that way now。 Except for Sam。 He was never going to forgive himself。 Like it 
was his fault that she’d turned into this bitter harpy。 
Her scowl heated up; as if she could guess what I was thinking。 Probably could。 
“This is making me sick; Jacob。 Can you imagine what this feels like to me? I don’t even like Bella Swan。 
And you’ve got me grieving over this leechlover like I’m in love with her; too。 Can you see where that might 
be a little confusing? I dreamed about kissing her last night! What the hell am I supposed to do with that?” 
“Do I care?” 
“I can’t stand being in your head anymore! Get over her already! She’s going to marry that thing。 He’s 
going to try to change her into one of them! Time to move on; boy。” 
“Shut up;” I growled。 
It would be wrong to strike back。 I knew that。 I was biting my tongue。 But she’d be sorry if she didn’t 
walk away。 Now。 
“He’ll probably just kill her anyway;” Leah said。 Sneering。 “All the stories say that happens more often 
than not。 Maybe a funeral will be better closure than a wedding。 Ha。” 
This time I had to work。 I closed my eyes and fought the hot taste in my mouth。 I pushed and shoved 
against the slide of fire down my back; wrestling to keep my shape together while my body tried to shake 
When I was in control again; I glowered at her。 She was watching my hands as the tremors slowed。 
Some joke。 
“If you’re upset about gender confusion; Leah 。 。 。 ;” I said。 Slow; emphasizing each word。 “How do you 
think the rest of us like looking at Sam through your eyes? It’s bad enough that Emily has to deal with your 
fixation。 She doesn’t need us guys panting after him; too。” 
Pissed as I was; I still felt guilty when I watched the spasm of pain shoot across her face。 
She scrambled to her feet — pausing only to spit in my direction — and ran for the trees; vibrating like a 
tuning fork。 

I laughed darkly。 “You missed。” 
Sam was going to give me hell for that; but it was worth it。 Leah wouldn’t bug me anymore。 And I’d do it 
again if I had the chance。 
Because her words were still there; scratching themselves into my brain; the pain of it so strong that I 
could hardly breathe。 
It didn’t matter so much that Bella’d chosen someone else over me。 That agony was nothing at all。 That 
agony I could live with for the rest of my stupid; too long; stretchedout life。 
But it did matter that she was giving up everything — that she was letting her heart stop and her skin ice 
over and her mind twist into some crystallized predator’s head。 A monster。 A stranger。 
I would have thought there was nothing worse than that; nothing more painful in the whole world。 
But; if he killed her 。 。 。 
Again; I had to fight the rage。 Maybe; if not for Leah; it would be good to let the heat change me into a 
creature who could deal with it better。 A creature with instincts so much stronger than human emotions。 A
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